Esoteric glossary

Esoteric glossary

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They are the acronym for the American Association for the Advancement of the Science. Organization established in New York, which encompasses the official sciences that actively exist in the world. In 1969, at the proposal of the anthropologist Dr. Margaret Mead, parapsychology was accepted as a science, being represented by the Parapsychological Association, based on the quantitative studies carried out with ESP phenomena, since 1927 by Dr. Joseph Banks. Rhine, at Duke University, and which was later joined by research into Psychokinesis (PK).


Art of divination that is based on the use of abacuses or tables with prepared answers, which are chosen at random.


Ancient Gallic divinity, representation of the sun, the same powers as Apollo have been attributed to him.

Abhedananda (Swami)

(Kali Prasad Chandra, 1866-1939). Indian Vedantist philosopher, disciple of Ramakrishna and follower of the work of Vivekananda. Author of: Atma Jnana or Knowledge of the Self.


In occultism it designates a state of apparent death

Abra Cadabra

Kabbalistic voice (Kabalistic) that constitutes the formula of magical expression to which extraordinary powers are attributed and which means "Divine Expression"


Gnostic deity that has frequently appeared in papyri and gems, invented by Basilides. It is made up of seven letters whose numerical value is 365, which is the number of the spiritual powers that, according to Basilides, govern the universe, and which can be represented with a rooster's head, a human torso and two snakes as legs. .


This is the name given to paranormal insensitivity to fire. It is the same as Apyropathy or Pyrovasía.


According to Catholic doctrine, this is what the action of forgiving the sins of an individual is called. To carry out this action, you must be a priest with the jurisdiction granted, who can make said action valid.

Hypnotic Absorption

A subject in a hypnotic state is absorbed by the induced situation, living it intensely.


This is how the philosophical school founded by Plato in 385 BC is known. C., whose location was near the garden dedicated to Academos, a Greek hero of theological recognition. Later, the institution where the Platonic theses were developed was called that. There were Old, Middle and New academies.


It is the loss of the ability to carry out in a simultaneous and coordinated manner the various muscular movements that make up simple or complex voluntary movements. Eg. Walking disorders that are observed as "drunken gait"; The writing has shaky strokes and sharp edges.


Divinatory art through the interpretation of the figures formed by the stars.

Aquarius (Age of Aquarius)

In astronomical terms, the Age of Aquarius, which now begins and will last approximately 2,350 years. Esoterically, it refers to the Water Bearer, the Age of Maitreya, and the spiritual energy of Aquarius: that of synthesis and brotherhood.


Ringing in the ears. auditory sensations in the absence of external stimulus. They can be interpreted as paraphonic phenomena, voices from beyond the grave, etc.


Another divinatory art, but based on the use of pointed objects (pins, nails, needles, etc.).


Gnostic sect of the 2nd century that was founded by Carpocrates. Followers of the cult of Father Adam in paradise; They practiced promiscuity, rejecting marriage.


According to the "Genesis" of the various Christian, Hebrew and Catholic doctrines, he was the first man on earth, created by God to inhabit the earthly paradise, until he was tempted by the hidden presence of Satan, who appeared deceptively before Eve, causing them to be thrown out of said paradise.


A Master or a human being who, having traveled the path of evolution and entered its final stage, the Path of Initiation, has received five Initiations and, therefore, has penetrated into the fifth or spiritual realm, having to receive two initiations further.

Esoterically, it is the name given to the person who is initiated into the world of magical knowledge and has come to know and master two hermetic secrets of esotericism. In Alchemy the term is used to designate the person who has reached the end of his work.


The First, the primordial, the atomic plane of the solar system, the highest of the seven planes.


Loss of the ability to quickly carry out voluntary antagonistic movements. For example: alternate slapping the abdomen with the right hand and making a circle above the head with the left hand.


Secret place, chamber or room that existed in the esoteric Greek and Roman temples where the high priests and magicians of the time worked to perform their divinatory prodigies or Paranormal Phenomena with magical effects.

Fortune telling

Ability to foresee future events or discover hidden things through Extrasensory Perception (ESP) directly or using clairvoyance as support. Cards, crystal ball, coffee grounds, Pendulum, etc.


Predict the future or discover hidden things through probabilistic spells. Paranormal intuitive capacity that can advance knowledge of upcoming events.


(from the French adombrement; in English overshadowing) is the process by which a more evolved being can manifest part (or all) of its consciousness through a less evolved Being. It can be partial and temporary or more or less total and lasting. When used by the Spiritual Hierarchy of this and other planets, it is always done with the conscious cooperation and acceptance of the disciple. His free will is never infringed. It is the method that the Christ used to work through his disciple Jesus – “now the Master Jesus” – in Palestine.


System that consists of pronouncing an initiatory formula by which a person declares himself a disciple and follower of an entity, teaching or hermetic philosophy.


Divinatory art based on the air you breathe.

It is another method of divination by which, by observing the direction and effects of the wind on a handful of sand or grains as they fall to the ground after having been thrown into the air, once a precise riddle has been posed, they provide the fortune teller the desired forecast, for which he takes into account the cloud that forms with the dust.


Total inability to communicate through oral, written language, gestures or fasciculations.


Divinatory art based on the inspiration that emanates from the gods through their representative statues.

Another divinatory art that is based on the inspiration received from the gods, through the statues or images that represent them.


In parapsychology, this is the name given to a materialized appearance of a personality or spiritual entity.


Person who is responsible for physical effects phenomena, such as the movements of objects, or the famous poltergeist.

In telepathy, a person who mentally emits the information that must be transmitted to the telepathic receiver.

Agent (issuer)

That which, voluntarily or involuntarily, is the source of a phenomenon.


The Lord of Fire, in the Vedas. In India he is the oldest and most revered of the Gods. One of the three great deities, Agni, Vayu and Surya and also all three, for He is the triple aspect of fire. Fire is the essence of the solar system. The Bible says, "Our God is a consuming fire." He is also the symbol of the mental plane, of which Agni is the supreme Lord.

the science of fire From Constant Attention to Life. Of Serene expectation, without the mind proposing its most experienced solutions.


A group of fire devas.


Inability to recognize objects through the senses.


Name sometimes given to Clairvoyance, that is, the ability to see what is hidden.

Ajna (Ajna Center)

The energy center (chakra) between the eyebrows. Directing center of personality. Its correspondence on the physical level is the pituitary gland.


(Here Ben Joseph, 50-132 AD). Rabbi and Hebrew Kabbalist, founder of the Jaffa rabbinical school and teacher of Simeon Ben Jochai. He collected the esoteric Hebrew Kabbalistic traditions and systematized the Sepher Yetzirah that is normally attributed to him. According to occult tradition he was the only one of the prophets who achieved initiation.

Al Hallaj

(Huseein Ibn Mansur, 866-922). Sufi mystic, disciple of the famous Master Junsid of Baghdad. He then preached his own doctrine in India and Turkestan, returning later to Baghdad, where he was sentenced to death apparently for having publicly expounded the Occult Doctrine. However, years later he was highly revered. * In his Christmas Message 1967-1968, Master Samael dedicates an entire chapter to the history of this Great Master, in which he calls him "The Sufi Christ", "The Omnicosmic".

Albert Einstein

(1879-1955) German Physicist, born in Ulm, naturalized as an American in 1940. Author of numerous studies in theoretical physics, he formulated the Theory of Relativity, of utmost importance in modern science. Endowed with lofty feelings, he constantly intervened in favor of peace. Nobel Prize 1921. It is said that at the end of his life he learned about the Gnostic Mysteries.

Albert Jounet

(1863-1923). French esotericist, author and poet. A student of religions, Kabbalah and metaphysics, he was a member of the Theosophical Society and under his patronage a Liberal Catholic Church was founded in Paris in 1910, which brought together a number of occultists.

Albert Pike

(1809-1891). American esotericist, lawyer and Freemason. He performed several tasks and acted in two wars, reaching the rank of brigadier general. He stood out especially in Freemasonry for his revision of rituals in connection with Hermeticism.

Alberto Magno

(1206-1280), German Scholastic Philosopher, of the Dominican Order. One of the most universal spirits of the Middle Ages, he introduced Aristotelianism into Theology, which he knew how to combine with the physical-chemical-natural sciences. He achieved fame as a magician for his alchemical and physical experiments. His writings, especially "THE Grimoire of Albert the Great", are well known in esoteric circles.


(Abu Maaschar, 805-885) Arab astrologer and astronomer who lived in Baghdad. His Introductiorum Astronomiun and other astrological works translated into Latin exerted great influence on the development of astrology in the Middle Ages.


It is known as dependent on some chance event. A distribution is called random in parapsychology when chance intervenes in the procedure.


Using birds as an element, especially the completely black hen, or a white rooster.

Aleister Crowley

(1875-1947) Irish Occultist. Called Master Therion, he was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientis, founding in 1905 his own group, the Astrum Argenteom. A strange and multifaceted personality, miracle-working powers were attributed to him as well as the practice of pagan rites, ritual murders, etc., which made him the most contested personality in esoteric circles. He presumed to identify with the Beast of the Apocalypse. At the beginning of this century, on a trip to Egypt with his wife Rose Kelly, he received, through an entity that identified itself as his Holy Guardian Angel, called Aiwass, what would be the guide book of the pseudo-esoteric current that Crowley founded (the Thelemite current, from Thelema = will) the Liber Alvel Legis or Book of the Law, Author of: Magick, (containing his gospel for humanity), 777, etc.


This is what the prediction of the future through the fortune cookie is called.

Alexandre Aksakoff

(1838-1903) Russian spiritualist and metaphysical researcher. His book Animism and Spiritism (1890) reached worldwide distribution.


(Abu Hami Al-Ghazali, 1058-1111). Persian Sufi philosopher and mystic. The greatest figure of Sufism, he attempted through his works the reconciliation and assimilation of Sufism into orthodox Muslim theology. He is the author of important philosophical works, where he permeates the Aristotelian theses.

Alice A. Bailey

(1880-1949). English esotericist and author. In her youth she was part of a theosophical center in Los Angeles, later founding the Arcana School and The Beacon magazine. Her numerous works have been inspired or dictated by Master D.K (the Tibetan), through the faculty of clairaudience that the author possessed. Works: Esoteric Psychology, Treatise on the Seven Rays, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, etc.


It is pure Space, if it is possible for us to give a synthetic definition of this idea. We are told of this essence as an incredibly magical "universal solvent", which contains within itself the germ of all known substances and is the natural principle of all atomic elements that carry out their evolution in the vast bosom of Nature. This is pure, uncontaminated "primordial ether" as it exists in virgin Space, and according to occult teaching, this essence is the only element, substance, or essence within any spatial or intermolecular zone that is truly free from karma. This hiddenly defined point is ALKAHEST, a Sanskrit name that means the total absence of the struggle between different polarities, a point where the creative energy of everything that exists exists. V.B.A.

Allan Kardec

(Hipollyte Leon Denizard Rivail, 1804-1869). French spiritualist and pedagogue. Pestalozzi collaborator. He worked as a teacher and since 1865 he dedicated himself to the dissemination and codification of the Spiritist doctrine. He founded the Revue Spirite and the Societe Parisienne d’Etudes Spirites. His work Le livre d' sprits (the Book of Spirits) became the basic text of spiritualism, which he configured into a coherent philosophical-moral doctrinal system. His personality occupies an exceptional place within the spiritualism of all times. * Samael studied his works, as did Krumm-Heller and both found elements that helped them in their search for the truth, however, they did not share the processes of mediumship, both qualifying them as Black Magic.


Ego. egoic body. Point of consciousness of any being. In humans, it is a self-conscious entity that survives for many lives. It acts as an intermediary between the monad and the personality, until at the fourth initiation or crucifixion, it is destroyed (the tearing of the veil) and the monad (Father in heaven) and the personality are unified, and the personality becomes aware of its divinity. The Soul (Ego, Higher Self, inner ruler, the inner Christ, Son of Mind, Solar Angel)? The true being. The Higher Being. The Solar Angel. The reflection of the Monad on the plane of the soul. The binding principle between Spirit and matter; between God and the form of him. It provides consciousness, character and quality to all manifestation in form.

Metaphysical essence of the human being that constitutes the Spiritual Breath that activates the life of man. It is the Nephesh of the Hebrews and the Psyche of the Greeks.


Synonym of salimancy. Salimancy is understood as divination by means of salt.

This is what the art of divination using salt is called. See Salimancy.


This is known as a paranormal phenomenon where a sensitive subject observes the inside of the body of another subject. It is also known as Autoscopy.

Alphonse Louis Constant

(Elifas Levi, Zahed 1810-1875). French esotericist, cabalist and author. He became a deacon but was expelled from the seminary, probably for his too liberal acts and for showing too much interest in the occult sciences. He was Master of several Masonic rites and initiate of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. A member of the Frates Lucis, he is considered one of the highest and most important Occult Personalities of the last century. He is the author of: Dogma and Ritual of High Magic, History of Magic, The Book of Splendors, etc. * Samael confirms his Mastery, quotes him frequently and tells us some of his experiences with this Master.


Alchemy is not only about carrying out the great work (work of the Sun) (turning metals into gold) but it demonstrates that the mineral principles are alive and have memory and the ability to react. The operation is something else and sometimes it is inseparable from chemistry to obtain certain compounds (PHILOSOPHICAL SULFUR PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY AND SALT OF THE PHILOSOPHERS.

Transmutation of poor metals into gold. Search for the Philosopher's Stone, source of eternal youth.

It is the management of the theses and practices of the ancient chemists, who promoted modern chemistry. It was developed for mystical and philosophical purposes, as well as to cure some illnesses.

Occult science born in the first centuries of our Era, widely practiced in the Middle Ages and which, later, gave birth to chemistry. Its mystique of naturalistic and transformist contents was united in the art of transmuting metals into gold using a magical element called the Philosopher's Stone. Alchemy finds its esoteric apogee in the hermetic doctrine of the Ars Magna or Royal Art, the basis of the occult ideologies of the Renaissance.


Perception of something that does not exist materially and that occurs in the subject due to disturbance of the senses.


Drugs that produce hallucinatory phenomena.


the Buddha of infinite light, the supreme Buddha, one of the seven dhyani budhas of Mahayana Buddhism and currently one of the most revered gods in Asia. According to tradition Amithaba was a bhikshu called Dharmakara who by his sanctity became worthy of the state of Buddha. He then made a vow not to enter Nirvana until he was allowed to transmit to others a part of the merits that he had been accumulating. All beings who invoked him with a pure heart would be sure to obtain liberation.


Total or partial loss of memory.

It is a period of total or partial absence of memory in an individual. Partial or total loss of memory. Inability to evoke or remember past experiences (retrograde) or recent experiences (anterograde). Loss of the ability to remember recent and/or old events, temporary or lasting, may be progressive, partial or total with multiple etiologies.


Portable object to which, probably due to superstition, a magical virtue is attributed. They began to be widely used in ancient Egypt.


They are the paranormal manifestations generated or presented in animals.


THE TWO SEXES IN ONE BEING. Traditions from east and west, north and south, agree, with a strange unanimity, in affirming that the first being that saw the light lacked sexual differentiation: it was male and female at the same time. The Greeks called him Androgyne, from Andros, male, and Ginos, female.


From the Greek messenger (angelus), spiritual beings that are superior to man are called this way, and the Bible divides them into good and evil. Some classifications are: Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubs, Virtues, etc.

Guardian angel

Entity linked to a soul, who life after life keeps the karma and ensures that the lesson to be learned occurs with the minimum possible energy expenditure.

Angel of the Presence

The Ego in its plane. The Soul attentive to Life and present in the initiations.

Solar Angel

Entity that chained itself to a divine monad to act as an intermediary between it and the personality. This angel is responsible for vitalizing the ego or soul. This myth is represented by Prometheus chained to the human stone.


It is the synonym for Alma, which Christianity assigns.


In ethnography, this refers to the beliefs of primitive people regarding the presence of supposed spirits within natural phenomena. The term Animism was developed at the end of the 19th century, by the English anthropologist Edward B. Tylor. In Spiritism, this is the name given to paranormal psychic phenomena that are produced by the unconscious released in the trance of a medium, and not by external generation.

Annie Besant

(1847-1939). Theosophist, social reformer and speaker of Irish origin. A distinguished disciple of H.P.B., she held the Presidency of the Adyar Theosophical Society from 1907 until her death. She has been one of the most notable figures in the field of modern Theosophy. Works: Ancient Wisdom, Genealogy of Man, Man and his bodies, etc. *Master Samael mentions it to us on several occasions, especially regarding the "Krisnamurti Case".


(or Antaskarana). The path or bridge between the lower and higher minds, which serves as a means of communication between the two. It is constructed by the aspirant with mental matter. Invisible channel of light that forms the bridge between the physical brain and the soul, built through meditation and service.


We know something about the earthly life of CHRIST, in his role as bearer of the LOVE of the FATHER, absolute detachment from earthly values, whose kingdom was not of this world. Whose commandments were: Love your neighbor as yourself and be perfect as the Father is in heaven. The ANTICHRIST is the one who has his kingdom in this world, is tied to material goods and spreads only hatred, fear, etc. It is the Energy of the Will aspect of God, in the involutional phase of it, that destroys old forms and relationships, for example at the end of an era, to prepare the way for the constructive forces of the Christ Principle. Manifested in Roman times through Emperor Nero and in modern times through Hitler and six of his collaborators.


The Anunakis for the Sumerians are the fallen Angels.


Without parents, according to the Secret Doctrine.


Interpret the meaning of chance encounters with animals.


It is the hallucinatory image of a subject, living or dead. It is attributed to the psycho-visual manifestation of a spirit or soul of a deceased person. In parapsychology, this is the name given to a hallucination with telepathic or paranormal causes; however, in spiritualism, this is the name given to the visual materialization of a spirit in tangible or intangible form.


Hallucinatory image of a living or dead person.

Images received by some people in the phenomena of "enchantments". Its existence is not proven, it could be hallucinations.


Synonym of Absephalesia and Pyrovasia.


Hellenic deity, son of Zeus, for Greek culture. Considered the god of medicine and the arts, it is said that he possessed great physical beauty.

Apollonius of Tyana

(D. in 97 BC) Neoplatonic philosopher and Greek miracle worker, the greatest figure of magic in Classical Antiquity. The biography of him written by Filostrato narrates his miracles, which made him a pagan equivalent of Christ. He declared himself preceptor of humanity, visited the temples, corrected customs and preached the reform of all abuses. He was accused of magic and locked up in a dungeon where, after humiliating him by cutting his hair and beard, they chained him. He was banished and died shortly after. But after his death they paid him divine honors. He possessed the gift of Clairvoyance very developed. *The Master mentions it repeatedly and in Gnostic esotericism his "Twelve Hours of Apollonius" are well known, which represent the stages of Initiation.


Material object that crosses a physical barrier, such as a wall, and that can subsequently disappear, even if the object has been locked in a safe.

Phenomenon that metapsychists describe as spontaneous appearances and disappearances of objects, without any logical explanation.

It is the penetration of a materialized object into a closed place, without the intervention of visible physical force. Paranormal apparition. Material object that crosses a physical barrier, such as a wall, and that can subsequently disappear, even if the object has been locked in a safe. See also Hyloclasty.


Inability to perform a useful act skillfully and with purpose, in the absence of paralysis. This type of alteration manifests itself in all previously learned activities, for example: eating, writing, turning a doorknob, etc.


Term derived from the Basque words Ake-Larren-Larrea, which means: meeting in the goat meadow. Witch meeting. Synonym of SABBAT.

Word derived from the Basque terms Aker-Larren-Larrea, which means: goat, interpretation of a witchcraft meeting. It is also synonymous with Sabbat.


Reading the silk trail that a spider leaves while weaving its web.

Akashic Archive

"Everything that happens is impressed in the akasha." Subtle medium that permeates all material things. It can be seen (consulted) by mental energy.


Ancient form of numerology, art of predicting through numbers.

Arnold of Villanova

(1235-1313). Doctor, alchemist, astrologer and naturalist of Spanish origin. He considered the highest astrological authority of his time. * The Master defines him as a great alchemist and quotes some of his aphorisms.

Arnold Krumm-Heller

(Guru Huiracocha, 1876-1949). German occultist and doctor. He acted in more than twenty esoteric movements, including the Ordo Templis Orientis and the A.A., Master Mason with degrees 3, 33, 96, titled as Sovereign Commander of the Ancient Rosigruce Fraternity (F.R.A., which he himself founded) and Archbishop of the Gnostic Church. He is one of the most prominent figures in Modern Occultism. Works: Biorhythm, Tatwameter, Esoteric Rose, Zodiacal Course, Sacred Plants, Rosicrucian Novel, etc. * Master Samael tells us about Master Huiracocha in many of his works, describing the great gifts of this sublime Master.


Aromatherapy has been present in all civilizations of the ancient world, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to Greece and Rome, where its value was equivalent to that of gold and precious stones. Just think about the magic of capturing an aroma, perpetuating it and anointing our body with it. Its application is through essential oils or natural aromatic essences with the aim of achieving well-being and preventing diseases that affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Since they volatilize at room temperature, essential oils act by intensely stimulating the sense of smell, which is 200 times stronger than taste. Its extraction is carried out through distillation and cold pressing, so its concentration is extremely high; For example, five tons of rose petals are required to produce 1 liter of essential oil from this flower, or one ton of jasmine for each liter. The physical properties of essential oils are their volatility and diffusion. In general, if they are left in contact with air they evaporate completely. In 1800, a French perfumer classified essences based on the scale of notes, taking the musical staff as a reference: high, medium and low. The high note is the fastest to evaporate, it has an immediate effect on the body, soul and spirit and the low note has a relaxing effect, lasting longer. The chemical properties of essential oils depend on the presence of the active ingredients, such as alcohols that have antiseptic and toning properties; aleids that have sedative and antiseptic properties; esters with fungicidal and sedative properties; ketones, which help balance mucus secretion; terpenes, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Therefore, essential oils have some of the following therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antibacterial, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative, toning, rebalancing, purifying, antirheumatic and aphrodisiac, among others. The effectiveness of essential oils is due to the fact that their absorption through the skin is excellent and through the lymphatic system, they reach all organs. Through inhalations, they first achieve an effect on the nerve cells that precede smell and through breathing they reach the blood and organs. For proper conservation, essential oils must be stored in amber glass bottles, due to their sensitivity to temperature and light. They should never be left within the reach of children. NOTE: We must always go to the doctor.

This is the name given to the new science of healing through aromas.

black art

It works with the formation of artificial elementals and thought forms, as above, but in this case, the thought is sexual in nature. It generates astral bodies called incubi (male) and succubi (female). Each of them adheres to the aura of the woman or man and absorbs their magnetic prio. They cause sexual lack of control in the person to whom this magic was directed, or the inability to develop a full sexual-spiritual life.


Legendary Welsh chief, who encouraged the resistance of the Celts to the Anglo-Saxon conquest (end of the 5th century - beginning of the 6th century) and whose adventures gave rise to the so-called Arthurian Cycle, also called the Breton Cycle, hero of ancient England, founder of the knights of the Round Table, characters dedicated to the Mysteries of the Holy Grail. His myth constitutes one of the most beautiful and profound epics of Esotericism.

Arthur E. Powell

Theosophist and English soldier, compiler of numerous works on esoteric topics, such as: The Etheric Double, The Astral Body, etc.

Arthur Edward Waite

(1867-1940). American esotericist scholar of the Western tradition, Freemason, and author. He wrote more than two hundred works on occult themes, which occupy a prominent place in the field of hermetic research.


This is how the priests of ancient Rome were called, whose mission was to predict the future through the viscera of the victims of sacred sacrifices.


Reading the entrails of dead animals, one of the greatest arts in the time of the Etruscans, who brought it to the Roman courts.


The group of a Master. In the Spiritual Hierarchy there are 49 ashramas, seven main and 42 subsidiary, at the head of each one is a Master of Wisdom. Center or state of consciousness, where Masters gather disciples and aspirants to receive personal instruction.


Alteration of the faculty of association of elementary movements during the performance of complex acts.

It is the alteration of the association capacity of elementary physical movements during the performance of complex acts.


Voluntary fasting that is sometimes prolonged indefinitely, especially in acts of great mysticism.

Attributed to the saints and elect. It is voluntary fasting that is sometimes prolonged indefinitely, especially in acts of great mysticism.


Someone who aspires to the higher spiritual life (in any of its many departments and definitions). Normally it means aspirant to Discipleship.


In short, ASSYAH is the fourth plane in which the Shekhina is incorporated, it is the world of action. To that degree the light has been weakened to allow the beings of the material worlds to subsist. From that assyahtic world (pronounced Asian), man extracts his instinctive principle, which is in relation to Nephesh (physical-psychological organism). That world of Assyah is considered "factual" by the Qabbalists, it is the residence of the sephira "Malcuth" (the tenth of the Tree). He is the so-called factitious (factivus), perhaps because it is the most material plane, it is the plane of action (but also of the mirage of life).


Reading the shapes left by the bones thrown by the operator when they fell to the ground.


Orientalist concept that refers to the supposed stages, levels or planes of the Being. The astral body would be a fluid, intangible and floating energy around the physical body.


It is one of the divinatory arts, which determines the influence of the stars on events and the course of humanity, allowing predictions to be made from them. Babylon was the cradle of astrology, since its priests were astrologers and astronomers by profession.

Divinatory art determined by the study of the movement of the stars. Born in Chaldea, she establishes a relationship between the human body and the planets and signs of the Zodiac. Current astronomy is governed, in general terms, by Ptolemy's scheme that places the planet Earth as the center of the universe. In recent years, a new concept of scientific astrology known as Conditional has been born.


Astronomy is the science that deepens its study of the appearance, observation, movement and constitution of celestial bodies.


Oven of the alchemists in which the bowl containing the transmutable ball was placed. By cooking this ball composed of sulfur and mercury, the Philosopher's Stone was obtained after different operations.


The continent that was submerged between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, according to Plato and occult teaching. Atlantis was the home of the fourth root race, which we now call Atlantean. He performed the task of perfecting the astral or emotional body.

The ancient land from which the Atlanteans emerged, 4th. Race or culture that disappeared, and that supposedly sank to the depths of what is now the Atlantic Ocean.


The universal Spirit, the divine Monad; the seventh principle, as it is called in the septenary constitution of man.

Permanent Atoms

The three atoms of matter - physical, astral and mental - around which bodies are formed for a new incarnation. They retain the vibratory level of the individual at the moment of death, guaranteeing that the evolutionary energetic 'status' achieved up to that moment will be transmitted in successive lives. They constitute stable and relatively permanent centers, literally being small centers of strength and consciousness.


ATZILUTH is a Hebrew term that means "concentrated emanation", but uncreated. It is by materializing the notion that the atomic shape varies with the number of atoms that constitute the different simple bodies, that the Qabbalistic Tradition qualifies as "atziluth" which appears as a morphogenic energy. Indeed, in this uncreated world, it is the potentiality of the forces that are willing to manifest. The symbol of this effect is characterized by the so-called Universal Flood (we have also seen the question of Tohu and Bohu) and the matrix in which the species will be promulgated is described as Thebah (that which Christians have symbolized by the Ark of Noah).


Prediction through observation of bird flight and its interpretation.


Invisible subtle fluid or essence that emanates from human and animal bodies and also from things. Psychic effluvium that belongs to the mind and the body, being electrovital and also electromental.

Generally colored emanation, perceived by certain clairvoyants, around the human body and sometimes, around animals and plants.

Luminescence around living beings, according to occultists. For some parapsychologists it would be a type of energy that accompanies the body, which they call bioplasma.

Golden, Number

Proportional division of the Renaissance that is equal to 0.618033... appears decisively in the pyramid of Cheops, in prehistoric drawings and megaliths, and in most alchemical and hermetic magical symbols such as: magical stars, lauburus, swastikas, Basque stelae, Templar Maltese cross, etc. It is said that also in Chartres Cathedral. M. Marutaev and J.A. Echagüe demonstrated that it appears at planetary distances from the sun, in DNA molecules, in the carbon atom, etc.


(Sri, 1872-1950). Indian philosopher and mystic. Educated in England, he acquired great culture and participated in the emancipation movement of his homeland. In 1910 he retired to Pondichery, where he founded the famous Aurobindo Ashram and spent the rest of his life in mystical contemplation and writing his books. He is considered one of the greatest mystics and commentators on the sacred scriptures of modern India.


Indifference towards reality, with withdrawal into oneself and predominance of phantasmic mental creations.

Spontaneous self-combustion

See Biopyrogenesis.

It is also called Biopyrogenesis.


Paranormal capacity of a subject to perform a doubling.


Technique developed for the provocation of the hypnotic state produced by the individual himself. It is an Autosuggestion.

It is the technique that causes a hypnotic state, generated by the individual himself. It is a self-suggestion.


This is the name, in parapsychology, of all paranormal actions carried out by a subject in a state of unconsciousness, that is, without the participation of human will.


Warning that we receive, normally in dreams, of something that is going to happen to us.

It is the ability to sense some future event involving oneself. Warning that we receive, normally in dreams, of something that is going to happen to us.


Interior vision or the ability to see the body's own internal organs.

It is a paranormal phenomenon in which a subject can see himself as an alien or strange observer. Internal Autoscopy is also known, which is the same as Alloscopy; inner vision or the ability to see the body's own internal organs.


Psychic phenomenon in which our imaginative mind creates a fixed idea that takes shape and settles in our psyche in the form of an obsession, until it becomes a subjective reality influencing our personality.

Phenomenon attributed in psychology, where our imaginative mind creates a fixed idea that takes volume and settles in our psyche, in the form of obsession, until it becomes a subjective reality influencing the personality of the individual.


one of the main Bodhisattwas of Mahayana Buddhism. The cult of him has spread especially in Japan and Tibet. He is one of the representations of the Cosmic Christ.


Spiritual being that 'descends' in response to the call and need of humanity. There are human, planetary and cosmic avatars. The latter would be called "Divine Incarnations." His teachings, correctly understood and gradually applied by humanity, expand our understanding and present the next step forward in the evolutionary development of humanity.

Synthesis Avatar

A great cosmic Being who embodies the energies of Will, Love, Intelligence and other energy for which we do not yet have a name. Especially since the year 1940, He has been sending these energies into the world, gradually transforming division into unity.


Their common attribute is that they have been on Earth as humans. Their task is to return in channeling to offer us instruction and teaching for ascension, their information is very practical for us as they have the perspective of having been here before themselves.


(Abu'Ali Ibn'Abdullah Ibn Sina, 980-1037). Arab physician and philosopher. He is responsible for the classification of sciences used in the Middle Ages. He cultivated alchemy and astrology and the Latin translation of his alchemical writings spread that science in Europe. Many Neoplatonic elements are found in his philosophical doctrine.


Reading the shape and wear that the jet takes when melted. This was used especially in Galicia.


Group of factors that complement and combine in the undetermined cause of some event.


Star that caused great cataclysms when it fell to the earth before the flood according to archaic Tibetan writings.


(Reverend Father). Indian Master who according to tradition resides in the gorges of the Himalayas, in the company of a select group of disciples and who retains the appearance of a young man of 18 years. He was the Guru of Lahiri Mahayasa. * Master Samael tells us about the immortal Babaji and his sister (priest wife) Mataji, in his work The Perfect Marriage.


who was later considered a demon, was initially heir to the head of Thoth, which according to the Egyptian initiates, was a head of gold that spoke and responded by itself.


Synonym of Magician.

Bagavad Gita

It is part of the Mahabarata. The meeting between Krishna and Arjuna, the soul and the personality, is described. The advice or teachings that Krishna gives you so you know how to discern and understand the divinity that is in that body.

Bailey, Alice A.

Initiate and amanuensis of Master Djwhal Khul (DK), Who dictated the intermediate teachings for the new era through superior telepathy and through the soul. These teachings are contained in Alice Bailey's books published by the Lucis Trust, and represent the middle phase of the teachings for the new age. Founder of the Arcane School, which teaches the principles of Ageless Wisdom, through esoteric meditation, study and service

Low astral

According to Occultism and Spiritualism, there are various dimensional planes, or levels of spiritual evolution, characterized by the type of energy that moves and develops in them. The lower astral is the minimum lower level, where negative and evil beings live, such as Demons.


the yoga of devotion, of worship to the god.


(155-223) Gnostic philosopher, astrologer and Syrian poet. He composed a series of writings and hymns, which are the basis of a speculative mystical system of astrology.


Recognition of objects by means of their weight.


Philosopher and theologian, who in Alexandria in the 2nd century AD. He initiated a series of doctrinal and gnostic movements that evidenced the existence of a single god, ruler of all universes.

(II century) Alexandrian philosopher, one of the founders of Gnosticism. Its system of Neoplatonic inclination and in which magic and astrology are important, describes the existence of divine forces (Abraxas) in a decreasing series of splendor through numerous emanations. The organization of the group of his disciples is similar to the symbolic structure in the Pythagorean manner. He was the inventor of the word "Abracadabra", which was used as a Magic Key by the Kabbalists. His works have been lost. His disciples were called "Basilidians."

Basilio Valentin

(Basilis Valentine) 15th century German hermetic alchemist and philosopher. He has been an enigmatic figure in the History of Alchemy and is credited with the discovery of Antimony and Bismuth. *Master Samael tells us about "The Twelve Keys of Basilio Valentin", as keys to the interpretation of Alchemy.


(Ludwing Van, 1770-1827) was initiated into Freemasonry and is a Master of the Music Ray. A great devotee of the Divine Mother Kundalini, tradition says that he always had a bust of the goddess Neith on his piano. * Master Samael tells us that in the Temple of Music (6th Dimension) he serves as guardian.


Ancient deity of the Philistines, known as the prince of demons.

Bernard Theos

(?U1947) American esotericist and author. With a doctorate in law and philosophy, he toured India and Tibet, practicing yoga and other mystical doctrines.

Bernard of Trevisano

(1406-1490) Italian alchemist of noble family, deeply knowledgeable of the hidden nature of metals, whose search for alchemical secrets, traveling through Europe and the East, consumed his life and fortune. However, according to tradition, at the age of 76 success crowned his efforts.


Sacred book or Holy Scriptures, made up of 72 books that, supposedly, contain all the spiritual truth, subject to hieroglyphic and symbolic interpretations. It is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The first is written in Hebrew, which when translated into various languages, opens the possibility that the version we know is not as faithful to the original.


Divination of the future through words, phrases or verses taken at random from a book, especially the Bible.


Synonym of Bilocation.

Double body; synonymous with Bilocation.


Simultaneous presence of a person, in two different places. Parapsychology has shown that certain cases of bilocation are nothing more than cases of telepathy.

It designates the Unfolding, that is, the projection of a double of the body outside of it.

Also known as Ubiquity or Duplication, it is the simultaneous presence of a person in two different places; in one physically and in another mentally. Parapsychology has been able to demonstrate that some cases of bilocation are nothing more than telepathy phenomena.

It designates the Unfolding, that is, the projection of a double of the body outside of it.


The Holy Spirit Binah is the Holy Spirit, he is the Third Logos, the Lord Shiva of the Hindustanis, who manifests himself as SEXUAL POWER in everything that is, has been and will be. The Holy Spirit is the Sexual Force that we see in the pistils of flowers, that which is expressed in the Creative Organs of all living species; wonderful force without which the universe could not exist.


It is the synonym of new age science to define Extrasensory Perception (ESP).


It is the synonym of new age science to define Psychokinesis (PK).


Modification of the cellular tissues of the human organism that causes them to emit flashes of their own light.

It is the modification of the cellular tissues of the human organism that causes them to emit flashes of their own light. Synonymous with self-illumination or self-luminescence.


Ability to control and neutralize biological functions.


Biological self-production of fires in the person's own body that causes combustion of the organism due to internal ignition that manifests itself in the form of bluish flames that arise through the different natural orifices of the body and cause Spontaneous Human Combustion (SCH).


Energy that accompanies living beings, according to some Russian researchers.

Unknown type of energy produced by living organic matter. Its typical research method is the Kirlian camera that reproduces its different colorimetric spectra and which, scientifically, are called Efluviograms.


It applies to those gifted capable of freeing themselves from nervous energy, also called Telergic, in favor of other people.


Synonym of telergy; physical energy.

It is also known as Bioenergy and Telergy; physical energy.

Blavatsky, Helena P.

Initiate and founder of the Theosophical Society. She was the amanuensis of the Tibetan Master, from whom she telepathically received The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled, written at the end of the 19th century. She revealed to the world the existence of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters. This represents the preparatory phase of the teachings for the new era, giving a broad description of cosmic processes and man's relationship with them.


"Blind Mating" method used in ESP tests with Zener cards.

It is thus abbreviated to the basic method of parapsychology, used in the ESP test with Zener cards.


(470-543). Buddhist monk and missionary of the Mahayana school. He traveled to China around the year 526 and later founded the Ch'an school (dhyana) there, which later gave rise to Zen Buddhism in Japan. Bodhidharma is the eighth Patriarch of Hindu Buddhism and the first of Chinese Buddhism. He is known in Japan by the name of Daruma and in China by the name of Ta'mo.


It literally means one whose consciousness has been transformed into intelligence or budhi. Those who only need one more incarnation to become perfect Buddhas. Bodhisattva is the title of office currently held by Lord Maitreya, known in the West as Christ. This position can also be translated as World Teacher. The Bodhisattva is the Guide of all the religions of the world and the Instructor of Angels and Masters. He is also the name given to a Buddha who has renounced nirvana to serve the world. The Hindus wait for the teacher of the world under this name.

Crystal ball

Crystal sphere or oval used in crystallomancy.

Staring at a perfectly polished ball, behind which the light of a candle usually shines, can cause self-hypnosis or hallucination phenomena.


Slow response to any stimulus.


Practice that consists of a series of magical and esoteric acts aimed at worshiping the devil, pursuing only evil.

It is an ancient method to modify actions and the course of acts, through spells or techniques implemented by Alchemy. Previously, those who practiced witchcraft were considered to have a pact with the Devil or evil entities. In medieval and Renaissance times, any person who showed any indication of knowledge or activities outside the ordinary and good customs was considered a witch. The Holy Inquisition caused true holocausts during the 13th to 17th centuries, during the time when the persecution of witchcraft led thousands of people to die at the stake.


"Basic Technique" method used in ESP tests and specifically in clairvoyance.

It is the "Basic Technique" method used in parapsychology, in the ESP test and specifically in Clairvoyance phenomena.


Name given to Gautama. Born in India around 620 BC. During the full moon of Taurus, within the Sakya Family. Legend says that he attained the rank of Buddha in 592 BC. The Buddha, the "Enlightened One", has reached the highest initiatory degree that man can obtain in this planetary system. He is currently an ambassador of the Solar Logos to the Logos of Sirius. He holds the 9th planetary initiation. (VBA) he will soon give up “his garments” to the Christ and will no longer be linked to the Earth (MT).

In metaphysics, it is the maximum spiritual state and absolute enlightenment. In Southeast Asia, the divine manifestation of the one god is known as this, based on Hinduism.

(Sidharta Gautama Sakyamuni, 563-483 BC) Indian prince, founder of Buddhism. The thought of death and pain led him to an asceticism of years. He then intuited, as a consequence of his "Great Enlightenment", the "Middle Way", between the affirmation of life and one's own mortification, enumerating the "Four Noble Truths", the basic thought of his doctrine that gave rise to it. to Buddhism. His figure has a particular radiance of humanity and dignity that has earned universal admiration and his teachings as an extraordinary Spiritual Master, causing him to be called "The Light of Asia." He left no works, but his teachings were picked up by his disciples. He incarnated the Cosmic Christ. Tradition has it that on his deathbed at the age of 80, one of his disciples asked him: "Master, what will we do without you now?" to which he replied: "One day, when the darkness and ignorance, cover the world, a new Buddha will come, Maitreya!, and will teach the world the same truth that I have taught you.


Universal Soul or Mind. It is the spiritual soul in man (the sixth principle) and therefore the vehicle of Atma, the Spirit, the Seventh Principle. Higher reason; loving understanding; love-wisdom. The energy of love as the Masters experience it.


(Edward Cayse, 1803-1873). English writer, politician and esotericist. He belonged to the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. His two main occult novels are: Zanoni (1842) and the Future Race (1872), already classics in his genre.


Acronym for the Center for the Study of the Paranormal, an institution established in Mexico, with the aim of analyzing, quantifying and verifying the various phenomena that parapsychology interprets as paranormal.


Reception of a gift.

From the Hebrew Qabbalah, which means “reception”, “tradition”, “esoteric teaching”. In metaphysics it means “Doctrine received by tradition” and is a system of occult spiritual teaching, coming from the Hebrews of the Middle Ages. According to Alchemy, a cabala conferred magical characteristics on some concoction, potion or preparation.


In spiritualism, it refers to the circular chain formed by the hands of the participants on the candle and which would be the energy source that triggers spiritist phenomenology.


(Alessandro, 1743-1795?) Italian occultist. Extraordinary personality with an eventful life who influenced the esoteric groups of his time and achieved fame as a magician, being notable as an alchemist and doctor. Traditionally, it is believed that Count Cagliostro was the name adopted by Giussepe Balsamo, an obscure Sicilian adventurer, but modern critics have tried to vindicate his memory by demonstrating the existence of two different people. * Master Samael speaks to us many times about the enigmatic Count Cagliostro, one of the immortal Master Alchemists who still live today with his physical body.


(Khrisna Caitanya Deva, 1485-1533). Indian mystic founder of the Vishnuita sect named after him. His monistically inclined doctrine tries to reconcile the different tendencies of the Vedanta tradition, also considering that salvation must be achieved through bhakty (devotion and love).

Mayan calendar

What is commonly called the Mayan calendar is composed of many cycles of various lengths and purposes. The most familiar components of the Mayan calendar are the 260-day Tzol'Kin cycle, the 365-day Haab cycle, and the nearly 5,200-year cycle. These three cycles and many others are all interconnected, they are interdependent integral aspects of what we call the Mayan calendar.

Faraday camera

It is a metal enclosure, cage or chamber depending on the use, into which electrical or electromagnetic emissions cannot penetrate. It was devised by the English physicist and chemist Faraday.

Artifact or metal enclosure, cage or chamber depending on the uses, into which electrical or electromagnetic emissions cannot penetrate. It was created and developed by the English physicist and chemist Faraday in order to verify that the aforementioned emissions do not interfere with a paranormal phenomenon.

kirlian camera

It is a high-profile photographic camera, created to use sensitive and special photographic film, capable of capturing the colors and body of the human aura.

PSI field

In addition to the gravitational, magnetic and electric fields, the existence of a PSI field has been internationally proposed, which would explain the correlation between the physical factors involved in the paranormal (J.L. Jordan Peña).

Parapsychology has proposed the existence of a PSI field, area or field of action that explains the correlation between the physical factors that intervene in paranormal phenomena of a telepathic or telekinetic nature.


Reading the future through the interpretation of the shapes of smoke.


Son of Erebus and the night. He led the shadows of the dead to the other side of the Styx and the Acheron, but only those who had not been left unburied and to whom the proper funeral honors had been paid. He did not admit into his boat the souls of the unburied, or those who had not been duly honored at their funerals. Furthermore, he collected the toll, that is why it was customary to put what was called: “The Denarius of Charon” inside the mouths of the dead. This god was represented as a robust old man, standing on a boat and with an oar in his hands. No living mortal could be transported in his ship if he did not present the golden bouquet consecrated to “Proserpina” which was only given by the “Sibyl.”


Gnostic Patriarch. He founded in Alexandria, around the year 130, the order of the Carpocratians, one of the best-known Gnostic fraternities. He founded many esoteric convents in Spain.

soal letters

Similar to Zener cards, but with animal figures.

Zener Cards

Playing card game consisting of five different motifs: star, circle, waves (three parallel wavy lines), square and cross; The game consists of 25 cards. They were used by Dr. J.B. Rhine in his telepathy experiments and have become one of the most used instruments in scientific Parapsychology.

In parapsychology a set of cards is used that consists of five different figures: star, circle, waves (three parallel wavy lines), square and cross. The game consists of 25 cards, they were used extensively by Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine to measure and testify the extrasensory abilities in an individual.


Divination of the future through cards or letters.

Divination method that consists of using cards or decks to guess and predict the future.

Haunted House

Popular name given to Poltergeist cases.


Suspension of voluntary muscle movement in states of hypnosis.

From the Greek Katalepsis (surprise), it is a state of momentary loss of the senses, the product of an imbalance in the nervous system. In the past the mistake was made of confusing a cataleptic with a dead person. You can also reach the cataleptic state through hypnosis.


Physiological state of stupor motivated by the fear that animals suffer due to having been placed in an unusual position in their usual way of life.

It is a state of stupor caused in an animal when feeling or perceiving some extraordinary or unusual event.


Observation of a crystal that receives rays of moonlight reflected in a mirror.


Religious movement that comes from Manichaeism. It reappeared in France in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries. It defends the existence of two principles: the creative good of spirits, and the creative evil of matter.


Greek word that symbolizes, within the history of Christianity, a group of religious people who, during the 11th and 13th centuries, in central Europe, initiated a doctrine based on moral and spiritual purity.


From the Greek word kath-holou, which means "universal", the western part of the church was thus designated, which separated itself as a people following the Pope, who is the visible head and representative of God on earth.


It is the art of divination using mirrors, projecting the light of a candle and interpreting the images that appear in its reflection.


Misinterpreted term, used by charlatans and supposed “researchers” of the paranormal. Since a real ghost cannot be hunted, it is a non-applicable term, and is based on the poor translation used from the science fiction film “Ghostbusters”, which means “Ghostbusters”.


Observation of the skull bones of a goat or donkey.


Power to cause internal hallucinations in the body itself. This phenomenon usually occurs in cases of Possession in which the individual kinesthetically believes he is being devoured internally by an "evil entity" and suffers the consequences as if the hallucination were real.

Little-known spontaneous paranormal faculty of causing hallucinations within a subject's body. Theory that has explained many cases of alleged possession.


Concerning the feeling that the individual experiences of his own existence.


Psychological self-defense function that prevents unconscious desires from accessing consciousness.


Interpret the shapes left by the candle wax when consumed, or the shapes of the melted wax.

Divination method using the figures that are formed with the wax obtained from a lit candle.


Wheel. Energy centers in any entity that vitalize the endocrine glands. In the human body there are 7 main chakras and 21 secondary chakras. They are the 7 doors of the temple of God (New Testament). Kundalini is located in the basic chakra. It is shaped like a cross and consists of 4 petals. It is located in the coccyx and separated by 33 vertebrae from the highest of them, located at the top of the head. We must keep in mind that each body consists of its own chakra system through which we capture external and internal impulses.


Energy centers (vortices) in the etheric body, some related to the spine and the seven most important endocrine glands. Responsible for the coordination and vitalization of all bodies (mental, astral and physical) and their correlation with the soul, the main center of consciousness. There are 7 main chakras and 21 secondary chakras.

According to Eastern philosophy, they are the person's nerve centers or points of spiritual energy located in the astral body and that are correlated in the center of the spinal cord and in the nervous plexuses of the human body.


Or "Shaman" is the English version of saman ("shah-man"), an Evenk noun and verb of the Tungus of Siberia. Wherever he is found, the shaman, female or male, is the community specialist in dealings with the Beyond – the other world, the upper world or the inner world; a wielder of supernatural power, an expert of ecstasy (Mircea Eliade) who, whether healing, warring, predicting, changing the weather, cooking herbs, organizing hunts, making masks, accompanying dead souls or locating lost ones, executes the role of master of operations of the unconscious. Shamanistic consciousness is not simple hypnosis, fantasy, possession, contortion, depression, terror or intoxication, although it can appropriate these things. Beating a drum or ingesting peyote, lucid dreaming or falling into a trance, the shaman remains focused and aware, knowing well that inner journeys mean nothing unless their fruits are brought back to this world and made a reality through rituals, dances, and rituals. , language, art, music or healing (the most frequent specialty of the shaman), pouring the power accumulated "over there" into useful activities "here."

Charles Robert Richet

(1850-1935).French scholar. President of the International Metapsychic Institute. Nobel Prize winner in 1913. His studies on paranormal phenomena constitute the foundation of modern parapsychology.

Chi Kung

Chi-Kung can be defined as an ancient Chinese art for the prevention and healing of diseases, which influenced all Chinese gymnastic healing techniques, as well as Martial Arts. The ideogram CHI has different meanings such as: vapor, exhalation, fluid, gaseous body, air, atmosphere, breath, spirit, the life that animates a body, vital spirit, etc. CHI is defined as PRANA in India, KI in Japan and PNEUMA by the Greeks, it will also be understood as "Our invisible inner energy." The word KUNG means like work, effect, effectiveness. It symbolizes physical power and the manifestation of power in the natural movements of the body.


Ascended Master who has achieved the 6th initiation. Each of them deals with a specific department such as civilization or religions.

Lord, Master, Boss. The Adepts or Masters who have received the sixth planetary initiation.


CHOKMAH - Wisdom "The Second Path is called the Illuminating Intelligence. It is the Crown of Creation, the Splendor of Unity, equalizing it. It is exalted above every head, and is called by the Kabbalists the Second Glory."

The Cosmic Christ The CHOKMAH of the Hebrew Kabbalah is the Cosmic Christ, the Christus, the Vishnu of the Hindustanis. The 2nd Logos, Chokmah, is Love, the Agnus Dei, the Slain Lamb, is the Fire itself that burns in all Creation since the beginning of the world for our salvation. It is Fire and lies at the bottom of all organic and inorganic matter. SOLAR ENERGY is Astral Light. Its essence is the Christonic Power enclosed in the fertilizing pollen of the flower, in the heart of the fruit of the tree, in the internal secretion glands of the animal and man. In men, its main seat is in the tailbone. The Aztecs called this Sacred Power: "The Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl", which only awakens and ascends to our Pineal Gland through Love Magic and the merits of the heart.


Term that identifies the science of movements.

Unbreakable circle

It is located at the circumference of the manifested solar system, and is the periphery of the sun's influence, understood esoterically and exoterically. The limit of the field of activity of the central vital force.

Circle is not passed

CNSP. The same as “unbreakable circle”

Psychic Surgery

Relative surgical technique that allows a healer, a gifted one, to be able to surgically intervene on any pathological alteration without any instruments. An example of this are the famous psychic operations that are carried out in the Philippines and Brazil.

Little reliable or truthful healing technique, through a state of trance or hypnosis, where a psychic or spiritualist can extract malignant psychic tumors in the mind of an individual.


Faculty of listening to sounds from all planes. It is closely related to clairvoyance.

Psychic faculty of being able to hear at any distance, including ultraphysical sounds.

According to spiritualists, this is known as the paranormal ability or faculty of hearing the voices of spirits.


From Latin clear (clarus) and feel (sentire). It is the extension of consciousness directed by physical sensation. In metaphysics it is a faculty also known as Intuition or perception of positive or negative environments.


Faculty of seeing in the subtle planes. There are two types. Astral clairvoyance or the astral or emotional plane, which is perceived through the solar plexus and causal clairvoyance or the level of the soul. It is perceived through the third eye, the chakra located between the eyes. With this higher clairvoyance, one can perceive the attributes of the soul, the initiations, the permanent atoms, the karma of the bodies, etc.

Natural or acquired psychic power of being able to see through dense matter without obstacles of distance or time. Paranormal mode of knowledge.

Rare ability to receive information through extrasensory means, of facts or objective events independently of another possible transmitting mind.

Extrasensory perception of objects or future events.

From Latin clear (clarus) and see (videre). In parapsychology, this is the name given to the paranormal perception of hidden, distant, remote images or in cases of prediction of objective events as well. It differs from Telepathy because only one mind participates in the procedure.

Claude de Saint Martin

(1743-1803). French philosopher and occultist known as "le philosophe inconnu", the pseudonym under which his works were published. He was founder in 1775 of the Martinist Hermetic Rite, based on the doctrines of his teacher, the mystic-cabalist Martinez de Pascually.

Clement of Alexandria

(150-216). Master of Origins. One of the most notable apologists of the 3rd century. Patriarch of Gnosticism.


Divination by means of dice, or stones of different colors. Widely used in classical Greece, especially in Delphi.


Interpretation of colors.


Loss of consciousness, sensitivity and voluntary motility with preservation of vegetative functions.

Spontaneous combustion

Term that designates human self-ignition, without there being a fire or external heat source to explain their almost instantaneous and total incineration.


This is how the common pattern of human mentality is known, which has allowed us to divide the different states of consciousness. 1.- The subconscious: contains the experiences of the past, rooted in the internal nature of the individual. 2.- The conscious: the natural and perceptive state of the human being. 3.- The unconscious: the state in which the human being's senses are disconnected from reality. 4.- The superconscious: which in metaphysics, is the degree of maximum scope for overcoming the internal self.

Christ Consciousness

The energy of the Cosmic Christ, also known as the Christ principle. Incarnated for us by the Christ, she is currently awakening in the hearts of millions of people around the world. The energy of evolution per se

Conny Mendez

(1898-1979) She was born in Caracas, on April 11, 1898, daughter of the distinguished writer and poet Don Eugenio Méndez y Mendoza. She was a director and actress. In 1946, she founded the Christian Metaphysics Movement in Venezuela, dedicating herself fully to this teaching through her books and conferences in Central and South America. Works: The Blue Book, Metaphysics within Everyone's Reach, The Wonderful Number 7, etc.

Constance Wachtmeister

(d.1910). Theosophist, disciple and collaborator of H.P. Blavatsky. She organized with Bertram Keightlay The Theosophical Publisihing co., with the aim of publishing the Secret Doctrine.

silver cord

This is what is known as the virtual link that unites the physical body with the astral body, during an Astral Journey. In metaphysics it takes a more religious interpretation, since it is considered as the union between the “I Am” and the human personality. The “I Am” means the name of God; the absolute, the Higher Self.

Cornelius Agrippa

(Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa Von Nettesheim, 1486-1535). German scholar, philosopher and doctor. A disciple of Trithemius, he studied alchemy, kabbalah and magic. He carried out diplomatic missions, practiced medicine and held a professorship. He had conflicts with the church and died with a reputation as a magician. One of the greatest figures in the field of natural magic and its evolution towards experimental science, he made a first attempt to investigate the mysteries of the universe. His philosophy is Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean mixed with Kabbalistic elements. His capital work is: "De Occulta Philosophia" (1510). *The V.M. Samael tells us that he was a great magician and alchemist who obtained the Philosopher's Stone.

Costet de Mascheville

(Viscount Albert Raymond, 1872-1943). Master Cedaior. French esotericist, musician and author. He belonged to the Martinist Order and the Kabbalist of the Roxe Crois, collaborating with Sedir, Rochas, Wirth and others. Based in Buenos Aires in 1910, he founded the Expectant Church, of which he was the first patriarch.

(Leo, n.1921). Son of Viscount Albert Raymond, he studied philosophy, chemistry and physics. He acted in Martinism and Rosicrucianism, founding in 1949 in Montevideo (Uruguay) the Western Mystical Association.

Court of Gebellin

Kabbalist and esotericist of the last century, Tarot scholar, writing several works on the subject. He was the most dedicated popularizer of the Egyptian Tarot used by Gnostic students today.


Term devised by Charles Richet to designate clairvoyance. It is currently disused.

Sensation of the hidden. term used by CH. Richet (1850, 1936) to designate what, according to him, the paranormal phenomenon would be due to some type of vibration or unknown material emission. It is also known as the sixth sense.

From the Greek occult (kryptos) and sensitivity (aisthesis), it is the faculty of perceiving the hidden. Synonym of Extrasensory Perception.


From the Greek occult (kryptos) and knowledge (gnosis), it includes what is stored in the unconscious and that can manifest itself during a paranormal phenomenon.


From the Greek hidden (Kriptos) and writing (Gráphein). Code writing, hidden or veiled writing.


Paranormal access to the depths of the subconscious, to evoke memories and subliminal perceptions that are contained there.


Or Cryptokinesis, from the Greek occult (kryptos) and movement (kinesis), is the name, in parapsychology, of the hidden faculty of being able to move objects spontaneously, with the power of the psyche.

Christian Bernard

Last and Current Imperator of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), acceded to the throne of Imperator, when the previous leader of Amorc, Gary Stewart, was dismissed, accused by the order itself of embezzlement of funds.

Cristian Rosencreutz

(1378-1484). Symbolic name of a high spiritual teacher, considered founder of the Rosicrucian Order. The figure of him is one of the great enigmas of the eastern esoteric tradition.

Cristian Rosenroth

(n.1636). Famous Kabbalist. His research resulted in the famous Kabbala Denudata (1677), which contains the first Latin version of parts of the Zohar and other treatises.


It is the set of doctrines that profess faith in Jesus, son of God: Christ. It became an official religion in 380 AD. C. Starting from Palestine to the entire Roman empire. In the 11th century, the Christian church divided, giving rise to the Catholic church.


From the Greek chosen (christs) and translated from the Hebrew messiah (mashiah), this is the name given to the liberator that God sent to Israel, Jesus, to guide the Jews to the Christian faith. Later the term was used as a proper name.

Cosmic Christ

The Christ Principle at cosmic levels.

Christ. Christos

Freed from the bonds of terrestrial maya. Innate liberating principle in humanity. Entity that took possession of Jesus' body during his baptism at age 30. And that for 3 years, he was showing us the way to achieve liberation. The Body of Jesus (possibly) died crucified at 33 on Mount Golgotha. (As we see, these figures are symbolic. See also chakras) It is the term used to designate who is at the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy; the World Teacher; the Master of all Masters.


From the Greek time (chronos) and sensitivity (aisthesis), it is interpreted as the spontaneous paranormal faculty of perceiving events at distances of time, such as making a prediction.


This is the name given to the paranormal faculty of knowing the events of a remote past or the future, through Telepathy or Clairvoyance. See also the terms Postcognition and Precognition.


The death of the inferior nature of the initiate on the cross of renunciation. The Fourth Initiation, also known as the Great Renunciation.


Blasphemous and horrifying figure that came from space and lives in the depths of the oceans, according to what is stated in the “Necronomicon”, a forbidden book written by a crazy Arab in which the figure of this god and his abominable deeds are described. and religious precepts.


The quadruple lower self or the man in the three worlds. It consists of several parts, but our purpose is to list them as follows: Lower mind. 2. Emotional or kamic body. 3. Prana or Life Principle. 4. The etheric body or the most subtle part of the physical body.

Astral Body

The emotional vehicle of an individual.

Vehicle invisible to physical perception that penetrates and surrounds the physical body and provides experiences related to desires and emotions; It is also called the desire body.

Many ancient tribes believed that human beings had two souls, one of which left the body during sleep. In metaphysics, spiritualism and other cults, this is the name given to the entity that a person releases consciously or unconsciously. In cases of Bilocation and Splitting, it is precisely the astral body that moves from one place to another. In parapsychology, it is considered that in an Astral Journey, what “travels” to other places is the psyche; that is, he projects his consciousness.

causal body

The vehicle of expression of the soul on the causal plane, the third sub-plane of the mental plane. The receptacle where the consciousness of our own point of evolutionary development is kept. From the point of view of the physical plane this body is neither subjective nor objective. However, it is the center of egoic consciousness, and is formed by the conjunction of budhi and manas. It is relatively permanent and lasts during the long cycle of incarnations, dissipating only after the fourth initiation, when the human being no longer needs to be reborn.

etheric body

Unlike the Astral Body, the Etheric Body is the representation of the soul, when a subject has died. In metaphysics, the Etheric Body also manifests itself in journeys of consciousness.

etheric body

(Etheric double) The physical body of the human being, according to esoteric teaching, is composed of two parts, the dense physical body and the etheric one. The dense physical body is composed of matter from the three lower subplanes of the physical plane. The etheric body is made up of matter from the four higher or etheric subplanes of the physical plane. It is the energetic counterpart of the physical body, composed of seven major centers (chakras) and 21 minor centers, a network that connects all the centers, and infinitesimally small threads of energy (nadis) that underlie each part of the nervous system. Blockages in the etheric body can result in physical illnesses. Also known as the vital body or etheric envelope.

mental body

The vehicle of the personality on the concrete mental planes. The egoic body is located in the abstract.

vital body

See etheric body.

Subtle Bodies

Bodies that are not physical and whose existence is assumed at various interpenetrated levels of consciousness. At the moment three are known: etheric body, astral body and mental body, these being on a progressive scale of subtle value. Although clairvoyants think that they permeate the physical body, they are actually in other spaces.


It essentially consists of perceiving the unconscious movements of a subject whose thoughts we want to know. It was first introduced by the English illusionist and conjurer Cumberland.

In the new era of parapsychology, this is what is called the interpretation of an individual's unconscious movements, in order to know their true thoughts and feelings. It was developed by the English hypnotist and conjurer Cumberland.


Practice of curing diseases by means not approved by legal medicine. System used by those who claim to be endowed with special powers to cure physical ailments.

It is a series of methods in which an individual, interpreted as a healer or shaman for ancient tribes, manages to cure the physical and psychological illnesses of his patients, among other purposes. Very similar to Witchcraft, with the difference of invoking the help of spirits or positive entities.

Medicine man

Sensitive subject with faculties that are outside of Biology, which can equally diagnose an illness, as it can cure, or alleviate by laying on of hands, by suggestion, prayers, etc. (There is a lot of fraud in this field).


People who are said to be capable of healing the sick through unorthodox procedures. occupy from the simple laying on of hands, where they would use energy p. k., even trance operations. They normally use natural products: herbs, clays; they place bones, etc. some of these methods would be by transferring healing energy which could be P.K. They must be separated from the healers.


Used especially in Greece, the sound made by laurel branches when burning was interpreted.

Dalai Lama

From old Mongolian terms, meaning “Vast Ocean”, it represents the temporary spiritual guide of Tibet Buddhism.

(Mughal: the vast ocean). Spiritual and temporal sovereign of Tibet. In Lamaism he is considered the incarnation of Chen-re-zi or Avalokiteswara. It is believed that upon death he is reincarnated almost immediately and oracles, omens and other means are used to discover the child in which he has reincarnated. After numerous tests, the new Dalai-lama is left in the hands of the priests, who educate him with extreme rigor. The thirteenth Dalai Lama died in 1933 and the fourteenth was inaugurated in 1939 (this is the current Dalai Lama, who had to flee Tibet due to the Chinese-Communist invasion of 1959). *Samael tells us that the Dalai Lama is a great adept of the White Lodge.

Dante Alighieri

(1265-1321) Famous Italian poet. He wrote among other works: "The Divine Comedy", in which he masterfully describes the nine submerged regions of the underworld. * The Master tells us that he is a great resurrected Master and that he currently lives in Florence (Italy) with the same body as back then.


Effect observed in PES and P.K. tests. Therefore, the success rate gradually falls as the experiment progresses, only to recover at the end.

In parapsychology, this is the name given to the moment when a paranormal phenomenon decreases in intensity. It is also the decrease in correct answers in a test with Zener cards.

Deja vu

Phenomenon of traveling clairvoyance whose etymology means "Already seen." It is created by neurological processes that produce a great intensification of consciousness... a fact that provides the sensation of having been in a certain place before, perhaps in "another life", according to the followers of the reincarnationist philosophy, based on the fact that prenatal awareness.

It is a widely discussed term. It means “what has already been seen,” and is characterized by representing the feeling of having experienced an immediate or current event before. It is attributed to astral travel, to the psychic interpretation of related or similar events from the past, or even to a premonition or precognition.


From the Greek guardian (demon). Ancient Paleolithic cultures manifested the existence of evil, superhuman and hostile spiritual beings. For Christianity, demons are angels fallen or thrown from heaven, as a result of their rebellion before God and their alliance with Satan. Spiritual beings that inhabit the Lower Astral.


Practiced by the Celtic druids, they used formulas based on the properties of certain shrubs, especially mistletoe.


Appearance on various points of the skin, in sensitive individuals, of certain signs, spots or drawings of paranormal origin.

It is the paranormal manifestation, without apparent physical causes, of spots or uniform figures on the skin of an individual.


Similar to Dermophilia. Appearance of marks on the skin, accompanied by supernatural sensations. See also Stigmatization.


Graphics, symbols or drawings marked on the skin due to epidermal irritation, almost always caused by the rupture of blood capillaries.

They are spots or marks on the skin caused by the rupture of capillaries. It is not the same as in Dermophilia.


The ability of some people to be able to appreciate optical images through their skin, especially the fingertips.

It is the paranormal faculty of being able to visualize images or figures through your skin.


For spiritualists, they would be responsible for the Charms, Poltergeist and the manifestations typical of mediumistic sessions.


State of split personality. It is the ability to move our astral body, to act in a place far from the physical body.

Conscious or spontaneous ability to project the astral body away from the physical body. See also Ubiquity and Bilocation.


From the Latin private (des) and carnal life (incarnatio), it is the state of a spiritual or ethereal being, after the death process. The entity of a deceased.


(Efrain Villegas Quintero) Master of the White Lodge, of the lightning of force. Disciple of Samael Aun Weor. International Gnostic Missionary, author of numerous works, including: "The Great Change", "Integral Revolution", "Radical Transformation", etc.


In parapsychology, this is the name given to the phenomenon of identifying a Zener card during a test, whether the card is anterior (Retrocognition) or posterior (Precognition).


Destiny in tradition is the supposed supernatural force that guides the lives of men in necessary and often fatal ways. In Western culture most religions have believed in forms of destiny, especially related to predestination.


It is the difference between the correct tests and the expected ones, during an Extrasensory Perception test.

Deva (or Angel)

A God. In Sanskrit a resplendent deity. A deva is a celestial being, whether good, bad or indifferent. The devas are divided into many groups and are not only called angels and archangels, but also lesser and greater builders. They belong to a kingdom of nature that evolves parallel to humanity, and that includes from sub-human elementals to super-human beings at the level of the planetary Logos. They are the 'active builders', working intelligently with substance to create all the forms we see, including the mental, emotional and physical bodies of humanity.


Devachan is a peculiar state of consciousness of the human being that develops during that pause or interval of rest between two terrestrial existences; It becomes like a wide and splendid avenue that extends from the process of death to that of a new birth, filling the vision and life of man "with smiling perspectives embroidered with dreamy twilights." Obviously the delights of that state of consciousness cannot be analyzed through the intellectual mind, but must be raised to the level of the most select and exalted ideation, and even then one would always have to take into account the disadvantage of having to use those materials, often crude, with which our imagination tries to reflect higher spiritual visions. V.B.A.


Nature spirits are themselves an angelic order, but they are literally on a different wavelength than our spiritual companions. They are the prevailing patterns that control all living things: what grows, crops and gardens, jungles and lakes, fish, birds and animals. We see its shadow in configurations such as flocks of birds, schools of fish, as well as in the unique and delicate line of a simple leaf.

Dhum Hum

Egyptian teacher, link between Islam and the triple hermetic, Neoplatonic and Christian tradition.

Declaration Day

Day on which Maitreya will be made known to the whole world. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place all over the world. Beginning of Maitreya's open mission in the world.


From the Greek accuser, slanderer (diabolo), he represents the supreme incarnation of evil, the enemy of God. He has been known by various names: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer.

Diabolo Cartobolu

(Hypatia Gómez Garro) Master of the White Lodge, daughter of Samael Aun Weor, based in the USA. (New York).


Ability to quickly carry out antagonistic voluntary movements (a movement different from another, e.g. raising one foot and lowering the other)


Old name of Telepathy.

Name by which Telepathy was formerly called.


(The Cynicus, 413-327 BC) Greek philosopher, born in Sinope. His disregard for wealth and social conventions has become proverbial. He criticized with biting wit the customs and beliefs of his time. He was famous for his eccentricities, which led him to live in a barrel, to look for a man in Athens in broad daylight, lighting himself with a lantern (Diogenes' lamp), and to tell Alexander the Great that the only thing he wanted from him, It was to move away because it took away the Sun. His doctrine is summarized in the statement "Live according to nature."


The great Cosmic Being, soul of this planet, embodying all the Laws and all the energies governed by those Laws, which make up everything we see and what we cannot see.

From luminous Latin (deus), manipulated by Indo-European roots, it is the term that, according to each culture, represents the supreme being, creator and sovereign of the universe. It can represent a series of virtues in the human being. There are almost a hundred different names to represent it.


Difficulty articulating words.


Someone who is preparing for initiation, often without being aware of it. All grades of workers who serve humanity and the Hierarchy of Masters, from the aspirant to Christ Himself, are disciples.

It is that subject who has been received by a teacher to receive the instruction established by a Dogma or spiritualist doctrine.


Difficulty performing antagonistic voluntary movements. For example: alternate slapping the abdomen with the right hand and making a circle above the head with the left hand.


Difficulty speaking.


It is the lack of a sense of measure in the execution of movements both in relation to time and space. When executing a movement, the dysmetrician applies an initial impulse that is too violent, executes it too quickly and stops too late, exceeding the desired end. For example, touching the tip of the nose with the eyes closed, the dysmetric would hit somewhere other than the nose.

Djwal Khul

DK or MT, Tibetan Master. Who dictated The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled to Mme. Blavatsky. Also in the mid-20th century he used Alice A. Bailey as an amanuensis, dictating to her 24 books of esoteric philosophy.

Djwhal Khul

teacher known as D.K. or The Tibetan, who belongs to the so-called Hidden Hierarchy. It is said that in previous lives he was the Pythagorean philosopher Kleineas and Aryashanga a disciple of Budha. The esotericist Alice Bailey, whom D.K. has inspired or dictated the books of him, mentions that he is an adept of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, who received the fifth initiation from him in 1875, since then maintaining his own physical body unlike the other Masters of Wisdom . She also states that he dictated much of the Secret Doctrine and provided H.P. Blavatsky much of the information found in the work. * Master Samael mentions it in his book: The Seven Words.


From the Greek meaning “decision,” it refers to a doctrine that the church proposes as revealed by God.


Original acronym for "Dermo-Optic Perception" see Dermooptic.


English word to determine the ghost that makes its appearance when observing the subject's physical body from a certain distance. Similar to Ubiquity or Bilocation.


Individuals who have demonstrated, in controlled laboratory tests, their ability to act on material objects through PK


High priest of Celtic spirituality. She figures somewhat complex, invested with spiritual authority and bearer of sacred science. Minister of religion and guardian of traditions. The internal organization followed a hierarchical order and to access a higher level it was necessary to have sufficient knowledge of the druidic cult. They mastered history, medicine, astrology, philosophy and mathematics, as well as a complex series of invocations and ritual signs with which they accompanied his magical ritual. To contact the "beyond" they believed in the existence of communicating corridors, charged with great power and solar energy. These places were marked with stone monuments such as cromlehs or alignments, or by concentrations of dolmens and menhirs.

Ancient civilization. In Celtic culture it means “Oak Man”.


Down Through. Zener card perception method "down and through", used in ESP in the experiment


Gnome. By nature they are communicative and friendly creatures; They live in tribes and, like most "fairy" beings, closely imitate the habits of man, their clothing and their methods of work and play. They belong to the soil and have much of the rustic simplicity of farmers. It is not clear what role they play in the processes of Nature; generally, they will be found on or just below the surface of the earth.

duke university

Durham University, North Carolina, USA It was here that the first parapsychology laboratory of the modern era was founded in 1930.

E.A.C. (altered states of consciousness)

It is any mental situation, induced by physiological, pharmacological or psychological means or agents, that can be recognized by the subject or by an objective observer, as sufficiently deviated, both in the subjective experience and in the psychological functioning of the subject, in the state of vigil.

E.C.M. (near death experiences)

Experience suffered by those who, after remaining clinically dead for a variable period of time, regain their vital signs.


Abbreviation for Extra-Sensory Perception. In Spanish it is known by the acronym P.E.S. o Extrasensory Perception.

These are the acronyms for Extrasensory Perception, in English (Extra-Sensorial Perseption).


Acronym in English for the recording practice of Psychophonies (Electronic Voice Phenomena).


Practice or tendency to merge various philosophical and theological doctrines.


Acronym for Near Death Experience.


Phenomenon of modeling ectoplasm through the unconscious, forming figures, faces and various o


It is a paranormal phenomenon, where an individual unconsciously produces Ectoplasm, which takes the shape of faces or other objects.


Synonym of Telergy and Materialization. Term created by Myers in 1904 to define the materialized bioenergetic or telergic substance.

It is the term used in parapsychology to define the energetic materialization of substances generated during a Telergy phenomenon. Phenomenon of generating Ectoplasm.


Paranormal formation of a substance of unknown nature that generally emanates from the medium's mouth.

According to metapsychists, it is the condensation of the telergy emitted by a gifted person. It would be the cause of phosphorescence and other visual effects around the mediums. It may be, according to modern parapsychology, an emission of psi energy by a gifted person, which may or may not take humanoid forms. According to parapsychologists, it would explain cases of phantasmogenesis.

Edgar Cayce

The story of Edgar Cayce belongs to the history of hypnosis. Cayce had the ability to put himself to sleep at will, and talk about topics that were far from his normal knowledge. The only thing he needed was the query topic or the person's name, address and environment. A driver and a stenographer to take notes. Almost every day, for 42 years while he slept, he answered questions of the most varied nature. He could do it anywhere and at any time. He needed no dark rooms, no turbans, no incense or crystal balls.

Edoard Schure

(1841-1929). French philosopher, poet and music critic. He belonged to the Theosophical Society and was a disciple of Rudolph Steiner. He is the author of one of the peak collections of occultism: "The Great Initiates."

Crown effect

Synonym of Aura, Efluvium.


Emanation of vitality attributable to the magnetism of the Human body. Synonym of aura.

It is the name that parapsychology gives to the Aura. It is a layer of magnetic energy generated by the human body. Luminescence around a body, caused by the ionization of molecules in the air.


The same as soul. Point of consciousness or identity of the Self.


With the generic name of EGREGORES we are going to conceptualize esoterically all the psychic forms that live and move within the different ethers that constitute the planetary space. What about egregores? What exactly is an egregor from the esoteric angle? It is a condensation under a certain form of thoughts, desires and feelings of Humanity. Thus, on the astral plane, on the psychic plane and at certain levels of the mental plane we will have a series of egregores or psychic forms that have to do with human states of consciousness. Therefore, there will no doubt exist, the egregor of jealousy, the egregor of lust, the egregor of pride, of all the so-called capital sins, and each capital sin has a psychic form or an egregor that is representing it in the psychic plane. V.B.A.


Faculty that allows a subject to represent (by mnemic evocation) images with a high level of clarity or sharpness.

The Dhammapada

(The Path of Dharma) The Dhammapada contains verses that Buddha spoke on different occasions during his long ministry of 45 years. There are a total of 423 verses which are grouped into 26 chapters. According to Theravada tradition, these verses were remembered by Buddha's disciples and 3 months after his death, contain Buddha's teachings. At the First Buddhist Council, one of the books of the Khuddaka Nikàya, the Lesser Collection, was grouped and recorded under the name 'Dhammapada.'


The Spirits of the Elements, the creatures that form the four kingdoms or elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Except for some of the higher type and their rulers, they are rather forces of nature than ethereal men and women.

According to metaphysics, they are the entities of the four natural elements: Gnomes of the earth, Sylphs of the air, Undines of water and Salamanders of fire.


It comes from Norwegian mythology, from the time of the Vikings. For the Norse, the gods lived in Valhalla (the middle land). Apart from these worlds and their conflicts was Alfheim, the world of the Elves. Both the beautiful white Elves and the evil black Elves lived in that place. An excellent vision of this mythology is found in the work “The Lord of the Ring”, by J. R. Tolkien.

Elias Artist

Adept frequently cited in hermetic and Rosicrucian literature of the 17th and 18th centuries. A treatise on Alchemy is attributed to him and the figure of him emerges from the Hebrew tradition with the attributes of a great teacher.


Name of God and by which he is still designated in Freemasonry.


(Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882) American philosopher, creator of transcendentalism, author of: Representative Men. * Master Samael cites his theory of the "Oversoul."

Emile Grillot de Grivy

(1874-1929). Occult scholar and French Freemason. In close contact with the esoteric movements of his time, he was a member of the Ordre Kabbalistique de la Roxe Croix and was influenced by Guaita, Peladan and Encausse.


Harmony or psychic compatibility between two individuals.

Haunted houses

A somewhat fictional term attributed to suspense and horror literature, to define when a place, a house, property or establishment presents paranormal phenomena, such as apparitions, noises, movements of objects and the presence of ghosts.


Set of inexplicable phenomena that are linked to a specific place. (Apparitions, telekinesis, poltergeist, etc.).

Phenomenology associated with a place through which objects move, noises are heard and other manifestations occur, without rational explanation. They are distinguished from poltergeists, as these refer mainly to a subject/mind, and the enchantments may be due to other, more occult reasons, that is, not being PSI phenomenology.


Manifestation of the soul, as a triple personality, on the lower planes (physical, emotional and mental) under the Law of Rebirth.

Term that refers to the property of a Soul or Spirit upon entering a physical body, naturally or conventionally.


Natural analgesic produced by the brain, with greater power than morphine. It can be used in cases of acupuncture or hypnosis.


The main purpose of the enneagram is to discover the type to which each one belongs, thus discovering our compulsion and learning to work on it, in order to ultimately achieve our freedom, healing and closer to God. It is a journey of self-knowledge. The enneagram has a long but veiled history. It is believed to have originated in Afghanistan, almost two thousand years ago; perhaps in the early years of Christian influence in Persia and then infiltrated Muslim circles after this religion invaded Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.


From the esoteric point of view, there is nothing but energy in the entire manifested universe. Energy vibrates at various frequencies, and the particular frequency determines the form the energy will take. Energy can be acted upon and directed through thought.

Immanuel Kant

(1724-1804) German philosopher who, starting from doubt, reconstitutes certainty through Practical Reason and the moral law and concludes by admitting the existence of God and the immortality of the soul. * The Master cites his works: Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Objective Reason.

Disembodied Entities

For spiritualists, they would be responsible for enchantments, poltergeists and the manifestations typical of mediumistic sessions.


English acronym for ESP (extrasensory perception).


World cycle, approximately 2,150 years, determined by the relationship of the earth, the sun and the constellations of the zodiac.


Interpretation of the bones of the human trunk, currently valid in Polynesia.


Proposed name for the phenomenon of photographic printing of images on sensitive emulsion, in the absence of light and without the help of a camera or any optical device.

Name derived from Greek used to refer to psychic photography.

It is the paranormal phenomenon that occurs when clear and sharp photographic images appear on a sensitive surface, in the absence of light and without the intervention of cameras or any other optical capture instrument.

Automatic Writing

Also called psychography; writing that some people in a state of semi-trance can carry out, even in foreign languages, totally unknown to the subject himself.

Synonym of Psychography. It is the paranormal phenomenon that occurs when an individual writes messages that are not dictated by his or her consciousness or will. In some cases, the subject, in a state of semi-trance, can write messages in languages ​​unknown to him.

Direct writing

In Spiritism, it is a paranormal phenomenon, which generates written messages from the dead, without the intervention of the hand of the Medium or physical means or instruments. Synonym of Pneumatography.

Arcane School

Founded approx. in 1940 by Alice A. Bailey, (amanuensis of the Tibetan Master) It is considered the School that expands and continues the work of the Theosophical Society.


The most archaic form of the sphinx, which can be seen in a small room on the second floor of the Cairo Museum, has the hind legs of Taurus (earth), the front legs of a lion (fire), the belly in the shape of a fish (water ) and eagle wings (air). These four elements form the base, perfectly regular in the case of a man-god (pharaoh or initiate), who can face the East when he has undergone the transfiguration of initiation in the pyramid and has become a pharaoh with the prerogative to face the god SUN when he rises in the East... since the Father and he are one... and the myth remains alive through the ages, and the only thing that changes is its presentation to the people.


Hidden, reserved. It is said of the doctrine that the philosophers of ancient Greek did not communicate except to a small number of their disciples. The philosophy of the evolutionary process both in man and in the lower kingdoms of nature. The science of wisdom accumulated by the ages. It presents a systematic and exhaustive account of the energetic structure of the universe and man's place in it. Describes the forces and influences that underlie the phenomenal world. Also, the process of acquiring an awakened awareness of these forces and their gradual mastery.

From the Greek hidden, secret, internal (esoterikos), it refers to the teaching reserved for adepts of dogmas or higher doctrines. It refers to occult practices.


(As an entity). Why is space an entity? Because there is a consciousness in each of the folds of space that makes it accessible to all the answers that arise from no matter what creative center of consciousness. This incredible capacity to respond is due to a consciousness that is inherent to the space itself. And space, being multidimensional and multimolecular as it is, has mysterious characteristics whose understanding requires a large dose of intuition. In any case, we all know due to the esoteric studies that we have carried out, that there are those entities that we call "the inhabitants of space" who are fundamentally the creators of the ether, they are the ether itself. And every creative center is using ether in each of its creations. V.B.A.


Futurology through animal bones.


Apart from its physical acceptance, which refers to a range of frequencies, it is also used to designate an Apparition or the phenomenon of Phantasmogenesis.

In modern technology and science, trails of visually materialized energies are known as this; result of the decomposition of light through a prism. Among the occult sciences, a Ghost is called that; the visible image of a Spirit or Apparition.


Instrument that allows you to observe a light spectrum, through the classification and isolation of colors through lenses and optical filters.


Illusion on the astral plane. That condition of the mind that is veiled by emotional impulses generated at astral levels, preventing the mind's eye from clearly distinguishing reality. Examples: fear, self-pity, criticism, suspicion, stubbornness, materialism, messianism.


Doctrine that is based on a philosophical, scientific and moral background, that the human being is made up of three elements: body, spirit and a link called perispirit. Parapsychology studies spiritualism in depth, especially those mediums with physical effects.

Religion and philosophy born in the middle of the last century from the phenomena produced by the Fox sisters. Its great theorist was Allan Kardec, author of numerous books on the subject. It is a humanist belief, defending the existence of the afterlife, of communication with disembodied entities/spirits, which maintain spiritual, psychic and physical ties with humans through mediums. They currently form cultural centers, federations of associates and places of work and spiritist research.

Religion born in the middle of the last century according to which the souls of the dead have the possibility of communicating with the living through a medium. With a certain Taoist similarity, they consider the real existence of spirits and their capacity for materialization.

It is the name of a doctrine governed by the existence of life after death and the possibility of communicating with the dead. Philosophical, scientific or moralistic movement or sect, within whose practices man can come into contact with the dead through Mediums, that is, people who serve as a medium or intermediary with Spirits or those who are already deceased. Movement that emerged in the mid-19th century, named after the French researcher Allan Kardec, in 1857.


This is the name given to the individual who performs procedures that allow him to communicate with the dead.


Relating to spiritualism.


The Spark of God. As used by Maitreya, a term meaning the sum total of all energies - the life force - that animates and vitalizes an individual. Also used, more esoterically, to refer to the Monad that reflects itself in the soul.

It can be an apparition, an image caused by PSI energy, or the visual materialization of those already deceased.

Spirit of Peace or Balance

A cosmic Being who helps Maitreya's work by dazzling Him with His energy. He works closely with the Law of Action and Reaction, to transform the current conditions of chaos into the opposite state in exact proportion.


The quality of all activity that propels the human being forward, towards some type of development - physical, emotional, intuitional, social - ahead of its current state.


From the Latin state (status), and will (volentia). Hypnosis induced by the subject himself on himself, that is, self-hypnosis, through which the subject himself can present paranormal perceptions.


Recognition of objects through the sense of touch.


Figurative or imitative cutaneous signs that appear on the human body. Apparently they are alterations of a psychosomatic nature.

Ulcers that appear on the body without pathological cause. For many researchers, these phenomena are caused by hysteria.

Ulcers that appear on the body without pathological cause. For many researchers these phenomena are caused by hysteria.


See also Dermography, Ideoplasty and Dermophilia. Parapsychology attributes it to psychosomatic disorders, which generate paranormal marks on the skin, without apparent physical causes.


Partial unconsciousness with absence of movements but with reaction to stimuli.


Walk through the air. Levitation of a person without any human intervention.

Synonym of Levitation. It means moving in the air without apparent mechanical or physical motor intervention.

Eughins Arion

(Rodolfo Rincon Vásquez) Gnostic Master of the modern era. It is said that he arrived on Earth in the time of Lemuria, from a distant Solar System, captaining the spaceship that was transporting a scientific expedition, which came to observe the phenomena that were occurring at that time within the third root race. terrestrial, falling into the Animal Generation (fell sexually), remaining tied to the wheel of terrestrial Samsara, rising again in modern times. He was Archbishop of Education of the Universal Christian Gnostic Church of Venezuela.


The process of spiritualization of matter; the way back to the Origin. Parting the veils of deception and illusion that ultimately lead to cosmic consciousness.


(Hexagram) The symbol called Solomon's ring is a graphic representation of the union of two inverted triangles. It represents the two human natures: matter and spirit that are intertwined.


Ritual used to use evil spirits or demons from the body of a "possessed" person. It would consist, according to modern psychiatry, of a shock treatment, induced by the subject's faith in the practitioner.

Christian ritual ceremony intended to expel the demon from the body of a "possessed" person.

According to some religious and magical conceptions, it is the action of expelling a Demon or evil entity from an individual. It is also considered to be a spiritual illness, that the soul has been kidnapped by a spirit. Many cases of alleged possession have been resolved through the interpretation of Prosopopesis.


It is the opposite of Esoteric; what is disclosed and known publicly.


Simultaneous appearance of a person in two different places at the same time.

Synonym of Bilocation, Unfolding, Ubiquity. Transfer of sensitivity in a subject in trance or hypnosis.


That goes beyond the physical senses.

Extrasensory Faculties

It refers to those faculties that allow us to come into contact with or be subjects of paranormal experiences, manifested through means other than those of the physical senses.

They are all those abilities, conscious or spontaneous, that allow the subject to perceive or develop paranormal experiences through senses other than the common physical ones.


Sudden phenomenon of the momentary disappearance of radiesthetic effluvia.


In parapsychology, it is attributed to a telepathic hallucination, but it can be named that way to an Apparition, a Ghost, a Spirit, a visible Astral body, etc. Scientifically, it is the non-material appearance or essence of an organism, usually a human being, generally applied to the appearance of a deceased, whose apparent solidity circulates between an amorphous ethereal mass to the exact replica of the person, although it can also be refer to the visible spirit of a person still alive.


Apparitions, splittings, bilocations, astral projection, etc. It may also be a telepathic hallucination as explained in almost all Parapsychology treatises.

According to the metapsychists, they were the corporeal forms that the ectoplasm acquired when it was sent by mediums. It was believed that the exit of the extoplasm served as an incarnatory channel for some spirit, so the ghost created belonged to a deceased subject. Its existence has not been confirmed by modern parapsychology.

Supposed materialization, impalpable and visible in its appearance, of the spirit of a dead person. According to metapsychists, they are the corporeal or materialized forms that the Ectoplasm acquires when it is issued by mediums.


THIRD PROPHECY OF FATIMA Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Third part of the Secret revealed on July 13, 1917 in the cave of Iría-Fátima. “I write in obedience to You, my God, who order it through His Most Reverend Excellency the Lord Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother, yours and mine. “After the two parts that I have already explained, we have seen on the left side of Our Lady, a little higher up, an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; he flashing, he emitted flames that seemed like they were going to set the world on fire; but they went out when in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated with her right hand directed towards him; The Angel, pointing to the earth with his right hand, said with a loud voice: 'Penance, penance, penance!' And we saw in an immense light that it is God: something similar to how people see themselves in a mirror when they pass before it, a bishop dressed in white, we had the feeling that it was the Holy Father. , Also other bishops, priests, men and women religious climb a steep mountain, on the summit of which there was a Cross made of rough wood, as if they were made of cork oak with the bark; The Holy Father, before reaching it, crossed a large city half in ruins and half trembling with unsteady steps, heavy with pain and sorrow, praying for the souls of the corpses he found along the way, reaching the top of the mountain, prostrate on his knees at the feet of the great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who shot him several shots and arrows; And in the same way, bishops, priests, religious men and women and various lay people, men and women of various classes and positions, died one after another. Under the two arms of the cross, there were two Angels, each with a glass jar in which they collected the blood of the martyrs and watered the souls that approached God with it. Yours 3.1.1944


Johannes Georgius Sabellicus Faustus Junior Hidelbergensis, a magician who, apparently, was born in 1480 in the city of ”Kundalingen”, Germany and his story has become a legend throughout the world. He was an individual who obtained magic from him through a pact signed with the Devil in the city of Prague around the year 1515. The pact lasted 24 years, at the end of which he died inexplicably in an inn in Werthenberg ( Germany). His friends found his remains scattered throughout the room.

(Johann, ? U1541) One of the most mysterious esoteric personalities of the Middle Ages. Tradition tells us that he was a disciple of Abbot Trithemius and a fellow student of Paracelsus and Agrippa, being one of the greatest magicians in history. Goethe was inspired by him for his novel "Faust." *The Master describes him to us as a Great Magician and Master of the White Lodge.


Faith is the middle ground between the lightness with which someone hastily believes, and the pertinence in not believing except in what is first demonstrated by reason. Fray Luis de León


Moment at which the sperm carrying the physical permanent atom fertilizes the egg. These two elements have been carefully chosen by the soul to be bearers of that special genetic and karmic inheritance.


Happiness does not depend on what happens around us, but on what happens inside us; Happiness is measured by the spirit with which we face life's problems. Happiness is a matter of courage; It's so easy to feel depressed and hopeless. Happiness is a state of mind. We are not happy as long as we do not decide to be. Happiness is not about always doing what we want; but in loving everything we do. Happiness comes from putting our hearts into our work and doing it with joy and enthusiasm. Happiness has no recipes; each one cooks it with the seasoning of his own meditation. Happiness is not an inn on the road, but a way of walking through life.

Philip (Apostle)

Follower of Jesus of Nazareth. He died a martyr along with his two daughters. It is said that he was crucified on a cross in the shape of an X, symbol of the Revolution of Consciousness. He is a great Master of Jinas and there are practices to receive help from him in these matters. He represents the Constellation of Cancer, teaching the Occultism of the Christ Path (as an autonomous atom of Being).

Philip (Evangelist)

He was chosen to help the Apostles. He founded a Church in Troyes and some say that he converted Simon Magus with his miracles.

Feng Shui

It means “Wind and Water”. It is an oriental art, focused on creating physical and spiritual harmony, by modifying the environment.

The art of harmonious distribution According to the ancient Chinese, position and orientation in space are of the utmost importance. The location of our residence, workplace, and the objects and possessions we surround ourselves with can affect our attitude and even our psyche. Chinese folklore and mythology teach us that these influences shape a person's behavior and outlook toward positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable, harmonious or harmful. The Chinese folk art of arranging objects to promote harmony and good luck is called Feng Shui. This ancient knowledge enables us to seek peace and new growth through our relationship with the objects around us, placing them so that people (Man), the environment (Earth) and the spirit (Sky) form an alliance. harmonious for progress. There are similar ideas in the Western tradition that are sometimes called “geomancy.” The Chinese word Feng means wind, and Shui means water. The phrase “wind and water” symbolizes “the wind rising to the top of a mountain” and “the water rising to its summit,” which together guide a person's attitudes and actions toward success. The origins of feng shui lie in ancient astronomy, geographical knowledge, Chinese folk wisdom, Taoist cosmology and philosophy, and the divination system of the Yijing (the classical Chinese text also known as the I Ching, or Book of Change). . The ancient Chinese understood these issues well. Their long history and accumulated cultural experience provided them with a unique folk tradition and spirituality that accepted and appreciated such knowledge. These special ingredients generated the fundamental concept of Feng Shui that arranging objects in favorable positions would cause mysterious celestial forces to align with people or things on Earth, bringing good luck to intelligent practitioners of this art.

PSI phenomenon

They are all the phenomena that occur as a result of PSI action in all concepts. It covers all extrasensory perception C.E.S.P. PSI-GAMMA and PSI-KAPPA knowledge.

Parapsychology calls all supernatural phenomena generated by the human mind; the psyche.

Physical phenomena

Synonym of objective phenomena.

They are common phenomena, produced by natural and objective physical causes.

Paranormal motor phenomena

It refers to physical actions performed by an individual, generated unconsciously or by external supernatural causes, generally when the individual is in some type of trance, as in Automatic Writing.

Objective phenomena or PSI-KAPPA (PK)

They are those phenomena of a paranormal nature manifested through physical effects: psychokinesis, ectoplasmy, psychophinism, etc.

Paranormal phenomena

They are the usual, logical ones, whether psychological or physical, due to forces that seem intelligent, or to still unknown faculties of the human mind.

Manifestations produced by certain gifted people, via extrasensory perception, through a direct action of the mind on matter. In general, it refers to any type of manifestation not explained, a priori, by the mechanisms of empirical science.

They are phenomena that do not have logical and objective explanations, caused by unknown faculties of the human mind or by intelligent energies.

Paranormal phenomena

They are the usual, logical ones, whether psychological or physical, due to forces that seem intelligent, or to still unknown faculties of the human mind.

Manifestations produced by certain gifted people, via extrasensory perception, through a direct action of the mind on matter. In general, it refers to any type of manifestation not explained, a priori, by the mechanisms of empirical science.

They are phenomena that do not have logical and objective explanations, caused by unknown faculties of the human mind or by intelligent energies.

Subjective phenomena or PSI-GAMMA (PG)

They are those phenomena of a paranormal nature, manifested through mental effects, of our own psyche: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc.


It means Love of Knowledge. Everything that is included in a philosophy has the objective of eradicating ignorance.


Knowledge of a person's character through the shape of their face.


Paranormal powers in plants.


It is said about the magnetism of the plant kingdom.

It is the magnetism generated by plants and vegetables.


Obtaining spiritual photographs of beings belonging to another dimension and photographs of the so-called astral body of people unfolded in extracorporeal experiences.

This is the name given to the practice of obtaining photographs of Spirits and Ghosts, as well as photographs of the Astral body. They are called Psychic Photographs. See also Scotography.


According to some metapsychists, it was an energy possessed by certain psychic gifts. It would be equivalent to telergy.

Supposed energy conceived according to an unknown physical model and that would be produced by living organisms. It would be a spiritual materialization, postulated by metagnomy, which would explain the phenomena of teleplasty. According to some metapsychists, it is an energy that certain gifted people possess. It would be equivalent to what others call Telergia. These contemporary occultists distinguish two fluids: the Divine Fluid that emanates from God and the Astral Fluid that communicates to man. Thus man, the center of fluidic attraction, is composed of a soul or spirit, a material body and a fluidic body which they call Periespiritu.


Cosmic electricity, primordial light, the ever-present electrical energy, the vital and propelling universal force, the incessant formative and destructive power and synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena.


(see little lights) Sensation of light produced by the compression of the eyeball or another non-luminous cause that stimulates the retina.


This voice has been proposed for the genesis of paranormal luminous phenomena (luminous flashes, bright spheres, etc.).

It is the term that encompasses the various paranormal phenomena of a luminous and visual nature.


Production of paranormal lights.

Phenomenon by which psi energy forms lights, sparks, flashes and luminous emissions in certain objects or places. They are also called "luminous phenomena." They may include: the aura, magnetic energy.

It is the generation of paranormal lights. Luminous flashes without apparent physical causes.

Phenomenon that consists of emitting light through bioelectric energy.

Psychic Photography

Impressions collected on photosensitive plates of the images produced (induced) by the mind of a gifted psychic. The best studied case is that of Ted Serious.


Phenomenon that consists of emitting light through bioelectric energy.


Visual hallucination of an elementary nature. The subject perceives flashes of light or sees the entire visual field dyed in a single color.

Paranormal visual hallucination perceived by an individual.

Francis Bacon

(Baron of Verulam and Viscount of Saint Alban, 1561-1626) English philosopher, jurist and statesman. One of the founders of the Experimental Method, he proposed the total reform of the sciences and the replacement of the Aristotelian Organum by a "Novum Organum". Occult literature connects him with esotericism by considering him one of the main figures of the Rosicrucian Order. He was credited with authoring Shakespeare's works. Works: The New Atlantis, Novum Organum Scientiarum, etc. * Master Samael tells us that he was one of the personalities adopted by the enigmatic Count of Saint Germain.-

Francis Lefebure

(b.1916). French esoteric doctor and researcher, disciple of A. Galip. He carried out studies in the exploration of the brain and specified methods to achieve transcendent states through esoteric techniques.

Franz Hartmann

(1838-1912) German occultist, theosophist and doctor. After traveling through Europe and America, he developed his psychic powers with Medium Katie Wentworth. He later connected with H.P.B. of whom he was a disciple and collaborator in the Theosophical Society. In 1888 he founded the Esoteric Rosicrucian Order in Germany, separating in 1895 from the Theosophical Movement. Works: In the Portico of the Temple of Wisdom; An Adventure in the Mansion of the Rosicrucian Adepts. * The Master confirms his Mastery and cites many of his works, especially "The Elementals."

Franz or Friedrich Anton Mesmer

(1733-1815) German physician and occultist who rediscovered and applied magnetic fluid, later called Mesmerism, to cure diseases. He became interested in Astrology and Rhabdomancy, was a member of the Frates Lucis and founded in Paris in 1872 a rite called Universal Harmony.


Actions tending to show, by some gifted people, phenomena that they could not produce by paranormal means. Unfortunately, it is all too common to encounter this fraudulent reality. It has been explained that some highly gifted individuals sometimes resorted to fraud, when they were excessively pressured by the researchers who controlled their "powers." Sometimes they tried not to disappoint.

Forces of Light

(Forces of Evolution) The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. The planetary center of Love-Wisdom.

Forces of Darkness

(Forces of Evil, Forces of materialism) The involutive or materialistic forces that sustain the matter aspect of the planet. When these exceed their functions and affect the spiritual progress of humanity, they are designated as 'evil'.

Unconscious Forces

Potentials catalyzed by the medium in order to carry out the proposed phenomenon.


pseudonym of a mysterious contemporary alchemist who disappeared after the French Liberation. Author of important alchemical works, published through Eugene Canselet, the only person who knew him. Works: The Mystery of the Cathedrals; The Philosophical Abodes. *The Master defines him as a great alchemist sought by the Nazis to obtain his knowledge about nuclear energy.


(Solomon Ben Judah, 1021-1070). Philosopher and writer of Jewish origin born in Malaga. His work Fons Vitae, in its Latin translation, is considered in the West as a fundamental exposition of the secrets of Speculative Kabbalah.


It has its source in the incipient form that is manifested through a system of intelligence such as the central crystalline core of the Earth, an intelligence to which scientists have given the name Gaia. It is the expression of the first three dimensions of the Earth.

Gargha Kuichines

(Julio Medina Vizcaino) Sacred name of a Grand Master of the White Lodge. Master of the ray of love, promoter of modern Gnosis, first disciple of Samael Aun Weor. Author of: Knowledge, History and Anecdotes of Gnosis in the Age of Aquarius, The Answers Given by a Buddha and most of the prologues to the works of Master Samael.

Gary L. Stewart

(b.1953). American esotericist. On January 23, 1987, he was named Imperator of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), upon the death of the Order's second Imperator Ralph Lewis. On April 12, 1990, the Amorc Board of Directors voted unanimously to remove Gary L. Stewart from the position of Imperator, due to dubious financial maneuvers.


Indian master philosopher of the 7th century, who together with his disciple Shankara transformed Vedanta (study of the Vedas). Author of Agamasastra (Mandukya-Kharma), idealistic interpretation of Vedantism.


(not to be confused with Gautama Budha) (550 BC) Indian philosopher to whom the Nyaya Sutras are attributed, the fundamental text of the Nyaya System of which he was the founder.


Knowledge of someone's past, present and future through their laughter.


Branch of Kabbalistic culture, which interprets secret meanings of words or phrases through equivalences and numerical values.

Random generator

Machine to detect the PK ability of gifted subjects. It is also used to investigate precognition phenomena and extrasensory abilities.


Name by which Black Magic is called.

Old name by which Black Magic was called.


Divination procedure by examining figures formed by projecting earth, dust, etc. onto a table or sieve.

Divination art, based on the interpretation of images or figures that the fortune teller perceives on the surface of a certain amount of land.

George Sidney Arundale

(1878-1945) English Theosophist, writer and orator. He taught in India and was a collaborator of Annie Besant. President in 1934 of The Theosophical Society of Adjar.

George Winslow Plummer

(1876-1944). American Freemason and theologian. In 1909 he founded the Societas Rosicruciana in America in New York, which he directed until 1912. He belonged to various esoteric groups and also worked in journalism. He was a learned astrologer and edited hermetic, Rosicrucian, etc. books.


(Mohandas Ghandi, 1869-1948) Called the Mahatma (Great Soul). Indian lawyer and politician, who had a lot to do with the independence of India in 1947. He did not see substantial differences between religions, they were all good for him. His main concern was to achieve Peace. His doctrine was based on Non-Violence (A Himsa). He was murdered by an extremist. * Samael tells us that this great Being did not finish his work (he lacked the sexual aspect) since he dedicated himself entirely to the liberation of his people and that for this reason he will have to return.

Giordano Bruno

In the early hours of February 17, 1600, Giordano Bruno, condemned by the Inquisition, died at the stake: 400 years later, the Catholic Church regrets having burned the Dominican philosopher alive, but continues to refuse to rehabilitate him.

Giovanni Battista Della Porta

(1538-1615). Italian philosopher and author, author of the monumental Natural Magic (1558) in twenty volumes, where he reflects the progress of science in his time and addresses various aspects of hermetic philosophy. Paracelsus, Agrippa and Della Porta are the three most important figures in the field of Natural Magic, having made an important contribution to the gradual transformation of magic into experimental science.

Giovanni Papini

European writer, with deep and restless investigative inclinations. In one of his works: "GOG", he narrates an encounter with the enigmatic and mysterious Count of Saint Germain.

Girolamo Cardano

(1501-1576) Italian mathematician, doctor, cabalist and astrologer of great culture and reputation, an outstanding figure of the Renaissance. Work: From Own Vieta.


Phenomenon in which a medium under trance speaks or writes in a foreign language, which he ignores in a normal state.


It is a paranormal phenomenon that occurs when an individual expresses himself or transcribes messages in another language, unknown to him. This language can be ancient or current. Synonym of Xenoglossia.


See elf. Deva of nature. They take care of the growth and ventilation processes of the roots of plants and trees. They decorate the stones with moss.


Phenomenon of acquiring knowledge in a state of mysticism through ecstatic means, without the mediation of any intellectual or pedagogical system.


(Johan Sebastian, 1749-1832) Poet, playwright, novelist and philosopher. Author of Faust, in which the work and knowledge of an initiate are observed. * The Master tells us that he was an initiate and tells us in one of his works an encounter with him, in the internal worlds.


Magic to evoke evil spirits, or “Demon Science”. In medieval times, Goetia became a discipline and was taught in some schools in Toledo and Salamanca. Arab teachers taught Necromancy and in their classes they did not hesitate to repeat to their students the famous sentence in Latin: “Eritis sicut Dei”, You will be like Gods and you will drink at the Source of Power.


The transmission of energy, the energy of love from the guru or Master to the disciple and to the disciple's response. A state where we are pure in heart and mind, so that we can then receive the love of the guru.


Science that allows determining character, health, tendencies, etc. of an individual, through the study of his writing.

Study of the expressive content of writing and its psychological characteristics.

Great Summon

Mantram of great power made known by the Tibetan Master. It was pronounced for the first time by Christ himself, during the Wesak Festival of 1945. Its dissemination is promoted by the Arcane School. It is translated into more than 70 languages. It is used daily by millions of people. The future prayer of the new World Religion


Generic name of the book used by Magicians and occultists as a manual.

Ego groups

On the third subplane of the fifth plane, the mental, are the individual causal bodies of men and women. These bodies are the expression of the Ego or individual self-consciousness; being gathered in groups, according to the quality or ray of the Ego or soul involved.

Guillermo Postel

(1510-1581). French Kabbalist. Of humble origin, he was ordained a monk and acquired mastery of oriental languages. He was considered a wise man and the discoverer of rare Kabbalistic manuscripts. He produced the first translation of the Sepher Yetzirah. Famous alchemist, who according to tradition, wrote to the Fathers of the Church, gathered at the Council of Trent, telling them that he had found the Absolute Doctrine, hidden since the beginning of the world and that he longed to communicate it to them immediately, being ignored by the themselves.


(George Ivanovitch, 1877-1949). Russian esotericist, creator of the so-called Fourth Way System and founder in 1922 of the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. A strange and controversial personality, he transmitted a philosophical-scientific doctrine amalgamated with esoteric traditions from the East. The "System" does not lack a certain innovative authenticity and has been methodized by his main disciple P. Ouspensky. *Former disciple of past lives of Master Samael, he calls him Master G in some of his books. The Master tells us that he made the mistake of confusing Kundalini with the Abominable Kundartiguador Organ and this was the cause of his stagnation.

Born in Russian Armenia, G. I. Gurdjieff sought answers to the fundamental questions of human beings in ancient sources. His approaches constitute a revolutionary and coherent body of interrelated ideas, which guide the authentic seeker along the path of conscious evolution. Mystical and controversial figure, the "Tiger of Turkestan" left a powerful legacy aimed at awakening sleeping consciences. This complex and rigorous tradition has followers and detractors around the world.


Spiritual instructor, a master of metaphysical and ethical doctrines.

Spiritual instructor, also called teacher.

It means He Who Dispels Darkness. In a spiritual sense, this is the name given to a teacher who teaches a spiritual and philosophical doctrine.

Guy Ballard

(1878-1939) American spiritualist and sensitive, engineer by profession, founder of the "I AM" Movement, with his wife Edna Wheeler and their son.


Studies carried out on the lives of the saints.

It is the study of the life and work of the Saints.

Hakuin Ekaku

(1685-1768). Japanese master of Zen Buddhism, main reformer of the Rinzai sect, in which he introduced the Koan technique.


Half pagan, half Christian festival, in which Celtic and Catholic rites are mixed. Halloween or Halloween is originally a pagan holiday but it also has some Christianity. Halloween is a night of fantasy and mystery. The fear and terror of Halloween night comes from the belief that the dead return to visit us that night. The word Halloween has its origins in the Catholic Church. It is a contraction of the English prayer All Hallows Eve which means "The Day of All the Dead" and is a Catholic religious holiday that is currently celebrated on November 1 or 2 depending on the region where it is celebrated; but in medieval times, it was celebrated on October 31, coinciding with the Celtic celebration of the Samhain Festival. As we said, in its origins the holiday was called All Hallows Eve, but with the well-known contractions, so common in English, it was called "All Hallow E'en" and was finally called "Halloween". Halloween, which is celebrated today, began more than 3,000 years ago in Ireland as a harvest festival of the Celts. For whom, the change of seasons acquired a magical importance. In the 5th century BC, in the Ireland of the Celts, the Samhain festival was celebrated on October 31, which commemorated the end of summer and the beginning of a new year. When night fell, the festival of the dead was celebrated, so the spirits came out and roamed throughout the land. To appease these spirits, huge bonfires were made and the druids cast spells. It was said that during that night the spells and magic were more powerful than on any other day. When the Romans conquered the Celts, part of this celebration of the dead passed to Christian Rome. In the 4th century AD in Rome, Christianity tried to wipe out all things pagan and ancient religions. But the Celts could not completely abandon their customs, so the Christian church changed their name from Samhain to All Hallow's Eve and the reason for this celebration became the Christian adoration of all religious martyrs. The Christian church of the 7th century celebrated All Saints' Day in May, but people still expected the arrival of ghosts on October 31, so the feast of the saints was changed first to October 31 and later to the 1st or 2nd. November, so that it would not coincide with the Celtic celebration of the Samhain Festival. Like any holiday, Halloween does not escape the fact of having its own customs and rituals, specific to this celebration: Asking for Sweets: The custom of asking for sweets has its origins in Europe in the 9th century. At that time, every November 2, Christians went from town to town asking for "tortas de alma" which were pieces of bread with "currants." The more they received, the more they promised to pray for the donors' dead relatives, which carried the souls faster to heaven. In the 10th century the church changed the feast of the saints to November 2. Use of Costumes: On Halloween, it is customary for people to dress up; This custom having its origins in medieval Europe. In the medieval era in Europe, people wore masks when droughts or other disasters overwhelmed them. The masks were used to scare away spirits that brought evil to them. By extension to this belief, on Halloween, we dress up to scare away spirits and witches. But also, according to some historians, the custom of wearing costumes has another very different origin. During the times of the Middle Ages, some bandits took advantage of these beliefs (especially in which it was believed that on the night of October 31, the spirits return that night to visit us), and after committing their misdeeds, they went with the gossip that the spirits were to blame (who, of course, were never present to disprove them). These scoundrels dressed up to look like devils and horrors and make their story more believable, hence the custom of costumes! Nowadays, in some countries, children dress as ghosts to scare neighbors, being rewarded by them with the gift of candy. Use of Pumpkins with Lights: On the night of October 31, when the Celts left their homes to gather for the celebration, they had to leave a candle lit at the entrance of their house. If when they returned the candle had gone out, this meant that that year, someone in that house was going to die. But since on windy nights it was precisely the wind that blew out the candles, it occurred to them to protect it with a hollow pumpkin. Another version indicates that, a few years later, this festival arrived in the United States, brought by the pioneers, and was accepted as a tradition, integrating all the aforementioned details. It was a Catholic festival for small groups of faithful, which became extremely popular.


Synonym of Aura.


Interpretation of the shapes drawn by salt on a smooth surface.

Harvey Spencer Lewis

(Sar Alden, 1883-1939) American occultist who worked in the Methodist Church and pursued scientific and artistic studies. He founded in 1916 in New York the Ancient and Mystical Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) which he later established in San Jose, California. Author: The Mansions of the Soul, Rosicrucian Manual, etc. *This was the first Imperator of the Amorc school, Master Samael tells us that this is a school of Black Magic of the worst kind.


yoga of control of the physical body through different postures or asanas.


English word to name Haunted Houses.

black sorcery

It is the action on a medium known as the mummy, which is the substance of the etheric double. This substance is present in the nails, hair, blood or skin of each of us. The technique consists of acting on the mummy in such a way that it affects the etheric and thus the person.


Magical practice that uses the figurative representation of a person, generally in the form of a wax statuette, with the aim of making the person thus represented suffer the magical effect of the invocations pronounced.

Helena Petronila Blavatsky

(Helena Petrovna Hann Fadeel de Blavatsky, 1831-1891) (H.P.B.; Madame Blavatsky) Russian occultist, theosophist and author of a notable and eventful life. She made numerous trips around the world, founding the Theosophical Society in 1875 in New York with Henry S. Olcott and others. In short, she was the messenger who, through her works: Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine, the Voice of the Silence, etc., transmitted important esoteric knowledge to Western culture and testified to the presence on earth of a Hidden Hierarchy formed by Masters of Wisdom. *The Master tells us wonders about the Great Master, recommends the study of all her works, especially "The Secret Doctrine" and tells us that the Master has been reincarnated in the city of New York this time with a male body and that she will fulfill a Great Mission.


(Johan Frederick Schwitzer, 1625-1709). German doctor and alchemist. Author of alchemical treatises and remembered for the meeting he said he had with Elías Artista in 1666, which he recorded in his work Vitulus Aureus.


Strange drawings, symbols and graphics marked on the skin (or on canvases that have been adhered to it) by the outpouring of blood through the pores.

It is the paranormal phenomenon in which strange drawings or images appear on the skin, formed by blood emissions through the pores.

Henry Kunrath

(1560-1605). German doctor, alchemist and cabalist who spread the works of Paracelsus and the Rosicrucian teachings, one of his most important treatises being the one titled: Amphiteatrum sapientiae. Esotericist and medieval magician, who created the figure of an Androgyne, representation of the Goat of Mendés, the Baphomet of the Templars, mentioned by Eliphas Levi and by Master Samael, in their treatises on Alchemy.

Henry Steel Olcott

(1832-1907) American Theosophist. After serving as a Colonel in the Civil War, in 1874 he became interested in metapsychic phenomena and met H.P.B. with whom he founded The Theosophycal Society in 1875, of which he was one of its main disseminators and leaders. Author of: History of the Theosophical Society. *Samael tells us that when Count Blavatsky died, the Grand Master had to marry Colonel Olcott to finish the Great Work.


(540-480 BC) Greek philosopher called "The Dark One." According to him, fire is a primitive element of matter, subject to constant evolution. Possible initiate into the Orphic or Dionysian Mysteries.


The SELF that is in us. The individual SELF that has to perform the twelve works before achieving liberation. One in each astrological sign. Hercules, as a myth, is universal heritage. The stories of his works were told in various ways, at all times, from various angles. These multifaceted Works stimulate us, in a true challenge, to make profound changes in ourselves. Whatever the version about Hercules, our attitude towards it is always one of respect and love. The adventures of Hercules occur at different levels of reality, which we are invited to explore with a mind free of preconceptions.


The three times great. Hermes Trismegistus. Greek name for the Egyptian god Thoth. His mission was to lead the souls of the dead. Astrologer, magician, alchemist. Author of the Emerald Tablet and the Hermetic Principle.... As above, so below.


Magical doctrine made up of elements of Christian mysticism and allusions to healing techniques linked to pre-Christian divinities. The cornerstone of hermeticism reads: “whatever is above is also below.”

Hermeticism. TREATY VI

That in God alone is Good and nowhere else is it. 1. The Good, O Asclepius, is not in anyone but only in God, or rather let us say that God himself is eternally the Good. This being so, then, the Good will be the reality of all movement and all evolution, - since nothing and no one is deprived of reality - a reality that, in itself, has an energy without deficiencies and without excesses, very full, providing, also existing in the root of all things. Therefore when I say that it provides good, I understand that it is good in everything and always. But this does not correspond to anyone but God alone, because he lacks nothing, nor is he perverted by the desire to possess, because there is nothing of the totality that He can lose and whose loss saddens Him - because sadness is a part of the evil -, nor is anything stronger than Him nor can it be His enemy - nothing can subject Him to injury - and nothing can excite His appreciation or provoke His irritation through disobedience, nor can anyone provoke Him to jealousy for being wiser than Him.


Generally it is a hallucination. In Parapsychology it refers to the vision of another person's internal organs.

It is the paranormal faculty of seeing other individuals, internally. It is synonymous with Alloscopy.


Image or figure formed by six lines or six sides, attributed to mystical meanings. Used in divinatory arts or amulets. See Exagram.


Synonym of Catoptromancy.

Hyaloscopy or Catopromancy

Divination procedure using a crystal ball, mirror or any reflective surface.


It is the method of divination through water.


The Initiator. The Christ, in the first two planetary initiations, or the Lord of the World, in the third initiation and higher. The Hierophant wields the scepter of initiation that directs the electric fire through the centers and bodies of the initiate.


Divination method, using the entrails of animals sacrificed for this purpose.


spiritual instructor who according to theosophical literature is a scholar in transcendent symbolism. He is considered a reincarnation of the Neoplatonic Philosopher Iamblichus. Through her the works: Light on the Path and the Idyll of the White Lotus were transmitted to Mabel Collins. * The Master tells us that he is the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul.


Paranormal action that is characterized by the materialization and dematerialization of physical bodies, which can thus penetrate hermetic enclosures (see Contributions).

From the Greek matter (hyle), and break (klao). Similar to the Contribution phenomenon. It is the paranormal phenomenon of materializing and/or dematerializing objects in closed and inaccessible places.

Designates paranormal phenomena that break physical laws and that, for this reason, are defined as not possible. In this sense, current parapsychology only accepts as real phenomena attributable to material causes.


Voice proposed by Boirac for those paranormal phenomena in which matter interacts with the mind, as is the case of dowsing.

It is the paranormal faculty of presenting supernatural acuity in the senses, interrelating them with the mind. It can be interpreted as Paranormal Perception.


-from the Greek hyle, matter, and zoe, life- is a term that designates a conception of matter, and by extension, of all nature. Hylozoists consider that all reality, even inert reality, is endowed with sensitivity, and therefore animated by an active principle. It was a doctrine of the Greek Ionian school (7th - 6th centuries BC), a school belonging to the group of philosophers called pre-Socratics. The Stoic school came to consider the Universe as a living being.


Hinduism cannot be called a philosophy, nor is it a well-defined religion. It is, rather, a large and complex socio-religious organism, consisting of innumerable sects, cults and philosophical systems and including various rituals, ceremonies and spiritual disciplines, as well as the veneration of numerous gods and goddesses. The spiritual origin of Hinduism is found in the Vedas, a collection of ancient scriptures written by anonymous sages, the so-called Vedic prophets. There are four Vedas, the oldest of them is the Rig Veda. Written in ancient Sanskrit, the sacred language of India, the Vedas have remained the highest religious authority for many sections of Hinduism.


Hyperesthesia limited to the perception of sounds.

It is a type of Hyperesthesia, but focused only on sounds.


Tactile hyperesthesia, very pronounced epidermal sensitivity.

It is a type of Hyperesthesia, applied only to the sense of touch.


Mythical city beyond the Boreum or north wind. They were legendary people who lived in the northernmost regions where the sun rises and sets only once a year. They were supposed to live in perpetual happiness, without fighting or violence and reaching a longevity of a thousand years. The myth of the Hyperboreans is the symbol of a distant and mysterious paradise.


Unusual acuity of the senses in special circumstances. Hyperesthetic perception in an astonishing acuity that our normal sensations can reach.

From the Greek above (hyper) and sensitivity (aisthesis). Intense acuity of the common senses, through the decrease of some of them. It is applied in a particular and individual way to each sense.

Supersensitivity of the sensory organs, especially vision


Term referring to hyperesthetic sensitivity to the capture of gustatory stimuli.

It is a type of Hyperesthesia, concentrated only on the sense of taste.


Phenomenon of exaltation of memory, produced in a state of trance and by hypermnesic people with the ability to sharpen the psyche, until they remember with the most precise details facts and knowledge lost in the memory of time.


Ability to remember, with all its primitive vigor, a forgotten language.

It is the paranormal faculty of remembering an ancient or forgotten language. Similar to Xenoglossia or Glosolalia, but applied to primitive languages.


It is a type of Hyperesthesia, applied particularly to the sense of smell.


hyperesthetic sensitivity of subliminal olfactory uptake.


See medium, paragnost, etc.

Synonym of Medium and Percipient.

Generalized hypertrichosis

In the past, many cases were interpreted as Lycanthropy, and patients with Hypertrichosis, who presented somatic hair anomalies all over their face and body, were called werewolves.


It is the technique that combines Hypnosis and Psychoanalysis, through which the behavioral patterns of an individual in trance are studied.


It is the transition from Hypnosis or sleep to lucidity. It is a period of lucid sleepwalking, that is, a period of being able to perceive reality, while half asleep.


Designates the form of lucid sleepwalking, as opposed to uncontrolled sleepwalking.


It is the transition from sleep to insomnia.


Artificially induced sleep. Suggestion and autosuggestion are related to hypnosis, but without the subject necessarily being asleep.

Inducing procedure to produce sleep through fascination through the suggestion techniques used by hypnotists.

It is a procedure that induces a subject in a psycho-neuro-physiological state, which keeps him in a suggestive trance, with the aim of obtaining psychic and somatic responses, or modifying the individual's behavior.


Set of phenomena that constitute hypnosis.

Skill and practice of Hypnosis.


(460-375 BC) Called the Father of Medicine, he was born in Greece, on the island of Cos. He is a great Master of Medicine, invoked in the Gnostic Liturgy.


Gnostic disciple of Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria. One of the greatest exponents of Gnosticism.


Semi-hypnotic state, technique similar to that of fascination.

Synonym of fascination. State of semi-hypnosis, known as desensitization of the senses.

Hiram Abiff

Master builder, sent by Hiram king of Tire to Israel at the request of Solomon, for the construction of his famous temple. He was murdered by three traitors, a living representation of the three internal demons in every human being (mind, desire, ill will). All the symbolism of Freemasonry was raised on his legend.


Set of psychosomatic symptoms, caused by an emotional impact. It disturbs the dissociation of the personality, increases suggestibility and can disrupt the interpretation and perception of the senses.

Type of neurosis, with very diverse clinical pictures, in which psychological conflicts manifest themselves in bodily symptoms. It is the direct cause of some psychiatric anomalies until recently considered paranormal.


Small figurine of sperm and blood manufactured by alchemists with which they intended to reproduce, through the occult techniques of Paracelsus, human life.

Auric egg

Name given to the causal body due to its oval shape.


The physical manifestation of a spiritual Monad (or Being), which is an individual spark of the One Spirit (God).

I Ching

Chinese divination technique, through the interpretation of Hexagrams, obtained by chance or the arrangement of some instruments used in practice: dice, coins, candles, etc.


Etymologically breath of life.


Reception of music, bells, voices, noises, etc. without apparent cause and of paranormal origin.

In parapsychology, this is the name given to the psychic perception of sounds, voices, loud noises, without apparent physical causes. It has also been applied to the paranormal faculty of producing sounds with the power of the psyche, different from Telepathy, where the voice is projected.


Paranormal faculty attributed to thought and that exercises an action on matter. They are forms of thought that sometimes come to impress, sensitized photographic plates, for example.

This is what is called in parapsychology, the supernatural faculty of influencing ideas about physical and material forms, producing various modifications in them.


Designates the character of suggestibility or faculty of thought capable of exercising direct action on matter. As a paranormal faculty, it means the metapsychic action of a person on their material environment.

Churches Janeiro

Spanish esotericist based in Argentina, now deceased. Author of books on numerology, personal self-improvement and related topics. Works: The Kabbalah of Prediction, etc. *Samael mentions it in the Zodiacal Course.


Deception on the mental plane. The soul, using the mind with mirages as an instrument, obtains a distorted perspective of the phenomenal world.

False interpretation of a reality.

False interpretation of reality. Facts or actions that appear to be something that does not actually happen. True but falsified perceptions of reality. Misinterpretation of a real external stimulus.

Imam Mahdi

The prophet whose return is expected by some Islamic sects so that he can finish the work started by Muhammad. Another name given for the World Teacher.

Laying on of hands

In parapsychology, the procedure to magnetize is known as this, by placing the magnetic operator's hands on the patient's head.


Synonym of Absephalesia, Pyrovasia or Apyropathy. Paranormal absence of skin burns after exposure to fire.


Plot of the psyche that would house the production of paranormal phenomena.

Collective unconscious

The renowned psychologist Carl G. Jung established the existence of a basic level of the psyche, similar and equivalent in each individual, a mental reflection of the physical structure of the brain. When a paranormal phenomenon is provoked by the mind of an individual and is witnessed by several subjects, it is said that he projected a message to the Collective Unconscious of those present or witnesses.


Occultism points to Incubi as beings of the Lower Astral, or Demons, who sexually attack women. In medieval European folklore, the Incubus is a male demon who seeks carnal knowledge with women while they sleep. According to legend, the Incubus and his female counterpart, the Succubus, were fallen angels. It was believed then that union with an Incubus produced demons, witches and deformed children.


Throughout history, Catholic demonology has affirmed that there are male and female demons capable of having sexual contact with humans... Similar entities also exist in other cultures. And, far from being an ancient myth, for some people the existence of these creatures is a current and verifiable reality... INCUBI AND SUCCUBES, therefore, would be supernatural beings, but capable of materializing in our three-dimensional universe with real and physical bodies, with flesh, blood and sperm. Incubi are, according to tradition, male-shaped demons whose mission is to cohabit with human women, and succubi are female devils who would fornicate with men.

Indigo (Children)

It is a child who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes with a pattern of behavior not previously documented. This pattern of behavior has unique common factors that suggest to those who interact with children (parents in particular) that they must change the way they treat and parent them in order to achieve an appropriate balance. To ignore these new patterns of behavior is to create a potential imbalance and great frustration in the minds of these precious new lives.


The awakening of individual consciousness by which the animal-man became man in Lemuria 18 million years ago.


In houses or places. Synonym of poltergeist.

Spanish synonym of Haunting. When a series of hostile and aggressive paranormal phenomena take root somewhere.


It comes from the Latin root that means the essential principles of any science. The penetration into the mysteries of the science of the Self and the non-self in all the eons. The Path of Initiation is the final stage of the path of evolution traveled by man, and is divided into five stages called the five initiations. It is the act of being admitted into a society and also of admitting its postulates.

It is the essence of individual spiritual, physical and mental transformation; It involves the transition from one plane of consciousness and development to another. It is the moment in which a subject begins to develop and learn, within a philosophical and spiritual doctrine.


Property that a being has of continuing to exist indefinitely, eternally, without corruption or death.

It is the supposed power or property of a subject to continue existing indefinitely. Spiritualist doctrines consider that immortality occurs in the spirit of each of us, after the death of the physical body. Live forever.

World Teacher

The one who is at the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy in a given cycle. The Master of all Masters and Angels. Position currently occupied by Christ or Maitreya


Instant perception or knowledge of a truth or idea without the participation of any reasoning.

Psychology interprets it as the spontaneous and immediate perception of a fact or idea, without systematic mental steps or procedures.

paranormal investigation

Or psychic research, it is a discipline that comes from the Society for Psychical Research, founded in England in 1882 and in the United States in 1884. Duke University produced interesting results, during the 1930s, obtained by the parapsychologist Joseph Banks Rhine. Parapsychologists study two types of phenomena: Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis, in addition to occult topics, such as apparitions, Spiritualism, Poltergeists and experiences of extracorporeal projections.


Evoke spiritual energy or spiritual beings through supplication, prayer or Mantram. See also the Great Invocation.

Any prayer is like an invocation.

Call through a prayer or prayer to a spiritual being. In spiritualism, it is called the procedure in which a Medium enters a trance and tries to establish contact with the spirits.


The process by which spirit descends into matter, its opposite pole.

Irenaeus Agnostus

pseudonym of an anonymous writer of the 17th century, author of several writings on the Rosicrucians, considered by some scholars to be the most important apologist of the fraternity.


Gnostic teacher of the first centuries of Christianity.

Isaac the Blind

(m.1190). Kabbalist, member of the family of Rabbi Abraham Ben David. He was called Sagi-Naour (rich in light). He is considered the founder of the Kabbalah school of Gerona (Spain), the first known school of Kabbalah in the West.


Islam is an attitude towards the world AND the Creator; a disposition of the soul voluntarily accepted And a practice consistent with it. It is the path of health, peace and salvation. And in all these senses it is NOT just a religion, but rather a way of life supported by a doctrine, a worldview that encompasses all human topics and interests. The term Islam comes from the Arabic root sim which includes the ideas of peace (silm, salám), health (saláma), and salvation. It literally means the state of submitting to divine will to obtain peace AND salvation. Whoever proceeds in this way, he submitted to the divine Will and to his Commands, is a muslim, a Muslim. Muslims never designate themselves with reference to the name of the messenger of Islam, Muhammad, so denominations such as Mohammedanism or Mohammedan DO NOT fit.

Israel Rojas Romero

(1901-1985) Colombian esotericist, writer and lecturer. He directed the Ancient Rosicrucian Fraternity (FRA of Huiracocha) and the Rosacruz de Oro Magazine in Bogotá. *He was one of the pseudo-esotericists along with the black magician Cherenzi, with whom Master Samael fought the most, in the process of formation of the Christian Gnostic Movement Universal,.

Jacobo Boheme

(1575-1624). German mystic and philosopher. Of humble origins and little education, he lived as a master shoemaker. His natural and intuitive genius and mystical illuminations enabled him to write works that exerted sustained influence on mysticism and philosophy. His teachings that reveal esoteric knowledge have been given the general name of theosophy (not to be confused with Blavatsky's Theosophical Society).

Jacques de Molay

(?U1314) Last Grand Master of the Order of the Templars. The Order of the Temple acquired incredible Religious-Military power, inspiring the fear and envy of the Monarchy (Philip IV, the beautiful) and the Papacy, for which the Order was persecuted and eliminated. Molay and the greatest dignitaries of the Order were taken to the stake, accused of heresy.


(4th and 2nd centuries BC). Indian sage who is supposed to have been a disciple of Badarayana and creator of the Mimansa (Purva-Mimansa) philosophical school. He is the author of the Mimasa Sutra, a treatise dedicated to the explanation of the Vedas.


(Ucirca 33) Syrian Neoplatonic philosopher. A disciple of Anatolius and Porphyry, he also received Pythagorean influences and Eastern mystical doctrines. His teachings are esoteric in nature and his philosophy emphasizes the religious mystical characteristics of Neoplatonism. * The Master tells us about "Jamblichus the Great Theurge" and tells us how in front of the crowds he was able to materialize Love and Counter-Love (Anael � “Lilith).


Repetition of sacred names or mantric syllables.

Jean Baptiste Morin

(1583-1656). French astrologer, doctor and mathematician, one of the founders of modern astrology.


It is the name that the Bible gives to God. In Hebrew it means “I Am what I Am.”

(Heb. "he who is"). Name of God in the Old Testament. The Name revealed to Moses on Mount Horeb, composed of a tetragram of sacred letters: YHWH (yod-he-va-he) whose pronunciation was prohibited, being pronounced "Adonai" instead. In the Gnostic scheme, Jehovah is a regent Master of all the moons of the Solar System. * See the section: What is his name?


That group of spiritual beings, in the internal planes of the solar system, who are the intelligent forces of nature and control evolutionary processes. These beings are divided into twelve Hierarchies. Within our planetary scheme, that is, the scheme of the earth, there is a reflection of this Hierarchy, called by the occultist, the hidden Hierarchy. This Hierarchy is composed of Chohans, Adepts and Initiates who work through their disciples and, through that means, in the world.

Spiritual Hierarchy

(White Brotherhood, Society of Enlightened Minds) ? The Spiritual Kingdom or the Kingdom of souls, composed of the Masters and initiates of all degrees and whose purpose is to carry out the Plan of God. Planetary Center of Love-Wisdom.

Jeronimo Cardan

according to Eliphas Levi, one of the most audacious researchers and without contradiction, the most skilled Astrologer of his time and who was, if we are to believe the legend of his death, the martyr of his faith in Astrology and, it is said, he has left a calculation by which everyone can foresee the good or bad fortune of all the years of his life.


He is the son of God, the Messiah. Christ.

Jesus (Master Jesus)

A Master of Wisdom and disciple of the Christ, Maitreya. He allowed Christ to work through him during the period from his baptism to his crucifixion. In the time to come he will play a very important role of re-inspiration and reorientation in the field of the Christian religion.

Jesus of Nazareth

(Venerable Grand Master Jeshua Ben Pandira) The Great Kabir, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee. He is the most important of the Great Teachers. He is the son of two high initiates: Joseph and Mary (within alchemical symbolism). The Master Jesus incarnated the Cosmic Christ and his life is a testimony of this. Among the Essenes he was also known as Jeshua Ben Pandhira (the name of his Real Being). Founder of Christianity. He is the highest Solar Initiate of the Cosmos. The only Master who was able to represent the ancient Cosmic Drama of the initiates in flesh and blood. He is the Supreme Head of the Gnostic Church of the Upper Worlds. *Samael tells us that it is commonly found in the Gnostic Church, in the Alden Temple and in Eastern Tibet.


Name given to the evil or negative influences produced through the gaze of the Sorcerer. Synonym of Evil Eye.

John Benneth

Contemporary English physicist, mathematician and esotericist who has been a disciple of Gurdjieff and Muhammad Sabud.

John Dee

(1527-1608) English occultist, astrologer and mathematician. He studied the hermetic sciences, amassing a large collection of manuscripts and also alchemical instruments. With his friend Edward Kelley (1555-1595) he carried out magical and necromantic practices.


(Charles, 1875-1953). Indian Theosophist. He studied philosophy and literature at Cambridge. He acted in teaching and had an active participation in the theosophical movement, presiding in 1944 The Theosophical Society of which he became one of its highest personalities.

Johan Valentin Andreae

French writer and esotericist who published around 1616, the treatise entitled: 'The Chemical Wedding of Cristian Rosenkreutz', which is considered to have given rise to the modern Rosicrucian Fraternity.


Contemporary artist who created a Zodiac that includes the three most important esoteric traditions: Neoplatonic, Hermetic and Cabalistic. He is the author of the Zodiac Signs so used among Gnostic students.

Jorge Adoum

(Chief Magician, ?U1958) Doctor and esotericist of Arab origin, who wrote numerous works of esoteric content under the name of "Chief Magician." Author of: The Keys of the Inner Kingdom, Adonay (considered by many his crowning work) and others. * In the Perfect Marriage the Master cites one of his works: The Bush of Horeb or the Mystery of the Serpent.

Joseph of Arimathea

disciple of Christ who obtained the body of Jesus from Pontius Pilate and had it buried. According to the legend of the Grail, Pilate would have sent him the cup of the Last Supper to collect the blood that flowed from the wound produced in the flank of the crucified man by the Spear of Longibus and which Joseph of Arimathea would then have taken with him to Great Britain in In the year 64 *Samael tells us that Arimathea took her to Spain, to the Castle of Monserrat where he buried her, part of this Castle later entering the Jinn state.

Joseph Marie Ragon

(1781-1862). French Freemason and author who actively participated in the Masonic activities of his time, being a reformer of the French Grand East and founder of the Trinosophist lodges. He is considered one of the most eminent writers of the order, being cited in that sense very frequently by H.P. Blavatsky.

Joseph Wrosky

(1778-1853). Polish philosopher, occultist and writer. He took refuge in France since 1803, where he resided for much of his life. He represents Messianism (a word he introduced in 1827) as a doctrine of salvation. Eliphas Levi was his direct disciple, but Stanisla de Guaita, Papus and others also followed his teachings.

Josephin Peladan

(Sar Merodack, 1850-1918). French esotericist and author. A leading member of the Ordre Kabbalistique de la Roxe Crois, he introduced a secession in it, founding in 1891, the Ordre de la Roxe Crois or the Temple et du Saint Graal, with which he tried to restore the ancient mysteries within Catholicism. .


Fetish name (amulet) used in West African tribes.

John the Baptist

Precursor of Jesus of Nazareth. He announced his arrival and urged repentance in his preaching. He was beheaded by order of Herod Antipas at the request of Salome, who was the daughter of his concubine Herodias and instigated by the latter. He was the reincarnation of the Prophet Elijah. He was the Avatar of Pisces.

John Evangelist

one of the twelve apostles of Jesus of Nazareth. She was with him in the most important moments. He was the beloved disciple. He wrote the fourth gospel and the Apocalypse, both full of esoteric quotes. He is represented by an eagle, symbol of the element air. This is Master Johanny. He represents the Constellation of Taurus and teaches us the power of the Word.

Joan of Arc

(1412-1431?) French heroine, born in Domieny, of humble origins and great piety. Apparitions of Saint Clare, Saint Michael and Saint Catherine encouraged him to save France, then occupied by the English. At the head of an army she liberated Orleans and defeated the English at Patay. She had Charles VIII crowned in Reims and laid siege to Paris, but she had to renounce her enterprise, by order of the King himself, abandoned, perhaps, treacherously by her own people, she fell into the power of her enemies, who declared her guilty of " Heresy" and was condemned to die at the stake.*Master Samael tells us that Joan of Arc was a Great Alchemist and Resurrected Master, who after being burned, rebuilt her body from the ashes and still lives, along with other resurrected ones in the Bohemian Germany Temple.

Jules Doinel

French esotericist, with a mysterious life. He founded a Neo-Albiguense Church in Paris, which he called the Universal Gnostic Church, to which renowned figures of esotericism belonged, such as Papus and Arnold Krumm-Heller.


called the Apostasy (331-363). Roman Emperor. Elifas Levi tells us that he was an enlightened person and an initiate of the first order. He also tells us that: "Jullian was not a pagan, but a Gnostic expert in allegories of Greek Polytheism."

Jupiter (Master)

Also called Rishi Agastya and the Master of the Nilgiri. According to Theosophical literature, he is the oldest adept who still works with a physical body and the oldest in the lodge of the masters. He is considered regent of India and a deep connoisseur of secular Aryan wisdom.


He was a disciple of the apostles and died a martyr in the 2nd century. His works were seriously mutilated by the Catholic Church and reformed. He wrote, among other things, "The Apocalypse Baruch", which is far from being the one that is known, according to Krum Heller. His Gnostic followers were the Justinians.

Lahiri Mahasaya

(1828-1895) Indian ascetic, instructor and businessman. Devoted to the spiritual life, he was a disciple of Guru Babaji, he achieved miraculous powers. Master of Sri Yukteswar. * Master Samael tells us that he is a Great Teacher.


Interpretation of the lights and shadows formed by a torch.

Lao Tse

(VI century BC) Chinese philosopher, along with Confucius, the most influential personality in the spiritual life of his country. His life is almost mythical, to the point that some assume that he never existed. His name means "Old Sage", he is credited with the founding of Taoism. He wrote the Tao Te Ching (book of supreme reason and virtue). He is a Christified.


the ancient science of chakra awakening. It is not recommended to follow their advice, since the centers are more developed than is assumed.


(Charles Webster, 1847-1934) English Theosophist, author and lecturer. Ordained in the Anglican Church, he became interested in psychic phenomena, connecting with H.P. Blavatsky whom he accompanied to India. He acted in The Theosophical Society and developed his clairvoyant faculties in an extraordinary way. He is one of the most renowned personalities in the field of theosophy. Krum Heller said that when Leadbeater officiated, the Christian forces really declined. * Master Samael mentions his work "The Chakras" and also mentions it in relation to the Krishnamurti case.


It is said of an ancient civilization, prior to the biblical flood, that was located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, from which the founders of the main base civilizations in the history of humanity departed.


A modern term, first used by some naturalists and now adopted by Theosophists to indicate a continent which, according to the Secret Doctrine, preceded Atlantis. It was the home of the third root race or Lemuria, when the physical body was perfected.

Leon Dennis

(1849-1927) French spiritualist and author. He came into contact with the Spiritist doctrine in 1867, dedicating himself since then to disseminating the teachings of Allan Kardek through writings and dissertations, president of the first (1900) and the third (1925) International Spiritist Congresses.


Continuous and pathological sleep.


From the Greek oblivion (lethos) and languid (argos). In parapsychology, it is a continuous, pathological dream; first stage of hypnotic trance.


Lifting heavy objects, particularly those of the human body, without the intervention of any type of force or physical agents.

Phenomenon by which a gifted or object would rise from the ground by paranormal means.

Paranormal phenomenon that consists of the lifting of heavy objects or living beings, defying the laws of gravity, without apparent physical causes.

Law of Cause and Effect (Law of Action and Reaction)

See Karma.

Law of Rebirth

See Reincarnation


Interpretation of the course produced by smoke when burning incense.


Motor energy of all vital instincts that can activate abnormal behaviors in human behavior, especially very acute sensory faculties, but normal in other zoological species.


From the Greek Lycos, "wolf", and Anthropos, "man". Psychological disorder, variety of zoanthropy, in which the patient believes he is a wolf.

From the Greek wolf (Lycos) and man (Anthropos). Psychosomatic disorder, in which the patient believes he or she is a wild animal. It presents symptoms of hostile fierceness and anxiety.


According to an old rabbinic legend, Lilith was Adam's lover, and the angel Samael was Eve's forbidden love. Lilith and Samael were witches and taught magic to the first humans; some ancient writings rejected by the church canon confirm, in a way, this version. Magic has a divine origin, in fact, in the book of “ENOCH” (The book of Enoch is considered apocryphal by the church), a copy of it was found in the dead sea scrolls and dated as written between the 1st centuries. and II before Christ, that is, before the Christian church was founded.


(Doña Arnolda Garro de Gómez) The Powerful Guru Litelantes. Master of the White Lodge, one of the 42 Thursdays of Karma. Wife-Priestess of Master Samael Aun Weor. She accompanied him throughout his initiatory life and was his direct collaborator in the founding of all modern Gnostic Institutions.


Magnetism possessed by certain minerals and some precious stones.

Paranormal quality of magnetism, which some minerals and precious stones present.


Mysterious throwing of stones in various directions with no observable physical cause.

Supernatural phenomenon, where an inexplicable throwing of stones in various directions manifests itself, without apparent physical causes.

Lobsang Ramp

(Tuesday Lobsang Rampa) Pseudonym of a well-known Tibetan Lama, author of numerous works of spiritual content, where he narrates his experiences in the Lamaist monastic life of Tibet. When Tibet was invaded by Chinese-Communist forces, he emigrated to America (Canada), where he fought for the reestablishment of the Theocratic Order of the Dalai Lama in his country. Author of: The Silver Cord, the Yellow Mantle, the Third Eye, etc. * Master Samael tells us that he is a true adept of the White Brotherhood, whose mission is to promote spiritual concerns in the West.


THE LODGE OF TEACHERS The Divisions. We have partially considered the higher positions in the ranks of the Hierarchy of our planet.


God. The Cosmic Being that souls a planet (Planetary Logos), a solar system (Solar Logos), a galaxy (Galactic Logos) and so on to infinity.


Certain healers and surgeons who work through the power of the mind are considered logurgos. The logurgia is therefore in charge of studying said phenomenology.

Certain healers who work through the power of the mind, as in the Laying on of Hands, are called Logurgos.

Louis Jacolliot

(1837-1890). French lawyer and scholar. A jurist in the French Indies, he studied the religions, philosophies and occult sciences of India, accumulating information that he later captured in numerous books that deserved frequent citation by H.P. Blavatsky.

Luke (evangelist)

one of the four evangelists, a doctor from Antioch and a follower of Paul, also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. He died a martyr in Achaea, Greece in the year 70. His symbol is the earth and he is represented by a Bull. He esoterically represents the constellation of Sagittarius and teaches us the management and interpretation of numerical values: The Kabbalah.


Popular term indicating clairvoyance or telepathy.

From Latin clarity (lucidus). In parapsychology, it is the term that indicates Clairvoyance or Telepathy abilities.


Phenomena supposedly produced by the Fluid of mediums

Luria (Loria)

(Isaac Ben Solomon Ashkenazi, 1534-1572) Mystic and Kabbalist of German descent. He achieved fame for his transcendental faculties. In 1569 he founded an important Kabbalist school in Palestine. He left no writings and his knowledge was transmitted by his disciple Hayyin Vital.


(Prof. Dr.Francisco A. Propato). Eminent Argentine scientist and esotericist, Grand Master of the White Fraternity. Founder and leader of AGLAS (Gnostic Action for the Liberation of Amerindia), who was part of a coalition in the 1950s with Masters Samael Aun Weor and Swami Sivananda, called "Hermetic Triangle", for the dissemination of knowledge.


(Gladys Moreno) Master of the White Lodge, Wife-Priestess of the V.M. Lakhsmi.

Mabel Collins

(1851-1928) English Theosophist and author. Endowed with psychic qualities, she was a collaborator of HPB in the magazine Lucifer. Through her the well-known works "Light on the Path" and the "Idyll of the White Lotus" were transmitted from the Inner Worlds (by Master Hilarion).

MacGregor Mathers

(S. Lidell. ?U1918) English esotericist, member of the Societas Rosicrucian in Anglia. He founded in 1887, jointly with W. Woodman and W. Wescott, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, for the study and practice of the occult sciences. The Golden Dawn, as it is commonly known, is one of the esoteric orders that has exerted the greatest influence in the Western world. He is the author of: The Kabbalah Unveiled and the revealer of the "Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Magician", both works highly appreciated in the world of the occult.


Literally the great universe, or God manifesting through HIS body, the solar system.


Being that has reached a certain initiation. There are many kinds. Each one presides over an Ashrama, whether internal

Master of Wisdom

An initiate or adept who has taken the fifth initiation having gone through all the experiences that life on this planet offers and, in the process, has acquired complete mastery over himself and the laws of nature. The Masters are the custodians of the Plan of Evolution and of all the energies that enter this planet that produce the fulfillment of the Plan.


Everything that lives, everything that breathes, everything that has an evolving consciousness, is constantly creating magic. A magic seen esoterically has three absolute aspects, which is the Mystery, the Sacrament and the Liturgy; They constitute the architecture, so to speak, of Organized Magic. Whether the magic of the Creator is considered in its relationship with the Universe, which is its field of expression, with a human being or with a simple atom of matter, everything is due to the same principle of Organized Magic.

They are spiritual and mental attitudes, as well as ritual practices, carried out with the purpose of controlling and modifying reality. Witchcraft is also known as Black Magic. Aleister Crowley defines it as “The art of producing modifications according to will.”

Set of practices, rituals and beliefs in relation to the supernatural world. They are based on enchantment techniques aimed at spirits and geniuses. These methods of animistic content, ritually formulated, attempt to subdue supernatural forces and put them at the service of the invoking magician.

Mental Magic

It is the power exercised through the forms of thought. These are designed by people with strong minds for a certain purpose. It can be defined as a body that forms an organism, which has a thought as its soul, which is what gives character to the form. It works, basically, on the mental level, (sometimes they can become visible) feeding ideas or propagating them, or even working on religion or politics. When thought is vitalized, a form is created on the mental plane, and then takes shape on the astral plane; It acquires a life of its own, and can then act on all levels. By working with the physical through the ether, an etheric double is created. For shamans, diseases are caused by these forms.

Black magic

It is mental magic that is created for evil purposes. The black magician uses elementals in combination with mental magic. Curses also fit into a form of black magic thought. The danger of the thought form performed with black magic is that, sometimes, they achieve their objective and destroy, especially when the person to whom it is directed is very susceptible or weak in thought. When it does not fulfill its purpose, that is, it was rejected by the person to whom it was sent, the thought form returns to the person who sent it, what we commonly know as the "rebound", it fulfills its purpose (magic turns against of the black magician) and returns to his place of origin.

animal magnetism

Energy different from the physical magnetism that, according to Mesmer, all living beings possess.


The Guide of the third great sector of the Hierarchy. This great Being is the Lord of Civilization and the flowering of the intelligence principle. On the planet he is the personification of the third aspect or intelligence of the deity in his five activities.

Head of a spiritual hierarchy or an occult order. According to Theosophy, the head of the third great department of the hierarchy, called the lord of civilization. He monitors and directs the work of the members of the White Fraternity and is in charge of the archives where the entire evolutionary process of the globe is preserved. * Samael mentions him in some of his works, presenting him as the director or Logos of the Solar System.


The Guide of the third great sector of the Hierarchy. This great Being is the Lord of Civilization and the flowering of the intelligence principle. On the planet he is the personification of the third aspect or intelligence of the deity in his five activities.

Head of a spiritual hierarchy or an occult order. According to Theosophy, the head of the third great department of the hierarchy, called the lord of civilization. He monitors and directs the work of the members of the White Fraternity and is in charge of the archives where the entire evolutionary process of the globe is preserved. * Samael mentions him in some of his works, presenting him as the director or Logos of the Solar System.


The large time intervals between two solar systems. This term is frequently applied to large solar cycles. It implies a period of universal activity.


(599-527 BC) Indian Jain saint and twenty-fourth Tirthankara. His apostolate spread throughout India, with Jainism becoming paramount under his influence.


(570-632) Founder of Islam, prophet and statesman. Persuaded that he had been chosen by God to reform the lives of his people, he preached a monotheistic religion based on the traditions of Jews and Christians, adapted to the conditions of the Arabs. It is believed that Muhammad, in order to fulfill his mission, knew secret doctrines or had direct contact with the Internal Worlds. * We know through Gnosis that he is a Christified who fought to the death against the infidels ("...they, the infidels, are the red demons of seth, living personification of each and every one of our psychological defects... ").


The World Teacher for the age of Aquarius. The Christ and leader of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. The Master of all Masters.

Maitreya Bodhisattwa

the future Buddha who is to appear on earth. Mahayana Buddhism considers him a Bodhiatwa. Buddha (Sidharta Gautama) announced the arrival of this future Buddha who would spread the doctrine and save all humanity. Images of Maitreya are found in Buddhist temples and in Japan he is called Miroku. According to Leadbeater he is the teacher of the world, the Christ, who currently lives in the Himalayas. *Samael Aun Weor is the Buddha Maitreya announced millennia ago and who has come to reveal the doctrine of "Salvatur Salvandus", so that everyone can save themselves, through conscious work and voluntary suffering.


Everything that prevents evolutionary development.

The evil eye

Belief rooted in several cultures, where the influence of negative energy of a subject affects an individual, through a look in a certain way.


They are acts or consequences, having expressed judgment, rejection or repugnance, and very particularly a desire for some harm to come to them, that is directed against someone or something. According to these beliefs, sometimes entire families are victims of a curse, the consequences of which reach all the descendants of the cursed person. Thus, in Greek mythology, the entire lineage of Atreus and Oedipus is a victim of the adverse fate of these characters. A special ability to hurl curses is often attributed to marginalized groups, such as the gypsies in Spain, whose gypsy curses caused fear.


or manasic principle. Literally, the mind, the mental faculty, that which distinguishes man from the mere animal. It is the individualizing principle; the one that allows man to know that he exists, feels and knows. Some schools divide it into two parts, higher or abstract mind and lower or concrete mind.


Generic of the divinatory arts such as reading the lines on the hand, the crystal ball, playing cards... and many others studied by parapsychology. According to this point of view, diviners would use the formalism of the mancies as a method to induce and express their parapsychological unconscious. The ritual of mancia would be the method used by the fortune teller to stimulate her paranormal capacity.


Divination techniques, some very ancient, most obtained by different means, such as: the crystal ball, the lines of the hand, cards, etc.

This is the name given to the various and varied divination techniques, some very old, obtained through different methods, such as: the crystal ball, cards, hand lines, etc. sec13sec


From Sanskrit, which indicates a symbolic diagram or circle, used for meditation or also magical and mystical objectives.


Herbaceous plant, a relative of belladonna and, as it is, very poisonous. Its therapeutic anesthetic and hallucinatory properties make it enter, in powder form, in numerous preparations in the pharmacopoeia. Very renowned among witches who use it as a magical filter in spells.

Spiritualist Manifesto

Act by which in spirit he reveals his presence.

Synonym of Ectoplasm. They are supposed formations of isolated organic matter or figurative or complete beings, sometimes humanoid, animals, the product of a spiritualist session.

Spiritualist manifesto

Act by which in spirit he reveals his presence.

Synonym of Ectoplasm. They are supposed formations of isolated organic matter or figurative or complete beings, sometimes humanoid, animals, the product of a spiritualist session.


(Mani or Manes, 215-276) Founder of Manichaeism, who accepted an emanation from heaven or the Sun (lucid earth) made by the Aeons of God and evil as principles. He was born in Nardim, Babylon. He was persecuted, imprisoned and crucified by order of Bahram V, who also had his members hanged by the city gates. Manichaeism is another form of Gnosticism.

Manly Palmer Hall

(b.1901). Canadian esotericist, writer and lecturer, based in the United States. In 1934, in Los Angeles, he founded The Philosophical Research Society, a research center and library on the hidden wisdom of all ages. He is the author of numerous books on the occult sciences. His name occupies a prominent place in modern esotericism. * Master Samael mentions it positively in his work: "The Message of Aquarius."


Set of rites and doctrines to develop the arts of divination.


Verse of the Vedas. In an exoteric sense, a mantram. (or the psychic faculty or power that transmits perception or thought) is the oldest part of the Vedas, the second part of which is made up of Brahmanas. In esoteric phraseology, the mantram is the verb made flesh, or objectified by divine magic. A formula of words or syllables, arranged rhythmically, so that when they are emitted they generate certain vibrations. Formula or arrangement of words or syllables that, when pronounced carefully and correctly, invoke energy.


Representative name of the great Being, the Regent, the primary Progenitor and Guide of the human race. It comes from the Sanskrit root "man" which means to think. Head of the first great department of the Hierarchy. The perfect prototype of each race.

(sans. Man). No less than fourteen (14) Manus are mentioned in Indian mythology, one of whom is the hero of a flood epic and the progenitor of the human race. The Code of Manu, the oldest in India and the basis of religious and social law of the Indians, is attributed to Swayan Bhuva, the first of the Manus, who would have lived thirty million years ago. It is assumed that in reality dates back to the s. XII BC


A period of activity, as opposed to a period of stillness, without referring to a cycle of specific duration. It is frequently used to express a period of planetary activity and its seven races.


(pseudonym of Emmanuel Lalande, 1868-1926). French esotericist and writer. He belonged to the Ordre Kabbalistique de la Roxe Crois and to Martinism.


(II century) Christian heresiarch born in Sinope. He founded a Gnostic Sect whose doctrine attempted a reform of Christianity, adjusting it to the gospels and stripping it of primitive Hebrew teachings.

Mark (the Essene)

Gnostic priest of the 2nd century AD, who speaks clearly of the great mysteries of the Mass, the hidden vowels and the precious mantrams to evoke the evangelical forces.

Mark (evangelist)

one of the four evangelists, he is represented as fire, by a Lion. He was a disciple of Paul and Barnabas and then of Peter. He died a martyr in the year 68. He Esoterically represents the Constellation of Scorpio and as an internal atom he teaches us the precise keys to the awakening of Kundalini. He also helps us to understand the Mysteries of the Liturgy..

Marie Caithness

(Countess of Caithness and Duchess of Pomar, d. 1895). French esotericist, friend of H.P. Blavatsky and member of The Theosophycal Society in 1876. Influenced by Boheme and Swedenborg she created a system of "Esoteric Christianity". She directed the magazine L'aurore de jour noveau, dedicated to "Logosophy" as the science of the Logos or Christ.

Mario Rosso de Luna

(1872-1931). Theosophist, astronomer, scientist and Spanish writer, graduate in literature, philosophy and law. Gifted with great psychic sensitivity, he was a passionate esoteric researcher. In 1902 upon learning of the works of H.P. Blavatsky, he joined the Theosophical Movement, authoring scholarly books on the subject. Also known as "The Wizard of Logrosan", he also wrote about geography and natural history, apart from press articles under the pseudonym "Rigel". He also published works on occultism. *Master Samael calls him "The great Theosophical writer" and quotes him in some works, especially in relation to the Jinn States, masterfully described by this Theosophical initiate.

Martines de Pascually

(1715-1767). Esotericist and mystic of Spanish or Jewish-Portuguese origin, a leading figure in French occultism of the 18th century. He traveled through the Middle East and came into contact with Swedenborg. In 1754 he founded in France the Hermetic Order of the Elus Cohen from which emerged his main disciple Louis Claude de Saint Martin who founded Martinism. Author of: Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings.


Leaving aside many very old and obscure historical antecedents of Freemasonry, we will point out here that Freemasonry emerged from the corporations of construction workers of the Middle Ages. The German stonemasons and the English builders of those times did not only constitute trade associations ("guilds"), but true brotherhoods where a secret theory of their respective arts and crafts was taught and exercised. Many authors have proven that the Freemasons have not invented their liturgies or their symbols and that they have not copied them from other archaic secret societies, but that they have been transmitted to them by direct succession from the guild societies from which they come.


This refers to the members of a secret society, who profess principles of reciprocal fraternity. They organize themselves into lodges and recognize each other by special symbols and signs, like the Rosicrucians.

Matthew (evangelist)

apostle and evangelist who is represented accompanied by an angel. He wrote the first of the four gospels around the year 43 in Aramaic. Then it was modified in the year 63 by an unknown person (according to the Sopena Universal Encyclopedia).


See Ectoplasmy.


Synonym of ectoplasm. Supposed formations of isolated organs or complete beings, sometimes humanoid, animals, etc.


disciple of Jesus of Nazareth and martyr in the 5th century. He was the instructor of Basilides to whom he transmitted the secret teachings of his Master.

Maurice Dunlop Nicoll

(1884-1953). English esotericist and neurologist. He studied the Fourth Way system with Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, becoming one of the most prominent expositors of said knowledge.

Max Heindel

(Carl Louis Grasshoff, 1865-1919).Theosophist and Rosicrucian. Danish occultist and mystic, disciple of Rudolph Steiner. Authorized to disseminate knowledge of the Rosicrucian type of which you have been the depositary, he founded an association of Christian mystics which he called The Rosicrucian Fellowship (The Rosicrucian Fraternity) in Oceanside, California, he is the author of several books, among them: Rosicrucian Concept of the Cosmos. *Master Samel tells us about the little practical use of this book and also tells us that Heindel was initiated into the Minor Mysteries.


In Sanskrit "illusion", (yes �“ no) of the form or limitation aspect. Result of the demonstration. It is generally applied in a relative sense to phenomenal or objective appearances, created by the mind.


In Sanskrit "illusory form." It is the body of manifestation created by the adept, by an act of will, to be used in the three worlds. It has no material connection with the physical body. It is spiritual and ethereal and passes everywhere without difficulty or hindrance. It is constructed, by the power of the mind, of the highest type of astral and mental matter.

Mead G.R.S.

English Theosophist from the beginning of the century, now deceased, scholar of Gnostic doctrines. He was general secretary of the European section of The Theosophical Society, also founding an independent group The Quest Society. He is a translator of ancient texts of hermetic philosophy.


(by J.Krishnamurti) Meditation is discovering whether the brain, with all its activities and experiences, can be absolutely quiet, without forcing it, because as soon as you force it, there is the duality again. But if you watch, if you listen to all the movements of thought, its conditioning..., desires, fears, you will see that it becomes extraordinarily quiet. That stillness does not mean that it sleeps, but that it is totally active and, therefore, silent: A huge dynamo that works perfectly hardly produces any noise; There is only noise when there is friction. Scientific means of contacting one's own soul and finally becoming one with it. It is also the process of being open to spiritual impression and thus to cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Mental process of reflection that allows, through observation and analysis, to know the essence of concrete things, or of abstract speculations.

It is the procedure by which an adept intensifies his concentration, to achieve a state of enlightenment, ecstasy or both simultaneously. Value certain ideas or follow a specific intellectual current.

Transmission Meditation

A specialized form of meditation and group service in which members offer their energy centers (chakras) as instruments to channel the energies emanating from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters. It provides the planet with a more accessible and useful 'energy reserve' for humanity. It is also a powerful method of personal spiritual development.


See mediumship.

According to spiritualists, a person through whom disembodied entities would manifest themselves. For metapsychists, they are people who, in a trance state, produce paranormal phenomena.

From the Latin intermedia (medium), in parapsychology, it is any individual with paranormal qualities. In spiritualism, it is a person who has the supernatural ability to communicate or interpret messages from the dead.


Spiritualists consider a medium to be any person who, in a state of trance, can communicate with spirits, which live in another dimension.

Faculty of communicating with Spirits.


Knowledge of a person's character through their moles.


king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) and priest of Zion in the time of Abraham. It is said of him that he had no Father or Mother. Grand Master of the White Lodge, planetary genius of the Earth under the sacred name of "Changam". Tradition says that he created a Hierarchical Initiatory Order, which would be the most important, it would function in the Internal Worlds.

Extracerebral memory

It is the paranormal faculty that an individual possesses to remember events that occurred in a past life. Reaffirms the theory of Reincarnation.


Gnostic Patriarch of the Chaldean-Syrian current, one of the most important figures of Gnosticism.


Ideas act as a refuge, an escape; ideas that have become beliefs naturally prevent complete living, complete action, right thinking. You can only think rightly, live intelligently and freely, when there is increasingly broader and deeper self-knowledge. We cultivate the mind by making it more and more ingenious, more and more subtle, more cunning, less sincere and more devious and incapable of facing the facts. Only when the mind does not seek stimuli in any form, whether external or internal, can it be completely still and free; and creation exists only in that freedom. Only when the mind is free from the desire to become something, to obtain a result, and therefore is free from fear, can it be in a state of complete stillness and silence. Only then is that creativity that is reality itself possible. J.Krishnamurti

Intellectual power of the soul that encompasses designs, thoughts, purposes and will.

This is what is known as the intellectual faculty of the spirit or soul, which includes three different parts: the will, the purposes and the thought.


great magician and wise man of the 6th century of possible Welsh origin. He was a friend and advisor to the legendary King Arthur and is linked to the legend of the Knights of the Round Table and the Druidic Heaven. The esoteric tradition considers him an Adept of the Western school of mysteries and the magical world mentions that he was not the son of a mortal father but of a Sylph and a virtuous lady.

Talking table (Typtology)

Normally tripod table, which is used to obtain communications with the supraphysical world in spiritualist sessions.


Part of philosophy, which deals with being as such, with its properties, principles and primary causes.

Period of investigation of paranormal phenomena that goes from 1850 to the 1930s. It used non-scientific and, generally, speculative research techniques.

It is one of the branches of Philosophy, based on spiritual principles, which attempts to be as such based on its principles, properties and primary causes.

Metaphysics means the rational study of physical or psychological phenomena that produce intelligent forces or unknown faculties of the human mind.


This is the name given to the paranormal faculty of perception that manifests itself through touch. Synonym of Psychoscopy or Psychometry.

Tactile Metagnimy

It is about supernormal knowledge through touch. Synonym of Psychoscopy or psychometry.


Synonym of clairvoyance.


Science that studies all kinds of physical p Psychophysical phenomena that exceed the limits of normal consciousness due to forces that appear intelligent or unknown faculties of the mind. (Charles Richet)

Science that is responsible for the study of psychic or psychophysical phenomena that exceed the limits of normal consciousness, due to unknown forces found within the mind and also intelligent energies or entities. Synonym of Parapsychology.

Term proposed in 1905 by Charles Richet to designate the study of "abnormal phenomena of the mind." At this early stage, parapsychologists used non-scientific and usually speculative research techniques.


Faculty that some sensitives have to be able to see inside the human body.

Ability that certain people have to know the inside of the human body. Synonym of Alloscopy and Autoscopy.


Transmigration of souls from some living bodily beings to others.

Synonym of Reincarnation.

Transmigration of souls from some living bodily beings to others.


Divination method interpreting the lines of the face.


It is the sense of measure in the execution of movements both in relation to time and space.

Michel Scott

(1175-1232). English mathematician, theologian and astrologer. A student of the occult sciences, although ordained a priest, his reputation as a magician surrounded his personality with a halo of legend that was taken advantage of by great writers such as Dante, Boccaccio and Walter Scott, to make him appear in his works.


The small universe, or man manifesting through his physical body.


Fact or event attributed to supernatural or divine intervention.


(Jetsun, n.1038). Tibetan lamaist yogi disciple of Marpa. He considered a great adept and miracle worker of the Kargyupa sect. Of poetic genius, he wrote ballads and his autobiography. Tradition assigns him great powers, saying that he could, with the gift of ubiquity, preside over yogic councils in 24 places at the same time.


Property that some animals and plants have of changing shapes and colors, resembling other beings, or certain inanimate objects among which they live.

This is what is known as the physiological faculty that some animals and plants have, through which they modify their appearance by assimilating that of the environment that surrounds them.


The initiation rituals of antiquity that will be reestablished in the new era by Maitreya.


Theology. Intimate and elevated experience, through which the human soul comes into contact with divinity. Although its appearance depends on the Grace of God, man has the possibility of approaching that encounter through the practice of asceticism.

It is, theologically, the close union between man and divinity, through love and knowledge. The mystery of magic.


Biblical character, mainly for Christianity and Islam. Historical founder of the Jewish people, mythologized by the close contact he had directly with God.

He was born in 1571 BC. He is the most important figure in the Old Testament and a key figure in Judaism. Legislator and religious leader. It is said that his father was Egyptian and his mother was Hebrew, although others claim that she was the daughter of Thermutis, an Egyptian princess. He wrote the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible). He was educated in the Temple of ON, in the mysteries of Heliopolis. *Samael tells us that he is Master Osarsiph.

Moses of Leon

(1250-1306) Rabbi and Hebrew-Spanish Kabbalist from Guadalajara, who edited the Zohar for the first time in 1280 as a work revealed in the 20th century. II to Simeon Ben Jochai, although modern criticism has proven that it belongs largely as author or compiler to Moisés de León.


Interpretation of the noise produced by lead when melting.


The One, the triple Spirit on its own plane. In occultism it often means unified triplicity. Atma, Buddi, Manas; Spiritual Will, Intuition and Higher Mind, that is, the immortal part of man that reincarnates in the lower realms and gradually progresses through them until reaching man and from there to the final goal. Pure Spirit reflecting the triplicity of deity: (1) Divine Will or Power (the Father); (2) Love-Wisdom (the Son); (3) Active Intelligence (the Holy Spirit). The 'spark of God' that resides in every human being.


Manifestation, generally vague and affective, of paranormal awareness. It is a spontaneous extrasensory perception.

Spontaneous Extrasensory Perception. It is the paranormal manifestation of Intuition.


State of the mind when it is occupied by a single idea.

Stage in which the mind has only one specific idea or thought.

Dweller on the threshold

There has been a lot of effort to make a complete picture of the dweller, that dark part of our consciousness, that part that prevents us from passing with impunity to higher levels... The dweller is composed of the self, the small self, which is magnified with its selfishness, with its illusions, with its attachments. They are the failures of conscience that we try to ignore and bury in the depths of the subconscious so that the thick veil of oblivion covers them and it is impossible to see them when examining our merits, by the angel of presence.


Indian teacher, who together with Master KH, was the inspiration of the Theosophical Society through H.P.B. Called Master M, he influences world statesmen and esoteric movements. Master of the Force Ray, mentioned in numerous Gnostic works.

Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus)

(1756-1791) Austrian composer, true musical prodigy. He is considered a Master of Music. In the "Enchanted Flute" he describes the ceremony of French-Masonic Initiation.


Death occurs when the soul decides that its earthly lesson is over. When the soul emits the final note, the Angels of liberation cut the silver cord and the bodies are left without apparent life. At that moment a review of all life occurs and the three most outstanding events are selected, which will be stored in the permanent atoms. They will serve as a basis for the next incarnation.

It is the completion of the vital activities of the physical human body. It is considered that, when the physical body dies, the Etheric Body continues the process of evolution towards the corresponding spiritual plane. Death has been represented as a skeleton-like spirit, with a hood and a sickle. Parapsychology still debates the exact point at which the individual dies, since there have been cases in which many subjects react after a considerable time of not showing vital signs; heartbeat, brain inactivity, etc.


(Swami, n.1908). Considered one of the greatest Kundalini-Yogis of our time, his ashram is known as the Gurudev Ashram and is located sixty-five kilometers from Bombay. He was a disciple of Nityananda and Siddhadura. He is known as Baba and made two world tours.


Moment in which the angels of illumination introduce that body into this physical world. The exact moment takes place when the umbilical cord is cut, producing the separation from the mother, the individualization of her as a being.


(Swami, n.1896). Hindu musician who practices this art as a support for attention and as a means of self-realization. He studied for fifteen years with prominent teachers and later became a disciple of Swami Sivananda. He specialized in Nada-Yoga, a discipline related to sound and everything that involves spiritualization through music.


(1469-1538). Indian mystic and guru, founder of the Sikh religion. A traveler and preacher, he considered Hindu practices as vain as Muslim ones and the Koran as incomplete as the Vedas. His god was the Bhagavant, the compassionate and friendly savior of Vishnuism. His life was embellished by legend. * Samael tells something of the legend about him.

Nancy Ann Tappe

Nancy Ann Tappe has been working along the path of parapsychology for 25 years. She majored in theology and philosophy in college and is now an ordained minister. She is known throughout the USA, Canada and parts of Europe and Asia for her candid insight into people and how we can better understand ourselves, as well as others. She began her studies of color and the human aura during her exploration of humanity. For three years she worked defining and interpreting the aura herself, and she quickly discovered that she had the rare gift of "seeing" auras—and she was fanatical about how to make this make sense. To test the information she was intuitively receiving, she contacted a San Diego psychiatrist. With her cooperation, tests were done on hundreds of patients and volunteers, using the theory she was receiving. They worked for nine years, until she was convinced that she was right. Nancy Ann then taught at San Diego State University in the experimental college. Today she continues to lecture, teach and consult around the world.


It is the exploration of the paranormal abilities of a subject, while they are in a trance caused by certain chemical substances.


(1016-1100). Indian tantric philosopher, who played an important role in the philosophical-religious history of Tibet.


Divination technique, consulting the dead. It is not the same as Spiritualism.


Interpret the shapes of the clouds.


In dowsing: rotation of the pendulum counterclockwise.

In Dowsing, it is the moment when the pendulum swings to the left; counterclockwise.


Paraphonic phenomena (emission of voices and musical melodies) that spiritualists attribute to the direct action of the operators.

Direct Voice. Paranormal phenomenon in which spirits communicate without using the voice of the Medium, or any physical instrument.


Direct Writing. Paranormal phenomenon in which spirits generate written messages, without using the hand of the Medium or any physical instrument.

Nicolas Flamel

(1330-1418?) French alchemist and scribe. His discovery of a strange book attributed to the alchemist "Abraham the Jew" and his efforts to decipher its meaning constitute one of the epics of alchemical history. He is the author of a work on the hieroglyphic figures of the aforementioned book, which he had painted on the front of a Parisian church. * Master Samael teaches us that both Flamel and his wife managed to make the Philosopher's Stone and acquire the Elixir of Long Life and that they live today in Tibet.


Invocation to the dead to know the future, whatever method is used.



(Swami). Indian Vedantist, founder in 1933 and instructor of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, in New York.


Halo, stripe, circle or luminous crown, which surrounds the head of a divinity or saint.

Synonym of Halo, Aura. It is the luminous halo that crowns the heads of the saints.

Indigo Kids

It is a child who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes with a pattern of behavior not previously documented. This pattern of behavior has unique common factors that suggest to those who interact with children (parents in particular) that they must change the way they treat and parent them in order to achieve an appropriate balance. To ignore these new patterns of behavior is to create a potential imbalance and great frustration in the minds of these precious new lives.


Those perfect beings who renounce Nirvana (the highest state of spiritual bliss) and choose a life of self-sacrifice, becoming members of the invisible host that always protects humanity, within karmic limits.


In metaphysics, it is the spiritual state of self-sufficiency that is achieved when reaching the maximum degree of evolution. It means being in the presence of divinity, without the need to reincarnate again.


Michel de Nostre-Dame was born on Thursday, December 14, 1503, at noon in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. He pursued studies in Astrology, Kabalah and Alchemy. He died being highly appreciated by royalty due to his clairvoyant gifts, on July 2, 1566, in Salon. The day before he had predicted his death: "Tomorrow," he told his disciple Chavigny, "tomorrow you will no longer see me alive in the rising sun." The first three Centurias of his prophecies came to light in May 1555, plus fifty-four quatrains of the fourth, since Nostradamus's prophecies are presented written in verse and in the form of quatrains. These quatrains, grouped in blocks of one hundred, form the Centurias. He wrote a total of 12 Centurias, each of which has 100 verse quatrains, with the exception of the VII, which has forty-two; of the XI, which consists of two; and the XII, which consists of eleven.

Nostradamus (Michel)

(1503-1566). French philosopher, doctor and astrologer. The most famous of all the seers through his book of rhymed prophecies Les Centuries (Lyon, 1555) which caused great controversy and many of which have been fulfilled. He was also a Kabbalist, alchemist and renowned doctor during the great plague of Europe. He was a great seer, as demonstrated in the book "The Centuries". * Samael tells us that he is a Great Teacher, since only then would the accuracy of his predictions be explained.

soul note

This fifth method, although not as common, is known by some. By the sound the aspirant realizes the success. The aspirant follows his usual meditation formula; He perseveres day after day, studies, on the three planes, the work that he must carry out; He continually raises his vibration and makes the necessary effort, uniting all inner effort with the outer life of loving service. In some meditation he will suddenly become aware of a musical note, which seems to resonate within the head or emanate from the heart. It will not be evoked by the intonation of the Sacred Word (Om), which when emitted by man in a certain key can provoke a musical response from the Ego, but will come as a result or culmination of meditation, and the sound of the note will vibrate within of the center so clearly that it will never be forgotten. This also indicates success. He has made contact with the Master and He has responded by emitting the tone of man's own Ego. This has actually resulted in the portal's custodian routinely responding to the alleged contender for the group's mysteries. When the work is properly done, the aspirant will intone the word of admission in his own key or tone, trying to give the note that will evoke the Ego. The custodian will respond and intone the response in the same sonorous and full tone, and thus, with the power of sound, will link the man with the Master who will preside over the ceremonies. This brings each member of the group - through her own efforts and the third factor, the custodian - into harmony with the Master. In time this will be better understood and a constant effort will be made to keep the note reverberating between those who enter and the custodians of the Threshold. (Tibetan Master)

New era

The New Age is the result of the cyclical activity of certain great cosmic energies that impose themselves on the life of our solar system. Being in motion in the heavens, our solar system enters into a direct energetic relationship with each of the zodiac constellations, in turn. These constellations embody powerful cosmic energies with particular qualities that dominate the life cycle for as long as it lasts - approximately 2,150 years per cycle. We are moving away from the Piscean experience and entering the new era in which the energies of Aquarius, which are very different from those of Pisces, will influence us, creating a new culture and civilization as we respond to them. These energies embody certain great ideas (unity, synthesis, fraternity...) that become our ideals. By putting ideals into practice, our culture and civilization will thus grow.

New Group of World Servers

NGSM. It is the group of souls that is serving on earth. It does not consist of any organization (see They are found in all areas of terrestrial society. The vanguard of the Christ, a group of disciples, many millions, who act as a link between the Hierarchy and Humanity. It currently consists of two groups: an inner core that is in conscious telepathic contact with the Hierarchy; and those who are not aware of the fact that they are world servants; but who are being impressed by the Hierarchy - are subjectively related on the internal planes. The most important group currently in the world, they are found, without exception, in all countries.

Number of the beast. 666

The second chakra, starting at the lower part of the spine, is the sacral chakra or the one that vitalizes the gonads. At the energy level, it is the chakra that channels the sexual impulse and the escape valve for lower passions. This chakra has 6 petals or energetic components and is found in those same proportions in each of our bodies. At the level of the physical body of a materialistic, selfish and evil person, it channels the lower passions or animalic instincts. On an emotional level, it channels the desires for satisfaction of those same passions or attractions and repulsions to them. On a mental level, those energies that plan how such sensual pleasures could be satisfied and achieved and also those of the type of fear, hatred, black magic, etc. So someone whose thoughts, desires and actions are channeled through the second chakra, 6, 6, 6 is truly a beast.


Practice of divination by interpreting the key or primary numerical values ​​of a subject; your date of birth, age, etc.


They are the acronym in English for “Out of the Body Experiences”, in Spanish: Extracorporeal Experiences, the same as Unfolding, Ubiquity, etc.

evocative object

It is the object that the sensitive person places between his hands or in front of his forehead, to make way for extrasensory perceptions to manifest in relation to it.

It is an object that the Sensitive or Medium places between his hands or in front of his forehead, to make it easier for extrasensory perceptions to manifest in relation to the aforementioned.


Science, or school of thought, since the Middle Ages, that studies the mysteries of nature at the same time as the psychic powers latent in the human being. In popular language Occultism is equivalent to magic.

Science, or philosophical doctrine, since the Middle Ages, which studies the mysteries of nature that cannot be explained by universally known laws, and simultaneously, the psychic powers latent in the human being. In common popular language, Occultism means Esotericism and Magic.

Doctrine that believes in the existence of secret realities only perceptible through spiritually revealed techniques or arts. Parapsychology is concerned with the study of occult phenomena that transcend the usual laws of nature.


Hidden. The hidden science of energy (see Esotericism).


Psychic energy that manifests itself outside.


It is equivalent to energy, strength; With this term Baron Karl Von Eichenbach (1788-1869) came to explain the existence of the human aura and some other psychobiological phenomena.

Baron Karl Von Reichenbbach (1788-1869) established this term to explain the existence of the human Aura and some other Psychobiological phenomena. It means energy, strength.


In Greek mythology, it was the mountain of Thessaly, where the higher gods dwelt.


Mantram. Sacred sound. Mantrams therefore belong to the domain of the sacred, they constitute a divine language and their effectiveness is perfect, as long as they are pronounced correctly, which is, once again, a learning process.

Brain waves

Electrical rhythms generated in the nervous tissue of the brain. It has been classified into four ranges: Alpha from 8 to 12 cycles/second; Beta frequencies greater than 13 cycles/second; Delta 1-4 cycles/second; and Theta of 4-8 cycles/second.

They are the electrical rhythms sequenced in the nervous tissue of the brain. It has been classified into four ranges, waves or frequencies: Alpha from 8 to 12 cycles/seconds; Beta, frequencies greater than 13 cycles/seconds; Delta, 1 to 4 cycles/seconds, and Theta, 4 to 8 cycles/seconds.

Mental Waves

Supposed waves emitted by the brain, they constitute the support for telepathic communications.

They are the waves produced by the brain, emitted by the energy of the psyche, and not by impulses from the nervous system. They are considered the support of telepathic communications.


Divination technique through oil and soot stains on the fingernails.


It is said about everything related to dreams, daydreams and certain imaginative situations of an unconscious nature.

Term that refers to everything related to dreams, daydreams and imaginative situations of an unconscious nature. Oneirism in parapsychology is the paranormal manifestations during lethargy or sleep.


Divination procedure through dreams. Art of knowing how to interpret dreams.

Divination technique through dreams. It is the art of interpreting the meaning and predictions of dreams.

Purported art of divination through the interpretation of dreams. Orinology is defined as the scientific study of dreams.


Knowledge of a person's destiny according to the meaning of the name.


From the Latin consultation (oraculus), they were the places where the divinatory arts were performed in ancient times.

mental orientation

In dowsing, orientation of the mind towards the object of the search or investigation.

In Radiesthesia, it is the orientation or concentration of the mind, to interact psychically with the object of the search or investigation.


(III century) Gnostic Master. He talks about the mantras or magic words that the Bible has and says that the Holy Scriptures are a letter of death if you do not have the key (gnosis) to understand them. He claims that Genesis is symbolic and contains great sexual mysteries.

Ursa Major (Constellation)

It forms a cosmic triangle with Sirius and the Pleiades. Our sun being one of the 7 suns that depend hierarchically on the Logos of Sirius. Origin of the seven Rays.


Production of aromatic substances of paranormal origin.

It is the paranormal faculty in which a production of aromatic substances of unknown origin occurs.


Name derived from the affirmative conjunctions of two languages: the French word Oui and the German Ja, both meaning "yes." It is the instrument consisting of a circular "master" or small wooden plate with mobility to move on a surface on which all the letters of the alphabet and the numbers from 0 to 9 are stamped.

Name made up of the affirmative syllables of two languages: the French word Oui and the German Ja, both meaning “Yes”. It is an instrument made up of a small wooden plate, loose and mobile to move on a surface on which the 27 letters of the alphabet and the numbers from 0 to 9 are drawn. It was widely promoted in England, in the mid-19th century, by the English cabinetmaker and spiritualist Isaac Fould. Allows you to obtain messages from the dead.


Various system that seeks communication with dimensionless entities. Certain and uncertain answers can be obtained at the same time. It should be prohibited for those under 21 years of age due to the dangers of obsession and possession, since it opens doors to astral entities that can be very difficult to control.

Table with engraved letters and numbers that can be marked using a needle or inverted glass glass, which are interpreted by mediums in spiritualism or paranormal automatic writing sessions.


Piotr Demianovich Ouspensky, born in Moscow in 1878, philosopher and mystic, popularizer of Gurdief's teachings. He tried to bring science into harmony with the Occult.

Ouspensky (Pyotr Damianovich)

(1878-1947) Russian esotericist and scientist. His search for occult experience led him to connect with Gurdjieff in 1914. Although estranged from the Master afterward, he has been his most distinguished disciple and brilliant expositor as the codifier of the Fourth Way System. Author of: Tertium Organum, A New Model of the Universe, In Search of the Miraculous, etc. * He is mentioned in various Gnostic works in relation to his teacher Gurdjieff and about his opinions on psychological topics. The Master calls him "Grand Master Ouspensky."


In parapsychology it is the name given to sensitive people who show a good predisposition to undergo ESP experimentation.

P.E.S. (Extrasensory Perception)

In English E.S.P. (Extra Sensorial Perception) The English acronyms are accepted throughout the world and are usually never translated.


Acronyms used worldwide to define Psychokinesis, Psychokinesis or Psychokinesis.


Psychokinesis. It is the direct influence that a subject exerts on a physical system without the intervention of a known or conceivable physical instrument or energy.

Paul of Tarsus

apostle of the Gentiles. He was born in the year 2 BC. in Sicily and died in Rome, in the year 66 AD. C. He was a Pharisee and at first he persecuted the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. He himself tells of his total change when he was on his way to Damascus. From this moment on he became one of the great propagators of the teachings of Jesus. First among the Jews and then among the Gentiles. Today he is reincarnated and is Master Hilarion.

Padma Sambhava

Indian Buddhist monk and great guru of the Vajrayana tantric system. Invited by the Tibetan ruler Thi-Srong-Detsan in 747, he settled in Tibet to revive Buddhism, founding the Nyngmapa sect and organizing its cult. He was attributed thaumaturgic powers.


(Nicollo, 1782-1840). Italian violinist, of prodigious virtuosity, he is the author of 24 caprices and concertos for violin. * Samael tells us that he was a black magician.


Word that was used in ancient times to refer to anyone who did not profess Christian, Islam or Judaism beliefs. It was later attributed to practitioners of Witchcraft.


Regeneration, resurrection, reincarnation, transformation, renewal.

Synonymous with renewal, Reincarnation, regeneration, Resurrection, transformation.


This term defines the specific event in which an avalanche or set of noises occurs in a house at a certain time and that suddenly causes total disorder in a mysterious way. The difference with the Poltegeist is that the Pandemonium has an evil character.

It is a violent series of phenomena caused in disorder, attributable to paranormal events. Unlike Poltergeist, Pandemonium is diabolical; of evil origin.


Faculty of the unconscious to preserve, in a mental record, the memory of acts that we cannot remember at a conscious level.


It is said about the memory of the unconscious.

Term with which parapsychology refers to the deep memory of the unconscious.


Among the Popes who had a relationship with the occult sciences, the esoteric tradition mentions: Benedictine IX (1032-1044), Gregory VII (1073-1085), Gregory XII (1406-1415) and Sixtus V (1585-1590) accused of sorcery; John XXII (1316-1334) alchemist and Boniface VII (984-985) cited by Dante. *Samael mentions a Pope who was a Great Teacher: Hilarius IX.


(Gerard Encausse, 1865-1916). Occultist born in La Coruña (Spain) but who lived in France and came to polarize all the esoteric activity of Paris at the time. Doctor of medicine and surgeon, attracted by the occult sciences, he founded a Groupe Independentant d’Etudes Esoteriques, a Faculté de Sciences Hermétiques, reorganized the Martinist Order and directed the Orde Kabalistique de la Roxe Crois, also acting in Freemasonry. * Despite all this, Master Samael warns us that he is a Black Magician.


Parabiological Phenomenon that consists of controlling body temperature paranormally and at will.

Paranormal ability to control body temperature at will.


Parabiological Phenomenon that consists of controlling blood circulation and heart rate at will, at the precise moment.

Paranormal ability to control heart rate and blood flow at will.


(Philip Aureolus Teophrastus Bombast Von Hohenheim, 1493-1541?) Physician, hermetic philosopher and alchemist. He studied at the University of Basel and traveled widely. He was a disciple of Trithemius and possibly of the alchemists Trimousin and Valentinus. Van Helmont states that he would have been initiated by a school of Islamic scholars in Constantinople. In 1526 he settled as a doctor in Basel, combating the old healing systems and becoming one of the great precursors of chemical medicine. In the esoteric field he occupies an exceptional position, being considered a great magician and astrologer and a member or head of the Rosicrucians. His philosophy has neo-platonic tendencies. *Master Paracelsus "IS" one of the greatest alchemist Masters that has ever existed, he achieved the elixir of Long Life and as Master Samael tells us, he still lives in the Temple of Bohemia (Germany) along with other Immortal Masters , I even reviewed the originals of the work "Occult Medicine" by Master Samael.


Any field of human knowledge that tries to analyze aspects of nature that are inaccessible to the current scientific method: such as Parapsychology, Ufology, etc.

It is the field of research of human knowledge, also called Pseudo sciences, which tries to analyze all the inaccessible and inexplicable aspects of nature such as Parapsychology, Ufology, Occultism, etc.


Sounds or voices that, without logical explanation, are heard in space, whether in a closed place or in the middle of nature.


Synonym of Psychophony.


It refers to a sensitive person who has an unusual capacity for extrasensory perception.

Person who has sensitive faculties and ability for Extrasensory Perception.


Term devised by W. Carrington to replace the totally obsolete term supranormal.

It refers to everything that is beyond the normal. In parapsychology, they are psychic phenomena that seem to escape the domain of those who are known as normal. Term devised by W. Carrington, to replace the totally obsolete term supranormal.


Phenomena produced by the human mind that are considered outside the faculties classified as normal by current science. They are divided into 2 large groups: Psi-Gamma and Psi-Kaapa phenomena.


Supernatural spontaneous combustion phenomenon. Synonym of Biopyrogenesis.


Term synonymous with parapsychology referring to the materialistic way of knowing paranormal phenomena, which, from an agnostic perspective, is studied in some Eastern European countries.

Synonym of Parapsychology. It is used in some Eastern European countries.


According to Dr. J. B. Rhine, Parapsychology is the branch attached to psychology, and is concerned with studying psychic, psychophysical, and paraphysical facts. Parapsychology is the branch of knowledge that investigates those interrelationships between man and his environment: biological, physical, and social, and in which no known sensory organs or transfer of physical energy known to date are involved. (Currently it is also called Parapsychobiophysics.)

Science that studies paranormal phenomena. Historically, it was born in the 1930s, and transformed metapsychic empiricism into science.

Definition created by Max Dessoir in 1889, and updated by Dr. J. B. Rhine in the 1930s. It is the scientific term for the study of psychic functions of a paranormal nature. Although parapsychology is a branch attached to psychology, and is concerned with studying psychic, psychophysical, and paraphysical events, it also includes the phenomena of spiritism, apparitions, and out-of-body experiences. Parapsychology is the scientific equivalent of Metapsychics and Psychotronics, although these definitions have more physical than psychological implications. It is also known as Parapsychobiophysics.


Any phenomenon that is linked to quacks, psychic surgeons, healers, etc.

Any healing technique or phenomenon associated with quacks, healers, psychics, etc.


(540-450 BC) He was born in Elea, Greece. Plato calls him "The Great." He said that man comes from fire and earth, and that it was round and that it remained in balance in a fluid lighter than the air on whose surface bodies float.

Paschal B. Randolph

(1825-1875). American occultist. He traveled the world performing various jobs. He studied eastern religions and became passionate about the occult sciences. He founded the Eulis Brotherhood, conducted metapsychic research and acted in the Rosicrucian movement, becoming one of the most mysterious and combative figures in American occultism.


Indian philosopher about whom little information is available and to whom the authorship of the famous Yoga Sutras, a classic exposition on yoga, is attributed.

Paul Arnold

French esotericist who made study trips to the East between 1959 and 1965. In 1970 he settled in Japan.

Paul Jagot

Modern mentalist, author of numerous works on auto-suggestion, personal development and mental control. Works: The Power of the Will, among others. *Samel calls him "Charlatan".

Paul Sedir

(pseudonym of Yvon Le Loup, 1871-1926). French esotericist and mystic, disciple of M. Phillipe, who achieved prominence in the occult movements of his homeland. He is the founder in Paris of the esoteric group Les Amities Spiritualles.

Peter (apostle)

He was born in Bethsaida in the year 19 BC. His name was Simon, but Jesus called him Cephas (stone). He is a master of Jinn science. His hidden name is PATAR. He esoterically represents the Constellation of Aries and teaches us the mysteries of Sex.

Pedro de Valde

He fought against the degeneration of the Priesthood like his Master Pedro de Bruys and the Catholic Church. His desire was to preach the goodness and simplicity with which Jesus and the apostles lived. He founded a Cathar community in the south of France (community of Albi) which accepted Manichean doctrines and other eastern sects, giving rise to the Albigensians (another form or manifestation of Gnosticism).

Dowsing pendulum

A type of metal plumb line or pendulum used by the dowser to find what he is looking for.

Piece of lead, quartz or pendulum that is used in Dowsing to find what one is looking for or obtain answers to questions of a premonitory nature.


Magical talisman of Kabbalist origin that symbolically represents the entire universe


Figure or drawing of a five-pointed star, which represents a man with his arms and legs extended. Used in Mantic practices and also as an amulet.

Extrasensory perception

Reception of information through channels other than known sensory means. Its main manifestations are Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP)

External fact without the intervention of any known or conceivable sense. It is what the human being captures or receives through sensory channels or abnormal senses.

From the Latin perceive (percipere), outside (extra) and sense (sensus) It is the paranormal faculty of perception of the outside or alternate energies, without the use of the common and known senses. It is when a human being can capture or receive external information through sensory channels or abnormal senses. In English: E.S.P. (Extra Sensorial Perception), English acronyms acceptable throughout the world and not normally translated.

Extrasensory perception (e.p.s.)

External fact without the intervention of any known or conceivable sense. It is what the human being captures or receives through sensory channels or abnormal senses.

From the Latin perceive (percipere), outside (extra) and sense (sensus) It is the paranormal faculty of perception of the outside or alternate energies, without the use of the common and known senses. It is when a human being can capture or receive external information through sensory channels or abnormal senses. In English: E.S.P. (Extra Sensorial Perception), English acronyms acceptable throughout the world and not normally translated.


In Telepathy phenomena, parapsychology calls this the person who receives the information from the sender or Agent.

Loss of attention

Also called: aprosexia, partial or total lack of concentration when faced with environmental stimuli.


In Spiritism, this is the name given to the Aura or fluidic and semi-material envelope of the Spirit, living or deceased.


Set of the three integrated bodies (physical-etheric body, emotional body and mental body) in a unit coordinated by the soul.

Alternating personalities

They are psychic deviations, a phenomenon of spontaneous appearances of different personalities in the same individual.

Philosopher Stone

Emerging from the ancient myths of Alchemy, which established the theory that the Philosopher's Stone was the original substance from which all metals are derived, and therefore, it had the power to transmute or convert lead and other metals into gold.

Pietro d'Abano

(1250-1316) Italian physician, philosopher and magician. He defended the philosophical and medical systems of Averroes, practiced Alchemy and astrology and was condemned by the Inquisition. He wrote on magic, geomancy, physiognomy and medicine, including among his works the Conciliatur Differentiarum Philosophorum.


Divination by fire. Pyrovasia: The ability of certain people to walk barefoot on hot coals.

Divination art by means of fire.


Ability developed by some people to walk on burning fathoms without suffering physical harm. Synonym of Absephalesia and Apyropathy.

Ability that certain people have to walk on hot coals without getting burned.


Born in Samos around 532 BC. The Pythoness of Delphi had announced to her parents that they would have "a son who would be useful to all men at all times." He spent 22 years in Egypt, being initiated there, and another 12 years in Babylon, soaking up all the time's material and spiritual knowledge. He is a musician, astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, geometer, politician, magician and priest. Returning to his native country, he became Master of the Orphic Mysteries, giving them a new impetus. According to Diogenes Learcio, he died along with his best disciples in an arson attack.


Tiny individual devas originating from the sun and moon. The solar pitris build the causal body, the lunar pitris constitute the lower vehicles. (physical-etheric, emotional and mental)


A state of consciousness. A level of manifestation.

Astral plane

The plane or state of consciousness of emotions. Also known as the emotional plane (the plane of illusion). There are seven sub-planes of astral matter between the physical and mental planes.

According to occultism, it is an alternative dimension of reality, where the Soul, Spirit and Consciousness prevail.

Buddhist plane

The plane of divine intuition.

Causal plane

The third of the four higher or abstract mental planes. It is where the soul dwells.

emotional plane

See Astral Plane

etheric plane

Four planes of matter more subtle than the physical-gaseous. For now invisible to most people.

Physical plane

The lower vibratory states of substance, including: dense physical, liquid and gaseous, and etheric matter.

Mental plane

The plane or state of consciousness where mental processes take place. The plane of manas or mind. There are four sub-planes, from the lower or concrete level to the causal one.


(429-347 BC) Athenian philosopher and poet. He was a disciple of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle and studied Pythagoras deeply. He founded "The Academy" and another school in Syracuse and to him we owe the word "IDEAL" to define that desire for perfection that beats in the heart of man. He constructed an Ideal type of State in which selfishness was sacrificed for the common good.

Solar plexus

One of the seven energy centers of the vital or etheric body. Channel of emotions. Inferior reflection of the Buddha plane.


The Pleiadians are a collective of entities from the seven stars that we know as The Pleiades. They say that they are our ancestors, since they contributed their DNA to the emergence of the human race.


See Pneumatophonia.


Direct spirit writing without the intervention of the medium's hand.

See Pneumatography.


Oral communication of spirits without the intervention of the medium's voice.


Sum of the mental energies produced by the group of attendees at a parapsychological session.


Exclusively parapsychological term that corresponds to the German word that means: "noisy goblin." This is the name given to a wide range of Paraphysical phenomena _ rarely Parabiological _ that always manifest themselves linked to a place (homes, cemeteries, temples, etc.). Some of the events recorded in this type of manifestation have been: Litothelergy, Raps, Teleplasties, Telekinesis of furniture or heavy objects, Phantasmogenesis, paranormal voices and noises. They seem to be associated with the presence of a sensitive person, often in adolescent age. They have also received the name of haunted houses or infestation. (Also read Psychorrhagia).

Phenomenology produced by an agent that unconsciously causes objects to move, noises to occur, and other uncontrolled manifestations through PK.

Parapsychology thus interprets psychokinetic, annoying or harmful phenomena, linked to an epicentric subject, calling the phenomenon with the scientific name of Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis. Poltergeist is a German word that means “noisy goblin.” This is the name given to a series of paraphysical phenomena, almost never parabiological, that occur in homes, temples, etc. In some cases the manifestations present themselves as Teleplasties, voices, paranormal noises, etc., this phenomenon is associated with adolescents who suffer from an anxiety disorder.


From the Latin to occupy (possessio), it is the extreme degree of spiritual obsession, in which the obsessor controls the victim mentally and physically. Parapsychology interprets it as a supernatural personality disorder, called Prosopopesis. It is the phenomenon in which a spiritual being from the Lower Astral, or Demon, invades the physical body of an individual at will, having to resort to an Exorcism to expel said Spirit.


Synonym of retrocognition. Perception of past events.

Paranormal ability to perceive past events. Synonym of Retrocognition.


(Sri Bhaktivedanta, Swami, U1977) Indian mystic, founder of the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Precursor of the teachings of Bhakty Yoga, he is renowned, especially for the introduction of this discipline to the United States.


Its name derives from its function, as the material cause of the first evolution of the Universe. It could be said that it is composed of two roots, "par" to manifest, and, "criíta" to do, meaning the cause that made the universe manifest.


A non-mental, non-astral, non-material state of existence between death and rebirth, where the life impulse is in suspension. An experience of perfect peace and infinite joy prior to manifestation. Similar to the Christian idea of ​​paradise.


The Life principle, the breath of Life. The occultist admits the following statement: "We consider life as a form of existence manifesting in what we call matter or what, separating them incorrectly, we call: Spirit, Soul, Matter, in man. Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of the soul, on this plane of existence; the soul is the vehicle for the manifestation of the Spirit, and the three, as a trinity, are synthesized by the Life that permeates them."


Paranormal perception of an event that has not yet occurred.

Extrasensory perception of objects or future events. Identical to Premonition.

From Latin to know before (precognitio). Paranormal faculty of perceiving some future event or event. Synonym of Premonition.

Extrasensory perception of objects or future events. Identical to Premonition.


Vague warning, generally, referring to the future or a future event.

Paranormal capture of a future event. Precognition.

Christ Principle

See Christ Consciousness

Inca Shaman Prophecies

According to an ancient prophecy, this is the time of the great meeting called mastay, and the reintegration of the peoples of the four cardinal points. The Q'ero are offering their teachings to the West, in preparation for the day when the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South (the Americas) fly together again. They believe that munay, love and compassion, will be the guiding force of this great union of peoples. "The new guardians of the earth will come from the West, and those who have made the greatest impact on Mother Earth now have the moral responsibility to remake their relationship with Her, after rebuilding themselves," said Don Antonio Morales, a teacher. Q'ero shaman. The prophecy holds that North America will provide the physical strength, or body; Europe will provide the mental aspect, or head; and the heart of South America.


According to a double meaning, the word prophet can mean: A person who is capable of predicting future events (clairship), which is commonly known as prophecy. Person who speaks by divine inspiration or on behalf of God. He is a key figure in many religions since his gift comes from his ability to speak with God and be inspired by Him.


Abrupt change in the individual at the moment in which the splitting of his personality occurs.


From the Greek person (prosopon), it is any sudden, violent, spontaneous or provoked change in the psychological personality. It is the scientific and medical interpretation of identification with another personality, called Incorporation, and also of invasion by another personality, called Possession.

Astral Projection

Partial or total separation of the astral vehicle from the physical body in order to project it to another place, near or far, at will.

It is the partial or total separation of the physical body and the spiritual body. Liberation of psychic consciousness. Unfolding, Ubiquity.

astral projection

Partial or total separation of the astral vehicle from the physical body in order to project it to another place, near or far, at will.

It is the partial or total separation of the physical body and the spiritual body. Liberation of psychic consciousness. Unfolding, Ubiquity.


Symbol and name of the Greek letter that has been proposed to designate paranormal phenomena without prejudging their nature, thus designating all PSI-KAPPA and PSI-GAMMA phenomena.


Faculty of certain subjects by which they have access to information impossible to obtain through the known senses. It includes the faculties of telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition.

Faculty of certain subjects by which they have access to information impossible to obtain through the known senses. It includes the faculties of telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition.

PSI-Kapa (PK)

Phenomena of action of the mind on external material bodies such as psychokinesis, poltergeist, enchantments, etc.


Unconscious ability that a gifted person possesses to intelligently direct his telergy.

Paranormal ability to dominate Telergy emissions, at will.


Alleged action of the mind on an evolving physical system.


It is the practice of magnetically recording voices and sounds of unknown origin. They are also called Paraphonies, since the origin of these sounds can be a projection of the psyche, or voices coming from the deceased. The practice of psychophony has been brought to more accessible levels, through the TCI technique.


Recordings on blank tape on any tape recorder, of human voices, whispers, noises, music, bells, etc. of unknown origin. (Also called Paraphonies)


Term also applied to Psychophonography, with the difference that it can be presented through the medium's voice and physical magnetic recordings, while Psychophonography is only presented in electronic recordings.


Appearance of writing on a blackboard, wall, paper, etc. that could not be carried out by normal methods. It is of paranormal origin.

It is also known as Automatic Writing, and is the ability of an individual to write messages under the influence of a Spirit.


Movement of objects at a distance through a voluntary action of the mind.


Synonym of psychoscopy. In parapsychology this term is used to designate the E.S.P. that some sensitive people possess while holding in their hands any object that has belonged to the person they are looking for.

Synonym of Cryptesthesia and Psychoscopy. Supernatural faculty also called Extrasensory Perception.


Movement of objects at a distance through a voluntary action of the mind.


Paranormal phenomenon that manifests itself with the movement of objects, driven by a flash of psychic energy. It is the direct influence that a subject exerts on a physical system without the intervention of a known or conceivable physical instrument or energy.


Liberation of telergy or certain unconscious energies and forces.

Violent liberation of the psychic forces residing in the human unconscious.

Synonym of Telergy.


Clairvoyant faculty that some sensitives possess, which by having a witness in their hands, such as a handkerchief, a pen, etc., will make them mentally relate to the owner of said object and obtain the necessary information.

Paranormal faculty that possesses the ability to evoke or know some data, fact or event related to an object, using it as a point of concentration, calling it an Evoking Object.


Synonym of Parapsychology; term used especially in former socialist or communist countries.

Synonym of Parapsychology, applied to more physical than psychic practices.


The spiritual self. The embodied self. The word literally means "dweller in the city" that is, in the body. It derives from the Sanskrit "pura", which means city or body, and "uses" a derivative of the verb "vas" or dwell.


The Qabalah must be defined as a universal esoteric doctrine. It is a wisdom that aims to deal in extenso with the problems of the origin and nature of life, and the evolution of man and the universe.


literally "Feathered Serpent", in a religious sense it means the "Divine Twin" or "the one who is similar to God." Its deep relationship with the earth comes from the reptile and its intimate relationship with the divine comes from the Quetzal bird whose plumage is the most valuable for indigenous Mesoamerican cultures. The myth of Quetzalcóatl is fundamentally his journey to the kingdom of death, the Mictlan, his journey is suffering, ignorance and sacrifice, but from there he rises to the thirteenth heaven, the Omeyocan, a place beyond duality, where he becomes the new sun or fifth sun, purified in the flames coming from Tezcatlipoca.

"Feathered Serpent". The Mexican Christ. Supreme divinity among the Toltec people, whom he educated and taught divine laws.-


Illusion, fiction, product of the imagination. Creature from Greek mythology, with the body of a lion, the head of a woman and the wings of a bird of prey.


For Empedocles (c. 483 - 430 BC) the universe was composed of four elements or essences: earth, water, air, fire. For Aristotle, there was one more, of a higher nature, much more subtle: the ether, a fifth element, in Greek 'pemptê ousia' translated into Latin by 'quinta essentia' that corresponded to the invisible element that fills the universe. The 'quintessence' is the finest of a thing, the essential and purest.

Fifth principle

The beginning of the mind; that faculty that in man is the intelligent thinking principle and that differentiates him from the animal.

Aztec Fifth Sun

The new humanity corresponds closely to an ancient Aztec and Mayan myth called Ollin Toniatiuh, or the myth of the Fifth Sun. According to ancient codices, songs and traditional stories, there were four suns before the current sun. Each Sun corresponded to one of the four primordial elements: water, earth, fire and air, and with each cycle, there was a new earth with its flora and fauna, and with its new humanity. Each of these cycles ended with a cataclysm during which all life was destroyed, so that it could be reborn, more evolved. With the Fifth Sun, also known as the Sun of Quetzalcoatl, the gods planted the seed of a new humanity on Earth that would be ruled by the legendary Quetzalcoatl himself. At the time of Quetzalcoatl's birth, the wise elders, who were also Toltec warriors, prophesied that the only way to survive the final cataclysm of each millennial cycle was to have wisdom and a heart as firm as a rock.


Art of knowing a person's character by observing their hands.

It is the study of personality through observation of your hands.

Study of the relationships that exist between the morphology of the hands and the psychological characteristics of a subject.


It is a divinatory art through the study or analysis of the lines on the hand, according to universally accepted rules.

Divinatory art, through the interpretation of the lines of the hands.

Art of divination based on the analytical interpretation of the hands that would reveal the character, destiny and qualities of a person.


CHIROPRACY defends a holistic vision of the human organism, since it seeks to restore health through the manipulation of certain organs, especially the spine. This therapeutic method has advantages and limitations. Chiropractic or chiropractic is a therapeutic system based on the theory that diseases are a consequence of a disorder in the innervation of tissues, which cause them to become ill; Its cure can be obtained by manipulating the structures of the body, especially the spine.


Divinatory art, through the use of a branch, rod or staff, supposedly magnetized. Predecessor of Dowsing.


(Joaquin Amortegui Balbuena) Venerable Master of the White Lodge, of the ray of Justice. He is the incarnation of one of the 42 Judges of Karma. Disciple of Samael Aun Weor. He is the leader of the New Order Gnostic Movement, based in Colombia. Works: Supreme Christmas Message 1986-1987 among others.


Energy emissions that may have a wave nature.

Emission of energy produced by the stimulation of light or the energy of some element. Light or electromagnetic waves.


It is the art of capturing, by means of a rod or pendulum, springs, treasures, buried or lost things, etc. This is due to the extrasensory perception of the individual.

Detection, with the help of a rod or a pendulum, of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by metallic bodies.

Also called Radionics, it is the practice of perceiving or capturing electromagnetic emissions. In Dowsing, rods, pendulums, needles, etc. are used. Influenced by the Extrasensory Perception faculties of a subject.

Ragoczy (Prince Racoczy)

Hungarian teacher considered Supreme Head of the Rosicrucian Order. He has been much studied by esoteric literature and is identified with the Count of Saint Germain. It is mentioned that they are particularly in charge of the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. *Master Samael confirms that indeed "Racoczy" is the internal name of the famous and enigmatic Count of San German.

Raimundo Lulio (Lul or Llul)

(1235-1315) Spanish philosopher and mystic with an eventful life. He tried to evangelize Muslims, was a philosophy teacher in Paris and dabbled in Hermeticism, being according to tradition an alchemist. A prolific writer, he is considered a main figure in Catalan literature. Among the works of the so-called "Doctor Illuminatus" are "Ars Magna" (1273), the mystical novel "Blanquerna" (1283) and some alchemical treatises attributed to him. * The Master defines him as another of the great alchemists of the past, he quotes him in many of his works and tells us that he died precisely trying to evangelize Muslims.


the yoga of mind control. Which is impossible; but we can ensure that the mind does not interfere with our highest contacts.

Raja Yoga

A system to dominate the mind and also to develop psychic and spiritual powers and achieve union with the Higher Self or Ego. It means exercise, control and mental concentration.

Ralph Lewis

(Sar Valdiviar, -1987) Son and successor of the founder and first Imperator of the Ancient and Mystical Rosicrucian Order (AMORC), Harvey Spencer Lewis. He was the Imperator of Amorc at the time when Master Samael wrote 'The Rebellion of Bel', a work in which he makes strong criticisms of this institution.

Rama or Yima

god of India, seventh Avatara who came to earth incarnating Vishnnu to liberate it. Great initiator and conqueror of India, he instituted the Cult of the sacred Fire and abolished slavery and human sacrifices. He founded the city of "See". He taught the cultivation of the Vine. He was a great magician and, according to the hypothesis of Fabre D'Olivet, the revealer of the Zodiac.


(1834-1886) Indian Mystic. He ventured into several religions (Buddhism, Islam, Christianity) finally establishing himself in the study of Vedanta and Yoga. His essentially Hindu teaching has a universalist character and engages the entire human personality.

Ramana Maharshi

(Ventakaraman Ayyar, 1879-1950). Indian mystic, called the sage of Arunachala, the mountain at the foot of which he had his ashram. Considered the greatest sage of modern India, his doctrine is a philosophy for the spiritual liberation of man that has earned the praise of Jung, Huxley and other authors.


English word that designates unusual noises that occur without an explainable cause.

Blows on walls and tables that occur in mediumistic and poltergeist sessions. The causative agent would produce them through PK

Modernist term used to describe inexplicable noises and sounds.


(Gregori Efimovich, ? U1916) Russian monk. Called the "Holy Devil", it is said that he possessed complete control over Tsar (King) Nicholas of Russia, as well as the Tsarina, in such a way that Russia was practically at his feet. It is said that he developed a formidable hypnotic power with which he controlled kings. He was assassinated by Prince Yussupov and other Russian nobles. *Master Samael dedicates a chapter to him in his work "The Mystery of the Golden Bloom".


(Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche, 1901-1963) Argentine spiritualist and author, founder of the Logosophic Movement, through the Logosophic School (1930) and later the Logosophic Foundation (1939).


According to Spiritism and many religions, return of the spirit to bodily life; plurality of stocks.

Return Incarnate. It is the prevalence of the spirit, of the human soul. It is the process through which the human being obtains one body after another, until achieving the necessary spiritual evolution.


Psychotherapy focused on the patient exploring the memory of the events that contributed to the emotional problems they currently present. These memories are found in the unconscious, so sensitization or hypnosis techniques are used, being able, on some occasions, to remember past lives.

Hypnotic Regression

Technique that consists of relaxing an individual to the maximum in order to recover lost memories of the past. It is commonly used with abductees who suffer from Lost Time Syndrome.


It is a set of beliefs established to fraternize human beings and manifest idolatry of a God, creator of the universe.

Rene Guenon

(1866-1951). French esotericist. After venturing into various hermetic movements, he adopted the Islamic religion in 1912, settling in Egypt in 1930. He is the author of an elaborate metaphysical system and works such as: Fundamental Symbols of Sacred Science.


Knowledge of past events or experiences outside the individual's memory and that could not be known through normal sensory channels.

Synonym of Postcognition. It is the paranormal faculty that an individual possesses, and that allows him or her to know or know in an unexplained way facts or events from a remote past.

Richard Bach

North American. Author of "Juan Salvador Gaviota", a book in which the steps of initiation are narrated in poetic form.


More or less complex formula that tries to achieve an individual or group fusion with some type of entity. You can use mudras, mantras, symbols, known or not, since what matters is the energy that you are able to set in motion and then control it properly.

It is interpreted as any series of repetitive and continuous acts or movements, with specific objective purposes. In dogmatic and spiritual areas, it acquires a sense of mysticism, so that a Ritual can be a ceremony intended to please some divinity, attract good luck, modify the development of events, as in Witchcraft, etc.

Robert Crosbey

(1849-1919). American Theosophist. In contact with H.P. Blavatsky and W.Q. Judge from 1887, directed the Boston Lodge of The Theosophical Society and when the secession of this entity occurred he joined K. Tingley's group, remaining in his Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society until 1904. In 1906 he founded with a group of theosophists of diverse tendencies The United Lodge of Theosophist and in 1912 Theosophist revokes it.

Robert Fludd

(1574-1637). English occult doctor, scholar and philosopher. He cultivated the exact sciences and deeply studied the cabalistic interpretation of the universe and alchemy. Main apologist of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, he is considered one of the great figures or leaders of the same in Great Britain.

Rodney Collins

(1909-1956). English esotericist and author. He traveled extensively through Europe, the Middle East and America and then, in contact with Ouspensky, of whom he was a close friend and disciple, he dedicated himself to expanding his teachings throughout Latin America, founding the Sol publishing house and a study center in Mexico.

Roger Bacon

(1214-1294) English philosopher, mystic and alchemist, member of the Franciscan Order. He became one of the most learned personalities of his century, a precursor of modern experimental science. Author of notable inventions, he was also interested in magic and his wisdom caused him persecution. Works: Opus Mius, Opus Minus, Opus Tertium, etc. *Another of the personalities adopted by the Count of Saint Germain according to Master Samael.


Metaphysically, they are interpreted as those who have allowed the Rose of their Christ self to blossom on the wood of their own cross. Masonic brotherhood or fraternity that emerged in 1614, in Germany, founded by Christian Rosenkreutz.


Poltergeist. Acronym in English for Recurrent Spontaneus Psychokinesis”; Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis.

Rudolph Steiner

(1861-1925) Theosophist, disciple of H.P. Blavatsky. When Mrs. Besant affirmed that Khrisnamurty was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, he separated from the Theosophical Society, forming a fraternity which he called the General Anthroposophical Society, for the teaching and dissemination of Anthropology (study of the mysteries and wisdom of man). . The size of his work is immense, he instituted the so-called Waldorf schools, for the cultural and intellectual development of its members, he created Biodynamic Agriculture gardens, where he applied esoteric science to cultivation. He taught and practiced Esoteric Architecture, which he embodied for the first time in the headquarters of his institution, the "Gothenaum", in honor of Goethe, located in Switzerland. A student of all facets of human knowledge, he is considered one of the greatest occultists of this century. Works: The Philosophy of Freedom, Theosophy, Occult Science, etc. * The Master refers to him as "Powerful Enlightened Clairvoyant" "The Great German Initiate" and also tells us that his works are wells of profound esoteric wisdom.


There are 24 symbols used within Occultism, with the aim of performing Divination rituals. They are considered to be possessors of a mysterious magic, capable not only of seeing the future, but also of modifying it.


Acronym for the Spanish Society for Parapsychological Research, founded in Alicante, Spain, with international paranormal research activities.


Master of the White Lodge, who agreed with the Judges of the Law to pay all his Karma in this life. As a result of his request he was attacked by leprosy for years. Disciple of Samael Aun Weor, he currently lives in Colombia.

Eternal Wisdom

An ancient set of spiritual teachings underlying all the world's religions as well as all scientific, social and cultural achievements. First made available in writing to the general public in the late 19th century by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and in the 20th century by Alice A. Bailey.

Sadhu Mouni

(b.1898). German esotericist and linguist. He acted in the Theosophical Society and in Martinism, also giving lectures on occultism and yoga. He then contacted Ramana Maharshi, who sent him to the West to spread his teachings.

Saint Germain

(see Racoczy and also the book The Philosopher's Stone by V.M. Samael).-

Saint Yves D'Alveydre

(Márques de Alveydre, 1842-1909). French esotericist, orientalist, musician and author, founder of the Institute International de Hautes Etudes in Paris. It is said that he never belonged to any institution and was one of the most respected esotericists of the 14th century.


son and successor of King David (970 BC). His wisdom was legendary throughout the East. He was the builder of the Temple in Jerusalem and cultivated poetry and music. Queen Balquis of Sheba traveled through Oreinte to be with him. He was a great teacher and magician, certain spells and special practices are attributed to him. Freemasonry sees in him a Great Master. * Samael teaches us that he is a great teacher, who bequeathed the conjurations of the four, the seven and the invocation that bears his name (which are found in our liturgy) as well as many other elements for magic. He also tells us that his bodhisattwa (human soul) is currently fallen.

Samhain, festival of

Celtic Festival (Ireland) that was celebrated every October 31 to commemorate the end of summer and the beginning of a new year. >> More Info

Saint Malachi

He was recognized for having powers of levitation, healing and clairvoyance. On his way to the Vatican to assume the papal office of Ireland, he fell into a trance and "saw" a line of papal kingdoms from the successor of Innocent II to the last on the list, identified as Peter of Rome. (today �“ 2004 - only two are missing). Malachi assigned brief Latin descriptions to each Pope as he transferred his vision to paper. These notes usually referred to place of birth, rank of arms, or family name. Some of the phrases are multiple prophecies, written with clever wordplay. For example, Pius II, who reigned for only 26 days, was described as "De Parvo Homine" (of a little man). His family name was Piccolomini, Italian for "little man."

Sanat Khumara

The greatest of the avataras. Chief of the Khumaras who has descended to this physical plane. He is also called "The Ancient of Days" "The Silent Watcher" "The Lord of the World". According to the tradition of Hinduism, her name means "eternally virginal youth" and her body, although physical, was not born of a woman, but was formed by the power of the creative power (kriyashakty), never ages and maintains the appearance of a handsome young man Sanat Kumara during the middle stage of the third root race (lemur), arrived on earth from the planet Venus, with three lieutenants (kumaras) and thirty assistants, who fulfilled their mission to help our evolution and have long since moved away from our land. According to legend, they landed in the mysterious city of Shambala located on an island in the Gobi Sea. But sanat Kumara, great ruler of the world under the solar deity, still retains the position of guidance and control of the evolution of our planet and represents the Logos as far as this world is concerned. * Samael tells us that he is the founder of the Sacred College of Initiates of the White Lodge and that all the great initiations of Major Mysteries are received in his name.

Sanat Kumara

The Lord of the World; the etheric expression of our Planetary Logos that dwells in Shamballa. A great Being originally from Venus, who sacrificed himself to become the vehicle of the personality of the deity that has animated our planet for more than 18 million years. The closest aspect of God that we can know.



James (apostle)

called the eldest. Brother of John the Evangelist. Tradition says that he went to Spain in the year 30 of the Christian era.

called the youngest. Brother of Judas Thaddeus. He died a martyr around the year 62. He represents the Constellation of Libra and teaches us to know and live the Christ Mysteries.

Holy Grail

It is the chalice or cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper, and which later, upon his death, contained a little of his blood.


In the Old Testament it means “accuser”, “liar”, it is the enemy or adversary of God.

Saturninus of Antioch

(II century) Great Kabbalist and profound expert on the Zend Avesta. Papus confesses to having taken many of his formulas from Saturninus. He preached Sobriety and Chastity among his disciples.


Loneliness, nostalgia, longing.

"Saudade" some interpret as "nostalgia" but the terms that have given you "longing or longing" remain. The essence, the feeling of a "past memory", mental retrospection, returning to a place or a situation. Paulo Coelho


Society formed for the purpose of opposing the teaching and structures of the Church. Sects can be worshipers of mystical, esoteric or occult cults.


Synonym of typtology.

In spiritualism, it is the phenomenon that occurs when spirits communicate through knocks or unclear and indefinite sounds. Synonym of Typtology.

Lord of Civilization

(See Mahachohan).

Lord of the World

See Sanat Kumara.

Lord Raja

The word "raja" simply means king or prince; It applies to the great angels or entities that animate the seven planes. These entities constitute the sum total of great devas and the controlling intelligence of a plane

Lords of the Flame

One of the great Hierarchies of spiritual beings that guide the solar system. They were responsible for the evolution of humanity on this planet about 18,000,000 years ago, during the middle of the Lemurian era or third root race.

Sensa or Senzar

Name given to a secret priestly language or "mysterious speech" of initiated adepts around the world. It is a universal language and, to a large extent, written in hieroglyphic figures.


Person who has a special ability to experience countless paranormal phenomena.

Synonym of Medium, or Telepath. Person who has the faculty of Extrasensory Perception, or can communicate with spirits.

Sephan Rittangel

Prominent Kabbalist who published a Latin version of the Sepher Yetsirah in 1642.


The Mother of the Sephirots DIRECT KEY TO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE. It is necessary for our Gnostic disciples to learn to leave the physical body in their interior vehicles with full consciousness to penetrate the different Sephirotic regions.

Being (Monad)

The divine spark or center of life of each human being.


Greek teacher called "the Egyptian", because his activity takes place specifically in Egypt. According to modern theosophy he works with the devas of sound and everything related to art in general.

Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere

(1916-1949) French esotericist, of whom it is mentioned that he received initiatory degrees in Indian sanctuaries. Founder of the Supreme Order of Aquarius, in Caracas (1948). He was described as a predestined incarnation and was the author of books of a spiritual nature. * He called himself "Avatara of Aquarius" and Master Samael shows us an interior study in which he demonstrates that this gentleman was not even a simple chela (Zodiac Course).

Sixth Sense

This is how Extrasensory Perception was previously known.

Shabbatai Zevi

(1625-1676). Exalted character, a Jew from Smyrna, linked to Kabbalism who proclaimed himself the long-awaited Messiah, sponsored by the prophet and his friend Nathan of Gaza. He exerted a strange influence on his compatriots, but was eventually forced to convert to Islam to save his life.


See shaman.


It is a very high state of consciousness. It is the “place” where the Will of God is known. It is the “place” where our monad or what is known in Christianity as the Father in heaven, which is the true SELF, manifests. In Shamballa the evolution of all the kingdoms of the Planet is followed with great care. From that Center, laws are decreed that take advantage of planetary positions and other cycles. All Members meet every 100 years or in critical conditions of humanity. There is stored a copy of everything that humanity has been building throughout its evolution, all the books in the world, animals of all species, etc. It is the most important energy center on the planet. It was located above the Gobi Desert, in the higher etheric planes. For some nations it is in the West and for others in the East and still for others in the north or south. From him and through him flows the Force of Shamballa - the energy of Will or Purpose. It corresponds to the chakra or crown center. The city of the Gods.

Sigmund Freud

(1856-1939) Doctor Viénes (Austria), who revolutionized the field of psychology, with his approaches, especially in the field of dream interpretation and the analysis of the subconscious that he practically discovered. His technique, "Psychoanalysis" has contributed enormously to the field of research into psychic phenomena in Human Beings.


The mental silence. - When the mouth speaks the mind gets busy and stops learning, when the mouth is silent the mind opens and the understanding of the universe penetrates it. May your mouth open only to give light to the one who has asked for it. Practice contemplation, because only in mental silence can God become present in you. Nature is an open book that explains the secrets of the universe to those who are willing to listen to it.


Mental form in any tradition. It contains within itself a certain power. Although it is more of a koan that requires intuition and the mind to penetrate.

Simeon Ben Jochai

(2nd century) Rabbi and Hebrew Kabbalist, disciple of Akiba. According to legend, the prophet Elijah revealed the Zohar to him (whose paternity modern critics assign to Moisés de León). Considered a miracle worker, he had an important participation in the establishment of the sacred Hebrew laws.

Simon the Magician

magician from the city of Samaria who, knowing the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, offered them money to buy his secrets and thus be able to perform miracles. Saint Peter rebuked him, making his behavior ugly, to which Simon responded with humility or fear that he did not want to be punished by his God. He then was educated and supposedly was one of the founders of Gnosticism. According to Krum-Heller there are many authors who in recent years have taken data from Simón. He preached ideal love and the obligation to combat carnal voluptuousness. When he died, divine honors were paid to him. * HPB, I consider him a great teacher like Krum Heller, but Dante in his divine comedy sees him in one of the hells. Samael invoked him in the internal worlds and was able to verify that Simon the Magician is actually a black magician who is the antithesis of Simon Peter.


Many paranormal phenomena can be simulated or faked.


It is the scientific theory of probability and coincidence, fully quantified, established by psychologist Carl G. Jung.


Ability to carry out in a simultaneous and coordinated manner the various muscular movements that make up simple voluntary movements such as walking, or complicated ones such as writing and the emission of the spoken word.


Simultaneous sensitivity. It is the association between sensations of different nature. Multiple presence of paranormal sensations.


(743-814). Neoplatonic Christian philosopher, disciple of Hypatia. He was initiated into the Mysteries of Hermes and appointed bishop of Ptolemais. In his writings he also dealt with alchemy and astrology.


“Color hearing” phenomenon. Audiovisual synesthesia.

Sivananda (swami)

(Kuppreswani Aiyer, 1887-1963) Yogi, Indian mystic and doctor, established in Rishikesh. Founder of the Divine Life Society and Yoga Vedanta Forest University. He is the author of many books on spiritual topics and medicine. *It is well known to many that this Master, together with Master Samael and Master Luxemil, formed the "Hermetic Triangle", an international union of institutions for the dissemination of knowledge. The Master especially recommends his work titled: Kundalini Yoga.


See Soal Letters.


Supernatural is the term that is opposed to natural, that is, what is perceived by our senses and our abstract constructions; Therefore, the term popularly describes what is considered to be beyond nature. "The" supernatural defines phenomena that seem and are believed to be real, but that cannot be explained scientifically, due to their own nature. When using the term supernatural, it is commonly associated with the phrase "supernatural phenomena."

Theosophical Society

Founded in the 19th century by a group of people around the teachings received by Mme. Blavatsky. Amanuensis of the Tibetan Master.


(470-399 BC) Greek philosopher, born in Athens. Symbol of the genius of his civilization which he served with tireless courage. His teaching method "La Mayeutica", by asking his interlocutors (irony) and forcing them to find their own contradictions (dialectic) in order to put into practice the wise maxim "Know thyself." Accused of attacking the gods and corrupting the young, he was condemned to drink Hemlock, which he did with great serenity in the midst of his disciples. His last words were: NON OMNIS MORIAR, "I will not die at all." *He is one of the past incarnations of Master Lakhsmi.


Therapy or discipline similar to Hypnosis, for the psychosomatic training of the individual, through Meditation or Yoga.


This is the name given to the act of talking to oneself (asking and answering, talking to oneself) without someone accompanying the person. Sometimes it becomes pathological.


Excessive desire to sleep. Heaviness and clumsiness derived from it.


From the Latin dream (sommus) and walk (ambulare). Sleep state in a subject that leads him or her to walk, talk, or perform some activity while asleep. It is the opposite of Hypnoblepsy.

mystical sounds

Certain sounds perceived during meditation.

It is the entire range of sounds, voices or even music, that can be heard during a Meditation.

Stanisla De Guaita

(Marquis Marie Victor, 1867-1897). French occultist, cabalist and orientalist. He was the main disciple of Eliphas Levi and founded in 1889 the Ordre Kabbalistique de la Roxe Crois, which he presided over until his death. He wrote several works on magic.


Perception of the mind, which remains outside of consciousness, assimilating the message in the subconscious.

Atomic Subplane

Occultists divide the matter of the solar system into seven planes or states, the highest being the atomic plane. Similarly each of the seven planes is divided into seven subplanes, and the highest is called the atomic subplane. Therefore, there are forty-nine subplanes and seven of them are atomic.


See incubi. Entities that inhabit the astral plane.

It is a demon similar to the Incubi, female, only they attack men.


It is the moment in which the body expresses the need to rest, the individual sleeps and releases his subconscious, so that his mind can remember events that occurred previously, create a fictitious situation of anxiety, fear or anguish, or simply create scenes of related events. with the current condition of the individual. Oneiromancy has been responsible for giving an interpretative value to dreams, finding predictions in them. It is also said that many dreams are experiences lived during an Astral Journey or Splitting.


It is a current of Islam that was responsible for the Arabs translating ancient Greek and Roman texts, studying algebra, trigonometry and medicine, among other sciences. Sufi means Wise. Currently the prevailing movement in Islam is the Shiite or fundamentalist movement, totally opposed to Sufism, which is tolerant, convivial and scholarly. The best commentaries on the Quran and its theology are due to Sufism, which is of Persian and Syrian origin. The Arabs who conquered Europe and Africa and spread Islam and restored the culture and knowledge of the Greco-Roman world were also responsible for us being able to have in our possession today the works of the classics that otherwise would have been lost forever.


In psychology, it is the acceptance of stimuli without using critical reasoning. It can be individual or collective, conscious or subconscious.

Telepathic suggestion

Telebúlia, transmission of will at a distance.

It is the transmission of telepathic messages at a distance. Synonym of Telebulia.


It is the previous term to define the Paranormal.

Swyburne Clymer

(1878-1966). American physician and esotericist, authority on the medicinal use of herbs. He entered The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America in 1897, where he rose to the highest ranks, later separating and founding the FRC (Fraternity Rosae Crucis) in Pennsylvania. He declared himself a disciple of Arnold Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha) and together with him he fought against the esoteric commercialism of the AMORC.


(Julio Martínez) Master of the White Lodge, adept and head of the Order of the Epoptae (Esoteric Order that functions in the internal worlds), mentioned by Master Samael in "Treatise of Occult Medicine", reincarnated in Colombia, where he resides.


Fast, close movements of various objects produced by the medium.

Paranormal phenomenon, in which a Medium causes rapid and intense movements on nearby objects.


Object endowed with a supposed supernatural power, used for the purpose of ensuring health and success. Unlike Amulets which are passive, the Talisman is active in fulfilling its goal.


Tantra, a Sanskrit word, is derived from the root Tan, which means expansion, + brings = release. Tantra means liberation through expansion of the mind. Tantra existed many thousands of years before the arrival of Sadha Shiva, in rudimentary form, coming from the natural thirst of the human being to know himself, due to the attraction that man has towards the infinite, inspired by his own soul.


What is Taoism? Is there no possible definition? Partly because our language lacks the appropriate words, but above all because its creator says so: “The Tao that can be named is not the authentic Tao.” Tentatively, it can be said, however, that it is a conception of existence, made up of philosophical, religious and mystical elements, taken from very ancient Chinese rites. Founded by Lao Tzu in the 6th century BC in China. It means Way.

Tao Te Ching

Tao means "the way", both a path and a principle of order. The word Te means virtue of character, righteousness. Ching simply means "holy book." THE Chinese symbol for Tao combines a head, representing wisdom, with the symbol for walking. A literal translation would be "follow the path of wisdom," combined with theory and praxis. Lao Tzu wrote that "Peace is the goal of the path by which no one is ever lost."


Rapid speed of language.


(prolixity of thought) Excessive and/or rapid response to any stimulus.


Deck composed of 78 cards of Egyptian origin and used for prediction.

Derived from the Italian “Tarocco”, it is a game of cards used in the arts of divination, particularly in Cartomancy. They have sculptural and artistic drawings on the back. This card game is made up of seventy-eight cards that must be divided into two parts: twenty-two of the major arcana (mystery) and fifty-six of the minor arcana.


Acronym for the technique known as Instrumental Transcommunication. It is the practice of obtaining Psychophonies through electronic magnetic recordings. The Mexican Association of TCI is based in Metepec, Toluca, State of Mexico.


Reading the ashes left when burning tree bark.


It is said of telepathic suggestion.

In parapsychology, telepathic suggestion is called that; paranormal phenomenon of affecting a recipient mind spontaneously.


Displacement of objects without observable or known physical cause.

Synonym of Telekinesis.


remote hypnotic induction.

Generate a hypnotic trance remotely or at a distance.


According to metapsychists, it was the phenomenon by which the medium was capable of moving objects at a distance by means of the emitted telergy.


Ability to tune into the minds of other entities. It has the same characteristics as clairvoyance, the highest being the one that takes place between two souls, since on that plane, no distortion is possible. Mode of communication without words on the astral and/or mental levels.

Transmission of thought at a distance.

Extrasensory perception of thought between a sender and a receiver.

Paranormal faculty of being able to transmit thoughts at a distance. It can be conscious or unconscious and spontaneous or voluntary.


Synonym of ectoplasmy. Objectification of forms.


According to metapsychists, it was the phenomenon by which the medium was capable of moving objects at a distance by means of the emitted telergy.


Paranormal faculty of causing movement or displacement of objects, without using observable or known physical means.


Search or pursuit of remote or distant electromagnetic waves. Dowsing via distance.


material, physical or psychophysical force put into play in many acts of telepathy.

For the metapsychists it was an invisible energy that the medium expelled and that could have material consistency.

Mental energy manifested at a distance. It is the psychophysical force that is generated in phenomena of Telepathy and Telekinesis.


Remote search; remote dowsing. Dowser who works on a plan, marine chart, photography, etc.


Sensitivity outside the range of the normal space of the senses.


Association of philosophical, cultural, esoteric type. Founded by Madame Blavatsky, around the teachings contained in the Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled. Monumental work dictated telepathically by the Tibetan Master at the beginning of the 19th century.

Divine wisdom. Philosophical doctrine established to enrich the knowledge of religion.


energy that causes and is responsible for fires inside a house, business, office, etc... generally caused by telergy.

Paranormal phenomenon in which small fires occur in closed places, furniture, drawers, etc., without apparent physical causes. They are generally produced by Telergía emissions.


(155-222) Gnostic Patriarch, born in Carthage. His work is one of the monuments of Latin eloquence.


in dowsing, a body of identical nature to that which is sought.


THE TETRAGRAMMATRON OR PENTAGRAM GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The pentagram expresses the domination of the spirit over the elements of Nature. With this magical sign we can command the elemental creatures that populate the regions of fire, air, water and earth. Faced with this symbol demons tremble and flee in terror. The Esoteric Pentagram with the upper point upwards serves to make the dark ones flee. The Pentagram with the tip downwards serves to call the dark ones. Placed on the threshold of the door with the upper point facing inwards and the two lower corners facing outwards, it does not allow black magicians to pass through. The Pentagram is the Flaming Star. The Pentagram is the sign of the verb made flesh. Depending on the direction of its rays, it can represent God or the devil. To the Slain Lamb or the He-Goat of Méndez. When the pentagram raises its upper ray, it represents Christ.


This magic is through which we "ask". Use ceremonial magic to invoke a being who is recognized as a protector.

Thomas (apostle)

one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Also called Didimo and celebrated for his disbelief. He preached to the Parthians, the Persians and the Indians. The teachings of the Ophitas (Gnostic sect) were taken from him and from the Gospel of the Egyptians. (Ophitas, comes from Ophis, which in Greek means: snake) It represents the Constellation of Aquarius and teaches us how to manage the Higher Mind.


Subjective sensation of ringing or ringing. Jingle.


The Human Soul TIPHERETH is the Husband of the Wife, the SUPERIOR MANAS of Eastern Theosophy, which is nothing other than the Human Soul, the Causal. It is that Soul that suffers and that gives the very human part in us. We must distinguish between what the Human Soul is and Tiphereth itself. It is very easy to confuse Tiphereth with the Causal. The Causal Body becomes the Vehicle of Tiphereth.


Means of communication of spirits through percussion or blows, sometimes imperfect, due to their slowness.

In Spiritism, this is known as the phenomena in which spirits communicate using blows or percussion.


From the Greek disturbance (thoribios), it refers to sounds and noises caused in an inexplicable way. It is synonymous with some types of Poltergeist.


Unconscious state in which mediums fall and in which paranormal manifestations can occur.

Passage from one level to another in which a change in level of sensitivity, activity and consciousness occurs.


Glorification. The first initiation of the soul, the third planetary initiation, considered by the Masters to be the first great initiation because the disciple actually becomes 'transfigured' and consciously enters the spiritual realm. The transfiguration of Jesus on the Mount symbolizes that initiation.

Phenomenon of a paranormal nature in which the subject, through trance, transforms his face.

It consists of the transformation of one's own body into another similar one but without changing the organic matter. It can be considered as a variant of Metamorphosis


Transmission or transfer of spiritual energy from higher to lower levels.


The spiritual man; the expression of the Monad; the germinal spirit that contains the potentialities of divinity, which develop in the course of evolution. This triad forms the individualized or separate self, or Ego. It consists of Atma (will), Budi (inclusive Love) and Manas (abstract mind). These energies are channeled by the Soul to the chakras of the personality.


Activity started by the Arcane School around 1950. It consists of uniting three people for a few moments of meditation, at 5 p.m. in their country, to emit positive thoughts towards humanity. Currently there are many millions of them in all countries of the world.


(Johannees Von Heidenberg, 1462-1516) German occultist, theologian and historian. Abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Sponhein. Teacher of Agrippa, Faust and Paracelsus, he gathered hermetic manuscripts and was an expert in Magic, Alchemy, Kabbalah. He was also the first major writer on Cryptography. Author of: "Of Secondary Causes."

Tsong Kha Pa

(1356-1418). Buddhist monk and Tibetan religious reformer. Around 1390 he settled in Lhasa, opposing animism and Tantrism, organizing the Geluk-pa (yellow caps) sect and establishing a rigorous monastic discipline. *Samael tells us that he was the reincarnation of Gautama Budha.

Tsong Khapa

A very high Tibetan Lama and yogi, recognized as the personification of Manjushri the Buddha of Wisdom, wrote about the Path from his own personal experience: "if one does not think about the evolution of samsara one will not know how to cut the root of samsara" .


State of confusion in which a recently disembodied spirit finds itself,


From the Latin omnipresence (ubicuitas). Supernatural ability to be in two places at the same time. Synonym of Splitting, Bilocation, etc.


Word derived from Latin that remains in the shadows (umbralitis). All phenomena of a paranormal nature occur below the “threshold”.

Uri Geller

modern mentalist, who is said to have the ability to twist metal objects with his mental strength alone.


(Valentin, ? U160) Gnostic philosopher of Egyptian origin. He attempted to synthesize the various Gnostic systems into a religious complex incorporating Platonic, Pythagorean and Stoic elements. He founded the sect of the Valentinians and is the most relevant personality of the Gnosis. The Valentin Heresy consisted of having a deeper and more transcendent knowledge than the sectarians of the Catholic Church, says Krum Heller. Like Hippolytus and others, he claimed that Jesus was a Gnostic and that therefore Catholics could not interpret the scriptures. He spoke at length about transmutation and it seems that Kabbalah derived the concept of the Ten Sephirots from him. He was the first to use the decimal system.


A fondness for the habits of vampires, supposed half-living and half-dead beings, who live at night, sleep during the day and drink the blood of other living beings to continue existing. It is linked to Lycanthropy and Hematophilia (pathological addiction to drinking blood).

Dowsing rod

Forked rod that is supposed to unconsciously sensitize the hands, this is carried out during a paranormal investigation. Created with the objective of perceiving electromagnetic waves.


Guess, predict, forecast. Make known knowledge of a future fact.


The term "veda" means wisdom and "anta", the final part of the Vedas, therefore Vedanta is defined as the culmination, the highest point of that ancient wisdom that, according to Swami Vivekananda, has no end, since It is indefinitely enriched by the spiritual laws discovered by different people at different times. It is believed that this knowledge is eternal and its origin is not due to any human being or prophet, that is, no man is at the starting point of this knowledge. It was revealed thousands of years ago to the Vedic sages (rishis). They realized and expressed what related to moral and spiritual responsibilities, to God and to the Absolute Truth.


The form by which higher beings find expression on the lower planes. The physical, astral and mental bodies, for example, form the vehicles of the soul at lower levels of the cosmic physical plane.


Energy movement. All energy vibrates at its own particular frequency. The evolutionary process progresses through an intensification of the vibrational level in response to incoming higher or lower energies.


Supernatural faculty of perceiving that which cannot be interpreted with the common senses. It is also applied to define qualities such as Telepathy or Extrasensory Perception.

Spontaneous telepathic process during which realities distant in time or space become present.


Individual with applied paranormal powers.


Flying saucer according to the Vedas. Reproductions are found in museums. It seems rather that the temples and their deities have been copied from those visions. The Vimanas moved with vril (mercury in a state of excitement). This curious metal that is not Hg. Common or quicksilver, has incredible properties when treated by alchemy. The Hindus already knew alchemy in the time of the Vedas and today the path of Kamala Inana reproduces or attempts to reproduce the entire great work based exclusively on Cinnabar (Mercury sulfide) and the secret fire.

Violet M. Firth

(Dion Fortune, 1891-1946) English occultist and author. She founded the Society of the Inner Light, based on the Western esoteric tradition (kabbalah). She has written books on occultism and fiction, such as: The Esoteric Orders and her work, * Samael recommends her work the Mystical Kabbalah.


Vipassana is one of the oldest meditation techniques in India. It was lost to humanity for centuries, and was rediscovered by Gautama the Buddha more than 2,500 years ago. Vipassana means seeing things as they really are. It is a process of self-purification through self-observation. We begin by observing natural breathing to concentrate the mind and then with heightened awareness, we proceed to observe the mutable nature of the body and mind; and the universal truths of impermanence, suffering and the lack of a permanent ego are experienced.


(Swami, n.1927). He entered the Sivananda Ashram at the age of 18, practicing yoga for 12 years. He traveled to North America in 1958, founding centers in California, the Bahamas and Canada. In 1968, he founded the True World Order, to promote world peace.

Paroptic Vision

Possibility of seeing without the help of sight, especially through ocelli on the tips of the fingers.


In Sanskrit it means "discrimination." The first step on the path of occultism. It is the discrimination between the real and the unreal, the substance and the phenomenon, the self and the non-self, between spirit and matter.


Swami Vivekananda was born in India on January 12, 1863, and died at the age of 39, on July 4, 1902. He was considered the prophet of the eternal universal religion of humanity. He grew up Hindu, but had a Western education, which was common among India's privileged classes. He graduated from the University of Calcutta, and came under the influence of the Brahama Samaj before meeting Ramakrishna in 1882. Swami Vivekananda declared himself to be a formless voice. He is the voice of the Eternal Truth, the Supreme. He was considered by many devotees around the world, one of the noblest manifestations of God on Earth.

Vivekananda (swami)

(Narendranath Datta, 1869-1902) Vedantist philosopher, author and Indian lecturer, direct disciple of Ramakrishna and disseminator of his thought, through the Ramakrishna Mission that he founded in 1897. He toured Europe and America on a doctrinal mission as a notable speaker, author of numerous works on Vedanta and Yoga. * Master Samael tells us that he has been one of the people who has developed the greatest control over his mind.

Von Helmont

(Jean Baptiste, 1577-1644). Alchemist. Belgian doctor and scientist. Ardent defender of Paracelsian chemistry, doctor and cabalist. He declined royal appointments and lived in seclusion dedicated to his hermetic and cinematic studies, writing various works. It has been assumed that he is related to the Rosicrucians. * He is mentioned in Gnostic works in relation to the alchemical transmutation of metals.

Von Uxcul

Krum Heller calls him "The Great Baltic Initiate", he has lived in America and Europe.

direct voice

It is the phenomenon of perceiving the voices of the dead, without apparent physical means to manifest themselves. Synonym of Pneumatophonia.


Paranormal faculty of interpreting foreign or unknown languages. Synonym of Glosolalia.

Faculty, possible in certain unconscious states, that allows speaking foreign languages ​​without having learned them.


Divination art, using wood.


Mexican god of Music, flowers and love, husband of Xochiquetzal. He is a grand master of the White Lodge


Word of Arabic origin, which defines a subject who practices Dowsing.


It is a unique blend of philosophies and idiosyncrasies from three different cultures. It is a typically Japanese way of life, yet it reflects the mysticism of India, the love of naturalness and spontaneity of Taoism, and the deep pragmatism of the Confucian mind. Despite its special character, Zen is purely Buddhist in its essence since its objective is neither more nor less than that of Buddha: achieving enlightenment, an experience known in Zen as satori.

Abbreviation for Meditation in Japanese. It is a dogma or religious doctrine, aimed at the awakening of the absolute.


See Zener Cards.

Zoroaster (Zarathustra, 5th century BC)

Mythical prophet, great reformer of the Persian religion, whose figure has been wrapped in an aura of legend. It is not possible to historically reconstruct his life and the main biographical source of him is the Zend Avesta, the sacred book of Zoroastrianism. He is esoterically considered a great legislator, bearer of a divine mission as founder of the Cult of Fire and magism. He incarnated the Cosmic Christ.