
Johannes Georgius Sabellicus Faustus Junior Hidelbergensis, a magician who, apparently, was born in 1480 in the city of ”Kundalingen”, Germany and his story has become a legend throughout the world. He was an individual who obtained magic from him through a pact signed with the Devil in the city of Prague around the year 1515. The pact lasted 24 years, at the end of which he died inexplicably in an inn in Werthenberg ( Germany). His friends found his remains scattered throughout the room.

(Johann, ? U1541) One of the most mysterious esoteric personalities of the Middle Ages. Tradition tells us that he was a disciple of Abbot Trithemius and a fellow student of Paracelsus and Agrippa, being one of the greatest magicians in history. Goethe was inspired by him for his novel "Faust." *The Master describes him to us as a Great Magician and Master of the White Lodge.

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