
It is a very high state of consciousness. It is the “place” where the Will of God is known. It is the “place” where our monad or what is known in Christianity as the Father in heaven, which is the true SELF, manifests. In Shamballa the evolution of all the kingdoms of the Planet is followed with great care. From that Center, laws are decreed that take advantage of planetary positions and other cycles. All Members meet every 100 years or in critical conditions of humanity. There is stored a copy of everything that humanity has been building throughout its evolution, all the books in the world, animals of all species, etc. It is the most important energy center on the planet. It was located above the Gobi Desert, in the higher etheric planes. For some nations it is in the West and for others in the East and still for others in the north or south. From him and through him flows the Force of Shamballa - the energy of Will or Purpose. It corresponds to the chakra or crown center. The city of the Gods.

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