Arnold Krumm-Heller

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  3. Arnold Krumm-Heller

(Guru Huiracocha, 1876-1949). German occultist and doctor. He acted in more than twenty esoteric movements, including the Ordo Templis Orientis and the A.A., Master Mason with degrees 3, 33, 96, titled as Sovereign Commander of the Ancient Rosigruce Fraternity (F.R.A., which he himself founded) and Archbishop of the Gnostic Church. He is one of the most prominent figures in Modern Occultism. Works: Biorhythm, Tatwameter, Esoteric Rose, Zodiacal Course, Sacred Plants, Rosicrucian Novel, etc. * Master Samael tells us about Master Huiracocha in many of his works, describing the great gifts of this sublime Master.

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