
CHOKMAH - Wisdom "The Second Path is called the Illuminating Intelligence. It is the Crown of Creation, the Splendor of Unity, equalizing it. It is exalted above every head, and is called by the Kabbalists the Second Glory."

The Cosmic Christ The CHOKMAH of the Hebrew Kabbalah is the Cosmic Christ, the Christus, the Vishnu of the Hindustanis. The 2nd Logos, Chokmah, is Love, the Agnus Dei, the Slain Lamb, is the Fire itself that burns in all Creation since the beginning of the world for our salvation. It is Fire and lies at the bottom of all organic and inorganic matter. SOLAR ENERGY is Astral Light. Its essence is the Christonic Power enclosed in the fertilizing pollen of the flower, in the heart of the fruit of the tree, in the internal secretion glands of the animal and man. In men, its main seat is in the tailbone. The Aztecs called this Sacred Power: "The Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl", which only awakens and ascends to our Pineal Gland through Love Magic and the merits of the heart.

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