Joan of Arc

(1412-1431?) French heroine, born in Domieny, of humble origins and great piety. Apparitions of Saint Clare, Saint Michael and Saint Catherine encouraged him to save France, then occupied by the English. At the head of an army she liberated Orleans and defeated the English at Patay. She had Charles VIII crowned in Reims and laid siege to Paris, but she had to renounce her enterprise, by order of the King himself, abandoned, perhaps, treacherously by her own people, she fell into the power of her enemies, who declared her guilty of " Heresy" and was condemned to die at the stake.*Master Samael tells us that Joan of Arc was a Great Alchemist and Resurrected Master, who after being burned, rebuilt her body from the ashes and still lives, along with other resurrected ones in the Bohemian Germany Temple.

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