Name given to Gautama. Born in India around 620 BC. During the full moon of Taurus, within the Sakya Family. Legend says that he attained the rank of Buddha in 592 BC. The Buddha, the "Enlightened One", has reached the highest initiatory degree that man can obtain in this planetary system. He is currently an ambassador of the Solar Logos to the Logos of Sirius. He holds the 9th planetary initiation. (VBA) he will soon give up “his garments” to the Christ and will no longer be linked to the Earth (MT).

In metaphysics, it is the maximum spiritual state and absolute enlightenment. In Southeast Asia, the divine manifestation of the one god is known as this, based on Hinduism.

(Sidharta Gautama Sakyamuni, 563-483 BC) Indian prince, founder of Buddhism. The thought of death and pain led him to an asceticism of years. He then intuited, as a consequence of his "Great Enlightenment", the "Middle Way", between the affirmation of life and one's own mortification, enumerating the "Four Noble Truths", the basic thought of his doctrine that gave rise to it. to Buddhism. His figure has a particular radiance of humanity and dignity that has earned universal admiration and his teachings as an extraordinary Spiritual Master, causing him to be called "The Light of Asia." He left no works, but his teachings were picked up by his disciples. He incarnated the Cosmic Christ. Tradition has it that on his deathbed at the age of 80, one of his disciples asked him: "Master, what will we do without you now?" to which he replied: "One day, when the darkness and ignorance, cover the world, a new Buddha will come, Maitreya!, and will teach the world the same truth that I have taught you.

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