Aleister Crowley

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  3. Aleister Crowley

(1875-1947) Irish Occultist. Called Master Therion, he was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientis, founding in 1905 his own group, the Astrum Argenteom. A strange and multifaceted personality, miracle-working powers were attributed to him as well as the practice of pagan rites, ritual murders, etc., which made him the most contested personality in esoteric circles. He presumed to identify with the Beast of the Apocalypse. At the beginning of this century, on a trip to Egypt with his wife Rose Kelly, he received, through an entity that identified itself as his Holy Guardian Angel, called Aiwass, what would be the guide book of the pseudo-esoteric current that Crowley founded (the Thelemite current, from Thelema = will) the Liber Alvel Legis or Book of the Law, Author of: Magick, (containing his gospel for humanity), 777, etc.

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