Dalai Lama

From old Mongolian terms, meaning “Vast Ocean”, it represents the temporary spiritual guide of Tibet Buddhism.

(Mughal: the vast ocean). Spiritual and temporal sovereign of Tibet. In Lamaism he is considered the incarnation of Chen-re-zi or Avalokiteswara. It is believed that upon death he is reincarnated almost immediately and oracles, omens and other means are used to discover the child in which he has reincarnated. After numerous tests, the new Dalai-lama is left in the hands of the priests, who educate him with extreme rigor. The thirteenth Dalai Lama died in 1933 and the fourteenth was inaugurated in 1939 (this is the current Dalai Lama, who had to flee Tibet due to the Chinese-Communist invasion of 1959). *Samael tells us that the Dalai Lama is a great adept of the White Lodge.

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