
Faculty of seeing in the subtle planes. There are two types. Astral clairvoyance or the astral or emotional plane, which is perceived through the solar plexus and causal clairvoyance or the level of the soul. It is perceived through the third eye, the chakra located between the eyes. With this higher clairvoyance, one can perceive the attributes of the soul, the initiations, the permanent atoms, the karma of the bodies, etc.

Natural or acquired psychic power of being able to see through dense matter without obstacles of distance or time. Paranormal mode of knowledge.

Rare ability to receive information through extrasensory means, of facts or objective events independently of another possible transmitting mind.

Extrasensory perception of objects or future events.

From Latin clear (clarus) and see (videre). In parapsychology, this is the name given to the paranormal perception of hidden, distant, remote images or in cases of prediction of objective events as well. It differs from Telepathy because only one mind participates in the procedure.

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