Helena Petronila Blavatsky

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  3. Helena Petronila Blavatsky

(Helena Petrovna Hann Fadeel de Blavatsky, 1831-1891) (H.P.B.; Madame Blavatsky) Russian occultist, theosophist and author of a notable and eventful life. She made numerous trips around the world, founding the Theosophical Society in 1875 in New York with Henry S. Olcott and others. In short, she was the messenger who, through her works: Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine, the Voice of the Silence, etc., transmitted important esoteric knowledge to Western culture and testified to the presence on earth of a Hidden Hierarchy formed by Masters of Wisdom. *The Master tells us wonders about the Great Master, recommends the study of all her works, especially "The Secret Doctrine" and tells us that the Master has been reincarnated in the city of New York this time with a male body and that she will fulfill a Great Mission.

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