soul note

This fifth method, although not as common, is known by some. By the sound the aspirant realizes the success. The aspirant follows his usual meditation formula; He perseveres day after day, studies, on the three planes, the work that he must carry out; He continually raises his vibration and makes the necessary effort, uniting all inner effort with the outer life of loving service. In some meditation he will suddenly become aware of a musical note, which seems to resonate within the head or emanate from the heart. It will not be evoked by the intonation of the Sacred Word (Om), which when emitted by man in a certain key can provoke a musical response from the Ego, but will come as a result or culmination of meditation, and the sound of the note will vibrate within of the center so clearly that it will never be forgotten. This also indicates success. He has made contact with the Master and He has responded by emitting the tone of man's own Ego. This has actually resulted in the portal's custodian routinely responding to the alleged contender for the group's mysteries. When the work is properly done, the aspirant will intone the word of admission in his own key or tone, trying to give the note that will evoke the Ego. The custodian will respond and intone the response in the same sonorous and full tone, and thus, with the power of sound, will link the man with the Master who will preside over the ceremonies. This brings each member of the group - through her own efforts and the third factor, the custodian - into harmony with the Master. In time this will be better understood and a constant effort will be made to keep the note reverberating between those who enter and the custodians of the Threshold. (Tibetan Master)

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