
Aromatherapy has been present in all civilizations of the ancient world, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to Greece and Rome, where its value was equivalent to that of gold and precious stones. Just think about the magic of capturing an aroma, perpetuating it and anointing our body with it. Its application is through essential oils or natural aromatic essences with the aim of achieving well-being and preventing diseases that affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Since they volatilize at room temperature, essential oils act by intensely stimulating the sense of smell, which is 200 times stronger than taste. Its extraction is carried out through distillation and cold pressing, so its concentration is extremely high; For example, five tons of rose petals are required to produce 1 liter of essential oil from this flower, or one ton of jasmine for each liter. The physical properties of essential oils are their volatility and diffusion. In general, if they are left in contact with air they evaporate completely. In 1800, a French perfumer classified essences based on the scale of notes, taking the musical staff as a reference: high, medium and low. The high note is the fastest to evaporate, it has an immediate effect on the body, soul and spirit and the low note has a relaxing effect, lasting longer. The chemical properties of essential oils depend on the presence of the active ingredients, such as alcohols that have antiseptic and toning properties; aleids that have sedative and antiseptic properties; esters with fungicidal and sedative properties; ketones, which help balance mucus secretion; terpenes, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Therefore, essential oils have some of the following therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antibacterial, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative, toning, rebalancing, purifying, antirheumatic and aphrodisiac, among others. The effectiveness of essential oils is due to the fact that their absorption through the skin is excellent and through the lymphatic system, they reach all organs. Through inhalations, they first achieve an effect on the nerve cells that precede smell and through breathing they reach the blood and organs. For proper conservation, essential oils must be stored in amber glass bottles, due to their sensitivity to temperature and light. They should never be left within the reach of children. NOTE: We must always go to the doctor.

This is the name given to the new science of healing through aromas.

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