Rudolph Steiner

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  3. Rudolph Steiner

(1861-1925) Theosophist, disciple of H.P. Blavatsky. When Mrs. Besant affirmed that Khrisnamurty was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, he separated from the Theosophical Society, forming a fraternity which he called the General Anthroposophical Society, for the teaching and dissemination of Anthropology (study of the mysteries and wisdom of man). . The size of his work is immense, he instituted the so-called Waldorf schools, for the cultural and intellectual development of its members, he created Biodynamic Agriculture gardens, where he applied esoteric science to cultivation. He taught and practiced Esoteric Architecture, which he embodied for the first time in the headquarters of his institution, the "Gothenaum", in honor of Goethe, located in Switzerland. A student of all facets of human knowledge, he is considered one of the greatest occultists of this century. Works: The Philosophy of Freedom, Theosophy, Occult Science, etc. * The Master refers to him as "Powerful Enlightened Clairvoyant" "The Great German Initiate" and also tells us that his works are wells of profound esoteric wisdom.

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