
Alchemy is not only about carrying out the great work (work of the Sun) (turning metals into gold) but it demonstrates that the mineral principles are alive and have memory and the ability to react. The operation is something else and sometimes it is inseparable from chemistry to obtain certain compounds (PHILOSOPHICAL SULFUR PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY AND SALT OF THE PHILOSOPHERS.

Transmutation of poor metals into gold. Search for the Philosopher's Stone, source of eternal youth.

It is the management of the theses and practices of the ancient chemists, who promoted modern chemistry. It was developed for mystical and philosophical purposes, as well as to cure some illnesses.

Occult science born in the first centuries of our Era, widely practiced in the Middle Ages and which, later, gave birth to chemistry. Its mystique of naturalistic and transformist contents was united in the art of transmuting metals into gold using a magical element called the Philosopher's Stone. Alchemy finds its esoteric apogee in the hermetic doctrine of the Ars Magna or Royal Art, the basis of the occult ideologies of the Renaissance.

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