Allan Kardec

(Hipollyte Leon Denizard Rivail, 1804-1869). French spiritualist and pedagogue. Pestalozzi collaborator. He worked as a teacher and since 1865 he dedicated himself to the dissemination and codification of the Spiritist doctrine. He founded the Revue Spirite and the Societe Parisienne d’Etudes Spirites. His work Le livre d' sprits (the Book of Spirits) became the basic text of spiritualism, which he configured into a coherent philosophical-moral doctrinal system. His personality occupies an exceptional place within the spiritualism of all times. * Samael studied his works, as did Krumm-Heller and both found elements that helped them in their search for the truth, however, they did not share the processes of mediumship, both qualifying them as Black Magic.

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