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  2. Esoteric glossary
  3. Tetragrammaton

THE TETRAGRAMMATRON OR PENTAGRAM GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The pentagram expresses the domination of the spirit over the elements of Nature. With this magical sign we can command the elemental creatures that populate the regions of fire, air, water and earth. Faced with this symbol demons tremble and flee in terror. The Esoteric Pentagram with the upper point upwards serves to make the dark ones flee. The Pentagram with the tip downwards serves to call the dark ones. Placed on the threshold of the door with the upper point facing inwards and the two lower corners facing outwards, it does not allow black magicians to pass through. The Pentagram is the Flaming Star. The Pentagram is the sign of the verb made flesh. Depending on the direction of its rays, it can represent God or the devil. To the Slain Lamb or the He-Goat of Méndez. When the pentagram raises its upper ray, it represents Christ.

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