Hermeticism. TREATY VI

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  3. Hermeticism. TREATY VI

That in God alone is Good and nowhere else is it. 1. The Good, O Asclepius, is not in anyone but only in God, or rather let us say that God himself is eternally the Good. This being so, then, the Good will be the reality of all movement and all evolution, - since nothing and no one is deprived of reality - a reality that, in itself, has an energy without deficiencies and without excesses, very full, providing, also existing in the root of all things. Therefore when I say that it provides good, I understand that it is good in everything and always. But this does not correspond to anyone but God alone, because he lacks nothing, nor is he perverted by the desire to possess, because there is nothing of the totality that He can lose and whose loss saddens Him - because sadness is a part of the evil -, nor is anything stronger than Him nor can it be His enemy - nothing can subject Him to injury - and nothing can excite His appreciation or provoke His irritation through disobedience, nor can anyone provoke Him to jealousy for being wiser than Him.

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