Apollonius of Tyana

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  3. Apollonius of Tyana

(D. in 97 BC) Neoplatonic philosopher and Greek miracle worker, the greatest figure of magic in Classical Antiquity. The biography of him written by Filostrato narrates his miracles, which made him a pagan equivalent of Christ. He declared himself preceptor of humanity, visited the temples, corrected customs and preached the reform of all abuses. He was accused of magic and locked up in a dungeon where, after humiliating him by cutting his hair and beard, they chained him. He was banished and died shortly after. But after his death they paid him divine honors. He possessed the gift of Clairvoyance very developed. *The Master mentions it repeatedly and in Gnostic esotericism his "Twelve Hours of Apollonius" are well known, which represent the stages of Initiation.

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