Nancy Ann Tappe

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  3. Nancy Ann Tappe

Nancy Ann Tappe has been working along the path of parapsychology for 25 years. She majored in theology and philosophy in college and is now an ordained minister. She is known throughout the USA, Canada and parts of Europe and Asia for her candid insight into people and how we can better understand ourselves, as well as others. She began her studies of color and the human aura during her exploration of humanity. For three years she worked defining and interpreting the aura herself, and she quickly discovered that she had the rare gift of "seeing" auras—and she was fanatical about how to make this make sense. To test the information she was intuitively receiving, she contacted a San Diego psychiatrist. With her cooperation, tests were done on hundreds of patients and volunteers, using the theory she was receiving. They worked for nine years, until she was convinced that she was right. Nancy Ann then taught at San Diego State University in the experimental college. Today she continues to lecture, teach and consult around the world.

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