Ideas act as a refuge, an escape; ideas that have become beliefs naturally prevent complete living, complete action, right thinking. You can only think rightly, live intelligently and freely, when there is increasingly broader and deeper self-knowledge. We cultivate the mind by making it more and more ingenious, more and more subtle, more cunning, less sincere and more devious and incapable of facing the facts. Only when the mind does not seek stimuli in any form, whether external or internal, can it be completely still and free; and creation exists only in that freedom. Only when the mind is free from the desire to become something, to obtain a result, and therefore is free from fear, can it be in a state of complete stillness and silence. Only then is that creativity that is reality itself possible. J.Krishnamurti

Intellectual power of the soul that encompasses designs, thoughts, purposes and will.

This is what is known as the intellectual faculty of the spirit or soul, which includes three different parts: the will, the purposes and the thought.

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