
Doctrine that is based on a philosophical, scientific and moral background, that the human being is made up of three elements: body, spirit and a link called perispirit. Parapsychology studies spiritualism in depth, especially those mediums with physical effects.

Religion and philosophy born in the middle of the last century from the phenomena produced by the Fox sisters. Its great theorist was Allan Kardec, author of numerous books on the subject. It is a humanist belief, defending the existence of the afterlife, of communication with disembodied entities/spirits, which maintain spiritual, psychic and physical ties with humans through mediums. They currently form cultural centers, federations of associates and places of work and spiritist research.

Religion born in the middle of the last century according to which the souls of the dead have the possibility of communicating with the living through a medium. With a certain Taoist similarity, they consider the real existence of spirits and their capacity for materialization.

It is the name of a doctrine governed by the existence of life after death and the possibility of communicating with the dead. Philosophical, scientific or moralistic movement or sect, within whose practices man can come into contact with the dead through Mediums, that is, people who serve as a medium or intermediary with Spirits or those who are already deceased. Movement that emerged in the mid-19th century, named after the French researcher Allan Kardec, in 1857.

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