Simon the Magician

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  3. Simon the Magician

magician from the city of Samaria who, knowing the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, offered them money to buy his secrets and thus be able to perform miracles. Saint Peter rebuked him, making his behavior ugly, to which Simon responded with humility or fear that he did not want to be punished by his God. He then was educated and supposedly was one of the founders of Gnosticism. According to Krum-Heller there are many authors who in recent years have taken data from Simón. He preached ideal love and the obligation to combat carnal voluptuousness. When he died, divine honors were paid to him. * HPB, I consider him a great teacher like Krum Heller, but Dante in his divine comedy sees him in one of the hells. Samael invoked him in the internal worlds and was able to verify that Simon the Magician is actually a black magician who is the antithesis of Simon Peter.

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