
Michel de Nostre-Dame was born on Thursday, December 14, 1503, at noon in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. He pursued studies in Astrology, Kabalah and Alchemy. He died being highly appreciated by royalty due to his clairvoyant gifts, on July 2, 1566, in Salon. The day before he had predicted his death: "Tomorrow," he told his disciple Chavigny, "tomorrow you will no longer see me alive in the rising sun." The first three Centurias of his prophecies came to light in May 1555, plus fifty-four quatrains of the fourth, since Nostradamus's prophecies are presented written in verse and in the form of quatrains. These quatrains, grouped in blocks of one hundred, form the Centurias. He wrote a total of 12 Centurias, each of which has 100 verse quatrains, with the exception of the VII, which has forty-two; of the XI, which consists of two; and the XII, which consists of eleven.

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