Feng Shui

It means “Wind and Water”. It is an oriental art, focused on creating physical and spiritual harmony, by modifying the environment.

The art of harmonious distribution According to the ancient Chinese, position and orientation in space are of the utmost importance. The location of our residence, workplace, and the objects and possessions we surround ourselves with can affect our attitude and even our psyche. Chinese folklore and mythology teach us that these influences shape a person's behavior and outlook toward positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable, harmonious or harmful. The Chinese folk art of arranging objects to promote harmony and good luck is called Feng Shui. This ancient knowledge enables us to seek peace and new growth through our relationship with the objects around us, placing them so that people (Man), the environment (Earth) and the spirit (Sky) form an alliance. harmonious for progress. There are similar ideas in the Western tradition that are sometimes called “geomancy.” The Chinese word Feng means wind, and Shui means water. The phrase “wind and water” symbolizes “the wind rising to the top of a mountain” and “the water rising to its summit,” which together guide a person's attitudes and actions toward success. The origins of feng shui lie in ancient astronomy, geographical knowledge, Chinese folk wisdom, Taoist cosmology and philosophy, and the divination system of the Yijing (the classical Chinese text also known as the I Ching, or Book of Change). . The ancient Chinese understood these issues well. Their long history and accumulated cultural experience provided them with a unique folk tradition and spirituality that accepted and appreciated such knowledge. These special ingredients generated the fundamental concept of Feng Shui that arranging objects in favorable positions would cause mysterious celestial forces to align with people or things on Earth, bringing good luck to intelligent practitioners of this art.

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